Thursday, August 11, 2005

origins of a name - Hingston of Penryn

Richard Hingston of Penryn: "The name of Hingston, often spelt Hingeston or Hengiston, is probably of territorial origin, as in The Close Rolls. Temp Edward I. Vol.2. f.625.A.D.1887 we find that a Hugh of Hingeston owed the Bishop of Bath and wells the sum of 20 marks, for land in Sussex.
It does not follow that Hugh had any connection with Holdeton (sic), it simply shows that he was the possessor of landed property at a period when surnames were unknown.
After an interval of almost two centuries, we find in The Inquisition Post Mortem, Henry VII. F.443, that a yeoman named Robert Hingston died on the 28th of January 1488. He was survived by his wife Margaret and succeeded by his son John, who at the time of his father's death was over twelve years of age. The land he inherited included '6 furlings' in Layston, worth 20/- held of Margaret Countess of Richmond, as of the manor of Holbeton, by fealty only for all services; a tenement in Kyngebrigge worth 3/4, held of the Abbot of Buckfast by fealty (???)
It is probable that the above mentioned John was the progenitor of the Hingston of Scotscombe who trace their descent from Andrew who died in 1623. "


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