Friday, December 16, 2005

Rasmus Karl Therkelsen Gottlieb AKA Karl Dane

Christmas trees were for sale outside the LAK archives and
see "Rasmus Karl Therkelsen" Gottlieb - Google Groups for how this started

click to enlarge his birth and baptism record
which is also online at Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline

Rasmus Karl Therkelsen Gottlieb was born on 12 October 1886 in a second floor apartment at Thüresensgade 23 in the parish of Skt Johannes sogn, Sokkerlund herred, Kjøbenhavn (København or Copenhagen, Denmark) and he was baptised on 10 April 1887 when
he was presented by his parents and Mrs Fru Petrine ?Rasmussen?

His father was glovemaker handskemager Rasmus Marius Gottlieb and his mother was Anne Kathrine Simonsen age 21, and they were married. gift

today Turesensgade 23 II, 1368 København K.

lægdsrullerne fra Staden København, står i Landsarkivets selvbetjeningsmagasin - are on the open shelves,
and there is an index register of all boys born in 1886 when they were 14 years old and registered in 1900 for conscription to defend Denmark

this gave me Rasmus Karl Therkelsen Gottlieb's number 1814 which led me to his military service record

snaps with my cell phone cam
names, date of birth

the tiny writing is changes of address

his father's occupation and name as above


Skt Joh.
which enabled me to find him in the church book

the abreviations show which units he served in

the red numbers show the dates that he was caught up in the general mobilisation for the defence of neutral Denmark in WW1
6 August 1914 to 31 May 1915

It should be possible to find him on a ships list between June 1915 and
his first film in 1917 or 1918

Actor - filmography Wikipedia

"karl dane" - Google Search

and note the missing "r" "Rasmus Karl Thekelsen" Gottlieb - Google Search a good example of how mistakes get mindlessly duplicated on the web.

He shot himself 15 April 1934

His parents in the 1885 danish census

All persons in the household
kbhv, København (Staden), Badstuestræde, Kjøbenhavn, ,

Badstuestræde 8, forhus 2den sal, 5, FT-1885

Following fields are shown: Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Rasmus Marius Gottlieb, 25, Gift, , handskemagersvend, Horsens
Anna Cathrine Gottlieb, 26, Gift, , , Aarhus

he is a journeyman glovemaker

so the search goes to Jutland . . .


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