Saturday, November 21, 2009

Josephine Butler (1828-1906)

Josephine Butler (1828-1906): "As time progressed and her reputation among poor women increased, Butler learned about rich men who could afford to pay to have female children kidnapped because they enjoyed raping virgins, about parlors of sado-masochism, and about international trading in white women for the sex slave trade.
She fought all of these movements. Although she fought organized prostitution, she continued to work for improvement in the conditions of prostitutes themselves, for she understood that many of them were forced into prostitution by poverty.

Josephine Butler had an enormous influence in western Europe. If you are a western woman descended from members of the poor or working-class, you can thank Butler that your great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, or even you yourself were not snatched up to become part of the sex trade. I think that warrants Butler a high place on any list of the most influential women of the second millennium. Unfortunately, there are many areas in the world today where the sex trade thrives, and Butler's work remains unfinished."

butler prostitution - Google Search

offentlige fruentimmer - Google Search: "Bergh, Ludvig Sophus Rudolph Om Tatoveringer hos de offentlige Fruentimmer. Særtryk af 'Hospitals-Tidende' Kjøbenhavn, 1891."

Butler is referred to in this book
Rudolph Bergh: Om Tatoveringer hos de offentlige Fruentimmer. 1891

Bergh, Ludvig Sophus Rudolph Om Tatoveringer hos de offentlige Fruentimmer table 2

Rudolph Bergh - Google Search: "Rudolph Bergh (1824–1909), full name Ludvig Sophus Rudolph Bergh, was a Danish physician and zoologist. He worked in Copenhagen"

the whole arose out of a discussion of the term offentlige Fruentimmer seen in danish church books. "Siten er udarbejdet af Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv, Frederiksberg Stadsarkiv, Københavns Stadsarkiv og Statens Arkiver."

hovedstadsarkiver sitemap - Emner" "Uanset om éns slægt er fra København, Frederiksberg - eller et helt andet sted er der forskellige gode råd, som man bør følge, når man skal slægtsforske

En slægtsforsker laver sin anetavle ved at starte med en person - sig selv - og følge slægten baglæns fra generation til generation"

from my email:-

"In 1761 there were only 11 parishes in Copenhagen:

Vor Frue
Sankt Nikolaj
Sankt Petri
Vor Frelser
Frederiks Tyske

so it should be practicable to search them when you know an approximate year."

Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline:
"Kirkebøger på internettet

Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter har siden 2002 digitaliseret kirkebøger med henblik på at gøre dem tilgængelige på internettet. Arbejdet er muliggjort takket være særbevillinger fra Kulturministeriet.

Alle kirkebøger ældre end 1892 var i oktober 2006 lagt ud på Disse kirkebøger er scannet efter mikrokort i sort/hvid kvalitet.
Kirkebøger efter 1891 blev frem til 2008 lagt ud i det omfang, at bøgerne er udskrevet før 1925-1930. Derefter blev udlægningen af kirkebøger, der er udskrevet før 1950, påbegyndt.
Kirkebøgerne efter 1891 er scannet direkte fra de originale bøger. Scanningerne sker i gråtoner."

Friday, November 20, 2009


Roll of Honour - Monmouthshire - Usk:


Ordinary Seaman, HMS Somali, Royal Navy. Died 24th September 1942. No known grave. Commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial." [my father]

The monument is in the churchyard of the Priory Church of St Mary. USK GWENT. It takes the form of a cross atop a three-step plinth. The front of the monument is close to the metal railings which form the boundary of the churchyard.

København stadsarkivet lukket

Copenhagen City archives are closed on the following days:-

Som tidligere annonceret holder stadsarkivet lukket på følgende dage:

Tirsdag d. 1. december og tirsdag og onsdag d. 15-16. december 2009.

Den første skyldes at vi holder store oprydningsdag. I den forbindelse takker vi jer for jeres overbærenhed i forbindelse med rodet og støjen som skyldes istandsættelse og lokalerne på første sal. Lidt falder dog af til publikum. Vi har fået lovning på at gulvet på læsesalen bliver vasket og poleret.

