Friday, March 05, 2004

Bits of Blue and Gray: "Bits of Blue and Gray:
An American Civil War Notebook"

and this is Jayne's place - another coffee chat regular -
a site much beloved of kids in USA for homework help with the civil war history projects

now this is something

WOW Jayne !

ShoeString Genealogy:

"ShoeString Genealogy provides Family Historians with information about how to research their ancestors both in the Internet and in libraries and other repositories. Besides how, it will provide where - locations for information and the relative value of each. "

DAE one of the regulars for morning coffee chat

Mugs and Hugs on AOL 900am EST

1400 GMT so after lunch for me !

Hugh Watkins

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

St David's Day But who was St. David, & why is he so important to the Welsh?
And just how is St. David's Day celebrated in Wales today?

Monday, March 01, 2004

Merioneth URLs #1

URLs, relating to Merioneth as a whole or to Merioneth as a part of Wales

Merionethshire is a county created in 1283 after the conquest of The Principality of Wales in 1282. The County existed until 1974 when it became part of the new counties of Gwynedd and Clwyd.

Two Family History Societies serve Merionethshire:

Gwynedd Family History Society
Which covers the majority of the old county

and Clwyd FHS
Which covers the western commote of Edeirnion

The split between Gwynedd and Clwyd broadly reflects the boarder of the two Anglican Diocese of North Wales; Bangor and Saint Asaph.

For the sake of convenience all Merionethshire parish records
in the Diocese of Bangor are seen as the responsibility of Gwynedd FHS
and those of St Asaph are the responsibility of Clwyd,
so some PR's covering the post 1974 Gwynedd Local Authority area which were in the Diocese of St Asaph have been transcribed and may be purchased from Clwyd FHS, for example, Llanuwchllyn.
Merioneth URLs #2: "URLs, relating to Merioneth parishes"