Monday, May 04, 2009

Forensic Genealogy

Interview With Forensic Genealogist Colleen Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. » The Genetic Genealogist: "Colleen Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. is one of the most recognizable names in the field of forensic genealogy. She has authored two books entitled Forensic Genealogy and DNA & Genealogy, and continues to make headlines in this fascinating field. Here is just an excerpt from her biography, located at her website:

“Colleen Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., is the author of two of the best-selling books in genealogy. Forensic Genealogy has been widely recognized for its innovative forensic science approach to genealogical research. She has been featured on NPR’s Talk of the Nation radio program (July 2005), and has written cover articles for Internet Genealogy (June 2006), Family Tree Magazine (April 2006) and Family Chronicle (October 2005). Colleen writes a regular column for Ancestry magazine.”"

Forensic Genealogist Colleen Fitzpatrick - Google Search

Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Blog: Reminder: Get Your Registration In to Hear Colleen Fitzpatrick: "Kootenai County Genealogical Society & The Family History Store
Colleen Fitzpatrick, PhD - Forensic Genealogist

Come join us - May 30, 2009

Friends Church
251 West Miles Avenue - Hayden, Idaho"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved Colleen's book on forensic genealogy! I've been doing genealogy research for a long time, and thought I knew most of the advanced search techniques out there, but her book taught me several things I'd never even considered! It was fascinating, and a must-read for anyone who wants to learn some really advanced research techniques that can help them expand their research.

Stephanie at the Irish Genealogical Research blog

4:15 am  

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