Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Peter Higginbotham,

www.workhouses.org.uk - The Workhouse Web Site: "I offer talks on various aspects of the workhouse e.g.:

* Gruelling Experiences - three centuries of the workhouse [tailored to your location]
* Chocolate, Cheese Cake, and Nettles - the story of workhouse food.
* Workhouse Waifs - children and the poor law
* Bastiles and Pauper Palaces - the architecture of the workhouse
* Down and Out in Victorian and Edwardian Britain - spikes, sit-ups and doss-houses
* The Poorhouses of Scotland"

April 15th, 7.30pmNewport Pagnell Historical Society, Chandos Hall Silver Street Newport Pagnell.
April 17th, 10.45amProbus Club, Witney Leisure Centre.
April 29th, 7.15 for 7.45pmBerkshire Family History Society, United Reformed Church, William Street, Windsor.
October 23rd, 1.10pmMuseum in Docklands, West India Quay, London E14 4AL .V

Attention Local/Family History and other groups in YORKSHIRE!
I'm shortly moving to Leeds/Ilkley area and am now taking bookings for talks for Autumn 2008 onwards. For more information:

"Peter Higginbotham" - Google Search


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