Saturday, June 12, 2004


from my mail box
corrections by my eagle eyed correspondent in Denmark

Godparents are usually relatives)

I dont agree on 'usually', just as often friends or some influential person in the parish
[I have found several foster parents turning up as "grand parents" at confirmations
- in a time with no contraception the Danes coped well with illegitimate children
- BASTARDS as the hard nosed english genealogists love to say
- especially in the working classes where 14 year old girls were sent away from home to start work with the usual consequences

OK OK skuffebarn and other rude words were used but they were not as institutionised as in England in the same period which led to the sorry story of the British Home Children. Children were workers and an asset.

These ex-house maids with children often married eventually after living at home again with their mothers, and their children took their step fathers surname.

In the church books the mothers may be called
En kvinde, som har fået barn uden for ægteskab.

not to be confused with offentligt fruentimer or prostitutes

Skuffebarn. Barn, som en ugift moder anonymt havde lagt i en kasse opstillet ved Frederikshospitalet (Fødselsstiftelsen) i København s glossary in Danish]

1. pre 1660 - divided into FIEF/LEN, headed by nobleman (Fief Accounts) [I would say land owners]

2. 1660-on - by Amter, headed by Amtmand (perfect appointed by king)

not perfect but prefect

5. STRADSRETTEN (City Court) - 1771-on, Copenhagen


Offentlige fruentimmer: "Bestemmelser ang. offentlige Fruentimmer i Odense"
rules for prostitutes in Oense from 1866 revision of 1884 in Rigsarkivet

still one of my favourite Danish pages
along with the green cabbage one Sønderjydsk grønlangkål
Google Search: Grønkål

It seems to have gone missing along with the picture of the children by the dannebrog decked long stalked green cabbage in use as a poor man's christmas tree

The cabbage conserved by boiling - in a bath !
until mushy and moulded into tennis ball sized lumps which were dried.

then served as party food when reheated

google said:-
Did you mean: offentligt frauenzimmer
helt enkelt en benämning på kvinnornas rum
the women's room
Google Search: frauenzimmer

Google Search: ""Preußens FrauenZimmer"

links to the nunnery museum
kloheilgrabe1: "Zisterzienserinnenklosters vom Mittelalter bis zum 20.Jahrhundert nacherzählen."


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