Funen Denmark
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Hvad jeg så og hørte i England april, maj og juni 1905.
Rejseskildring af landbrugslærer Emil Konradi, Ladelund pr. Brørup [Verdens første kontrolassistent].
Originalmanuskript tilhører datteren Karen Larsen, Ladelundsvej 91, Malt ved Vejen. Lånt 1.9. 1995. HN]
Efter at have forsynet mig med engelske penge i Esbjerg Fanø Bank - jeg fik to anvisninger på en London bank samt nogle guldstykker 18.17 øre for hvert pund sterling - gik jeg ombord i N.J. Fjord sammen med 10 andenklasses passagerer og 150 3 klasses mest emigranter (svenskere).
Køjer i 2 etager stå i et slags jernbur, og disse bure igen tæt sammenstuvet oven over lugerne til lasten. Det må være drøjt at opholde sig i 10 dage på en udvandringsdamper til New York. Nå, vi andre på anden klasse havde det godt med alle livets behageligheder.
Med til England gik den Mikael Pedersen, som i 1885 var med til at opfinde Koefod og Haurbergs centrifuge. Han har nu en fabrik og et patentkontor i (Dürsbey) ved Bristol. Vi havde stærk modvind hele tiden, nåede først Parkerston kl. 9 om aftenen -England har tid efter Greenwich og er 1 time bagefter dansk - og da var toget gået til London.
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in the english census of 1891 and 1901 Mikael Pedersn is in Dursley Gloucestershire
see this thread
RootsWeb: BRISTOL_AND_DISTRICT-L [B&D] Danish Connection
a reference to "the invention by a Danish engineer, Mikael
Pedersen, of an ingenious new cream separator" and it also mentions that
Pedersen worked for the dairy section of R.A.Lister prior to setting up
the Dursley Pedersen Cycle Company.
The R.A. Lister Company in Dursley: The Early Years, 1867-1907: "in 1889, the situation changed with the invention by a Danish engineer, Mikael Pedersen, of an ingenious new cream separator. This machine allowed the spinning centrifugal separator to run at a constant rate independent of the speed at which it was driven. Ashton liked the idea and acquired the UK sales agency, selling the machine as 'The Alexandra Cream Separator' to much acclaim."
Mikael Pedersen and The Dursley Pedersen Cycle Company: "an innovative method of cycle construction using lightweight multiple triangulated tubing which he patented in 1894.
Dursley Pedersen Advertisement - courtesy David Harris
Early examples were of wood but by 1896 he had perfected a method of jointing metal for which he again acquired a patent. This frame design, combined with a novel hammock style saddle strung between front and rear resulted in a unique concept. He formed a new company, the 'Pedersen Cycle Frame Co. Ltd' with the financial backing of a wealthy American, Ernest Hooley, and moved into a factory in Water Street (the old Pin Mill, recently renovated in 2002) from where he began to produce his new cycles in 1897."
The Pedersenbicycle was invented by the Danish engineer Mikael Pedersen (1855 - 1929). In 1978 the Blacksmith Jesper Sølling found the description of the then forgotten bicycle and restarted the production.
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