De to sidste dage skyldes det kommende klima-topmøde.
Nu er det desværre sådan, at det ikke slut med de besøgendes trængsler i den forbindelse

Mandag d. 7 og mandag d. 14. december lukker læsesalen kl. 12. Dette skyldes at forhuset skal lukkes grundet sikkerhedstjek.

Vi beklager meget dette.

Nu slutter det jo ikke med dette. Fredag d. 18. december lukker læsesalen igen tidligt, nemlig klokken 13.00. Grunden hertil er hverken sikkerhedsmæssig eller klimapolitisk, men det faktum, at julen nærmer sig og dermed også julefrokosterne.

Venlig hilsen
Lars Peter Jørgensen

- from my email.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

FamilySearch Record Search pilot

FamilySearch Record Search pilot

More free online records for Brazil, Massachusetts, Mexico, Spain, and the U.S.

The states of Texas, Ohio, and Iowa were added to the U.S. 1920 Census at FamilySearch’s Record Search pilot. Spanish researchers will enjoy new civil registration images for the provinces of Cadiz, Granada, Malaga, Spain, from 1837–1870.

Over 500,000 new digital images were added to the Brazil Catholic Church Records Collection. These birth, marriage, and death records are from the states of Bahia, Menas Gerais, Paraná, Pará, Pernambuco, and Sao Paolo.

Over 400,000 Massachusetts marriage records were added for the period 1906 to 1915, and Catholic baptismal records were added for the Distrito Federal of Mexico.

None of this would be possible without the great contributions of many online FamilySearch volunteers. These individuals donate the time and talent needed to make these collections freely available to FamilySearch patrons. Find out more about volunteering at Thank you
by email from Pauk Nauta

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Welsh genealogy

BBC - BBC One Programmes - Coming Home: "Actress Michelle Collins traces her grandfather's tragic life as a professional boxer."

this excellent video is only available to people with british ISPs

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Glamorgan Record Office

Glamorgan Record Office:
"The new GLAMORGAN ARCHIVES building has been completed 8 weeks ahead of schedule. Moving the collection has begun and is expected to take at least 3 months to complete

Searchrooms in the Glamorgan Building, Cathays Park, the home of the Glamorgan Record Office for the last 70 years will finally close on Christmas Eve, 24 December 2009. GLAMORGAN ARCHIVES opens to the public on its new site in early 2010; further details will be announced and posted on this website as they become known."

Monday, November 16, 2009

updated by Hedvig Pitzner-Jørgensen

Fra Eutin til København: "Engel Grage kan føre sin stamtavle tilbage til midten af 1600-tallet, til Tiess (der alte) Drückhammer, som stammer fra Mecklenburg. Han får en søn, er også kommer til at hedde Tiess, og som naturligt nok bliver kaldet Tiess der Junge. Tiess der Alte kommer i sine unge dage vandrende til byen Meinsdorf, til den stedlige mølle. Her er mølleren død, og enken har brug for en mand til at tage over, så her får han beskæftigelse. Han forelsker sig i møllerens datter Annke Specht, og de bliver gift i 1647. I afskriften fra Eutin kirkebog står der følgende:

Auszug aus dem Copulationsregister der ev. luth. Kirchengemeinde Eutin.
Jahrgang 1647 Nr. 1, Seite 7.
Den 1. February Montags auf Duca 4 post Trin.

Tyes Drückhamer ein Meklenbürger Knecht, so eine Zeitlang auf der Brakermühle und zu Meynstorf gedienet, mit

Annke Spechts, weyland Müller auf der Brakermühle hinterlassener Tochter.

Geschah invitis Parentiby.
(Tyes Drückhammer, en svend fra Mecklenburg, som har tjent på Brakermühle et stykke tid, viet til Annke Specht, datter af den afdøde møller på Brakermühle. Dette skete imod forældrenes vilje). . . . ."

