Saturday, May 01, 2004

getting email to gmail

The conversation has been labeled "gmail new "
the thingy uses labels instead of folders

then the filters of incoming mail attach labels

Gmail Invites
Can you please help me to set a gmail account

I was wondering if you had been given any gmail invites to share with people.
I have been searching for days now with no luck and no invite. If you would
be kind enough to send one my way I would be happy to compensate in some way,
shape or form. thanks.

my answer SORRY :-
become a blogger

only 1000 beta testers
released seen on the web
so I hope you are in time
a do it yourself blog on laptop fixing might be good for example :-)

your daily troubles

google gmail

also site search for gmail


Hugh W

I am a blogger but I havnt received an invite from them yet..^Å^

oh dear

log on to the site to edit your blog by hand - or change the template
there is a button on the right above the list of blogs (5 in my case)

I have emailed them from the gmail page in google site somewhere first
I use the google tool bar and do many searches which they are allowed to track

or I just got lucky

Hugh W


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