Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Hyde Park Family History Centre London England

What a day !

bus - then train Chiltern Trains to Marylebone

the old Great Central Railway Station

got a zone 1 and 2 travel pass out of the machine (paid by credit card)

and blithely went through the "turn stile "

ticket gate
is the proper term

shock horror only the up escalator worked

down escalaotor to the left

has been broken more than two years

So in connection with my diet the day before I had begun "stair training" where I live, walked down 7 flights up ten and three back down there to my flat . . that's my apartment in USA speak.

So rather than turn back I did it !

well it took nearly an hour to get to South Ken.
and a long walk through the "tunnel of knowledge"

to the science musuem : "There's even a long pedestrian tunnel to trudge along if it's raining"

then over the road and up the only elevator on this journey to the second floor of 54-68 Exhibition Road


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