England : BRISTOL

RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: England : BRISTOL_AND_DISTRICT: "Topic: A mailing list for anyone with family history and genealogical interests in the county and city of Bristol and surrounding areas of South Gloucestershire and North Somerset within approximately a 20 mile radius. Topics include family, social, cultural and local history, past and present, including dialect, slang and sayings, traditions, occupations, recipes and folklore in order to place the lives of our ancestors in perspective, as well as methods and problems of recording both family and associated historical information."

RootsWeb: BRISTOL_AND_DISTRICT-L [B&D] [ADMIN] Important Reminder about the 1911 census: "We've had a number of new members to welcome to the list as well as
welcoming back a number of returning members who took time out from their research over the last year or so.

I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Terms and Conditions for the 1911 census are that the research you do on there must be for your OWN purposes *only*. That means no look ups for other people or you risk losing your account. FindMyPast does monitor for mentions of the 1911 census.

Please do NOT ask for look ups."

my reply was censored:-

As an adult I choose to take this risk - which I blogged long ago

I am in touch with FMP by email and phone and enjoy helping people with problems, and typically I report at least six transcription errors every time I log on and enter Bristol to get a list of streets
1504 results for 1841
6518 results. fro 1911

a typical error:-

A Redcliffe St Bristol
is in fact

87A Redcliffe St Bristol because the house numbers -A -B -C fail to get listed as numbers

RG78 Enumerators Summary book images are only accessible from buttons above the original schedule images, and include both the "Description of the Enumeration District" and the "Contents of the Enumeration District".

I found one image of a schedule was missing in Glamorgan but RG78 proved that it existed in 1911 and 4 or 5 emails and four phone calls and (a month later) the National Archives at Kew have found that the original document has survived but was neither imaged nor transcribed

1 Mythe Cottages Rockleage Road Sneyd Park Bristol
to those of us with local knowledge the two typos are obvious

Obviously a massive number of look ups for an individual is wrong
but helping other subscribers with problems is OK

at the end of any town list you get
Other Establishments
which includes really badly transcribed addresses
eg Hotels, inns or farms

or private houses like "The Willows" Usk with no street listed
except in RG78 hows it as a private house in Baron Street
by coincidence my granny's best friend my "aunty" Kitty - Kate Marfell is there :-)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Genea-Musings: SDGS Family History Seminar Highlights: "Publishing and Printing Using 'MyCanvas' '

This session covered using the 'MyCanvas' program, part of the site tools, to create and print custom family history books, posters, and calendars to showcase your family history research and make gifts to share with your family. This is a 'Print on Demand' system - you make it, you can print it, or you can pat for a professionally produced book based on your selected content. The process relies on your Ancestry Member Tree for the names, dates and places, and the user can attach photographs and document images to create the MyCanvas product. The steps to creating the work is fairly simple - choose a size and format for the book, choose a start person from your tree, import data and records from your tree, add stories, documents, maps and more, choose layouts, backgrounds, frames and embellishments, etc. The page order can be modified as the user wishes. Pedigree charts, family group sheets and timelines can be created by the program. Notes and stories can be added to text boxes by typing into the text box or pasting from another document.

Creating the book or other article is free to anyone - they can create the family tree, upload their documents and photos, add or edit facts, sources and notes, etc. Up to five generations from the selected person can be included in the book, up to a maximum of 250 pages.

The book or other article can be printed to the user's printer, but cannot be saved on the user's computer. The book is saved on the computer system, and can be accessed and edited at any time, even by another family member invited to do so by the creator. If the user wishes to have the book published by MyCanvas, price estimates are available based on cover style, binding type, and then umber of pages in the book.

Suzanne spent considerable time in this session demonstrating how to create a book from an Ancestry Member Tree, and then she manipulated book content from a previously created book to show how easy it was to add content, edit content, move pages around, add backgrounds and embellishments, etc. . . . ."