Sunday, August 26, 2007

R1b Testing

R1b Testing seems to be here to stay

but "Scottish, Norse Viking and other surnames" has alarm bells ringing

there are no old norse or viking surnames
there are patronymics
see my own Danish personal names and naming FAQ

In 1526 King Frederik the first , *1471 + 1533 and King of Denmark and Norway 1523-1533, ordered the old noble families to use fixed family names

- påbød alle gamle adelsslægter at føre et fast slægtsnavn. .

Slægtshistorisk Forening, Århus - nyhedsbrev nr. 54

Gyldenstjerne, Sparre, Bjælke, Ulfstand, Marsvin, Oxe, Høg, Munk, Hvid were heraldic symbols found on the family's coat of arms.
The priest used latinised names Pontoppidan (from Broby), Paludan (from Kærby), Lacoppidan (from Søby),etc

At this time less than 20% of Danes lived in towns but the new middle class merchants and tradesmen were the next to adopt surnames.
1660-61 the King became an absolute monarch until the 1848 abolition of absolutism, and in June 1849 Denmark's first liberal Constitution was signed.

in Denmark Name Laws of 1828, 1856 and 1904 slowly but finally ended the age old patronymic system

AND :-

Those Norwegian names, tips for the "online" researcher: "The 'first name' was from ancient times and up till about 100 years ago the name of the person. You did not have a surname in the way we have nowadays. The old vikings believed that the child would achieve qualities and protection from what they were named after, like animals and weapons. The old norse names originally consisted of two components, a prefix and a suffix."

Dr. David K. W. Faux, Vice-President and Operations Manager, is a medical scientist and a registered forensic psychologist whose clinical work involves international medical and psychological assessments.

David is presently a tenured faculty member at East Los Angeles College. His PhD is in medical science from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - where his ancestors have lived for 225 years.

As a tribute to his maternal roots, David established and manages the Shetland Islands mtDNA and Y-DNA Project. Genealogy has been his passion for over 30 years.

DAVID K. W. FAUX - Google Search

shetlandislandsY-DNA: "the goal of this project is to explore the rich cultural heritage of the Shetland Islands by discovering the paternal Y Chromosome DNA signatures associated with each of the Scottish, Norse Viking, and other surnames that have been associated with the region since the 19th Century or earlier; and discover the mitochondrial DNA patterns linked to the maternal lineages of the Islands back through the earliest days of settlement.

A second objective is to use both the DNA and genealogical evidence to help Shetlanders find answers to questions about their ancestry such as whether all Hughsons are related; and if so, who was their most recent common ancestor, and when and where did this person live? Thirdly, it is hoped that the data emerging from the present inquiry will shed light on the apparent migration of people from Central Asia to Scanadnavia and ultimately Shetland prior to the Viking era; and also provide evidence as to whether the native Pictish people survived the Viking 'settlement' in the 9th Century."


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