Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Harvey Spot

The Harvey Spot: "For those of you who were scared away by the floppy disks and archaic black screen system that was 'Temple Ready,' it's basically been replaced by the new website. And let me tell you, this website is amazing. Just type in your membership record number and confirmation date and ba-da-bing!

*Instant, real-time access to church records over the internet.
*Your immediate family's information automatically populates.
*Little flashing icons above a family's name tells you when temple work is needed or complete.
*You can find out if that long lost relative really did have her ordinances completed, and
*You can connect up with other users who added relatives that might be yours.

No more PAF updates or backing up your information on floppy disks.

It's amazing...and totally 21st century. Really."

" . . . stake president stood up to speak . . . . . His impression was that the membership of our stake needs to live the 4 principles of family finance which the church teaches us. He didn't expand on that further, so I looked them up on the church website tonight.

They are:
(1) Pay Tithes and Offerings,
(2) Avoid Debt,
(3) Use a Budget, and
(4) Build a Reserve.
Somehow when he spoke those words, it felt like I was being hit with a ton of bricks that this stake president truly had been inspired to teach us to follow this counsel."

Menotomy Maps was established in 1988 - Blog: "During the summer of 1981 a friend and I were sitting in a restaurant in Boston discussing our new just-out-of-college jobs. We talked about the misery of sitting in a cubicle 5 days a week and the prospect of spending the next 30 years behind a computer screen. As our conversation went on I realized I needed to find some way to make a living outside of the white collar world, and as I looked out the window near our table I saw the answer written in large letters on the window of a shop across the street: GOLD.

Let me say here that I did end up spending most of the past 25 or so years sitting behind a computer screen and I never really found any decent quantity of gold. But I did discover the information contained in old maps and their benefit in research into local history, hiking and mountain biking on abandoned roads and trails, and their use in reading the landscape of the woods. In future writings here I will tell of the gold mines and gold panning streams I've found in New England."

from my email:-

OldRoads wrote:
I have a lot of old maps on line. The most detailed maps are from the northeastern US.
They may be of use to some genealogy people.

Petersen's 4WHEEL Magazine

Those who have used Forest Service maps for several years know that the older versions are generally the preferred ones. They give more details and show trails that have since been closed. We're not saying that you should venture on to closed trails, but when they are shown on the map, they help you pinpoint your location. Well imagine how much better and more fun maps from the 1800s might be.
Menotomy Maps [address] offers reprints of just such maps. Maps from several time periods and of varying detail are available. [pricing info] Many of the maps show detail right down to the location of old bars, abandoned railroad crossings and even old ruins. These old landmarks also aid cross-country navigation for hikers and four-wheelers alike and can be an explorer's dream. more...

Winter depression time in Scandinavia

Jean Felix: "Lider du af vinterdepression ?

En anderledes depression:
Hvad energiløsheden angår ligner en vinterdepression enhver anden depression. Men derudover er symptomerne på en vinterdepression ganske specifikke.
For det første forekommer vinterdepressioner som regel hvert år omkring november og december. For det andet vil en vinterdepression, som typisk i vores overbevisning kunne være grundet 'vinteren' faktisk ofte været forårsaget af en 'latent' depression. Dvs. en depression som her været der hele tiden, og så først bryder ud når dagen bliver kortere og lyset bliver mindre.
Netop på denne årstid bliver vi nemlig mere indadvendte, mere isolerede og lukkede. Hvis det så samtidig er tilfældet, at vi har nogle uløste følelsesmæssige konflikter, vil disse nu pga. vinteren blive mere synlige da vores opmærksomhed rettes ind imod os selv, i stedet for ud imod vores omgivelser."

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mugs & Hugs morning coffee

Mugs & Hugs Home Companion: "We're the folks from AOL's Genealogy Forum Mugs & Hugs genealogy chat."

Join us for our weekday morning
MUGS & HUGS genealogy chats if you subscribe to AOL! We meet from 9-10am Eastern US Monday through Friday. AOL Keyword: ROOTS (click on chat, then enter the Ancestral Digs Chat Room) (AOL only)

Monday 9 to10am - Host GFS Loni, Host GFS Jayne and Host GFS Maine

Tuesday 9 to 10 am - HOSTGFSNance &

Wednesday 9 to 10 am HOSTGFSNance &

Thursday 9 to 10 am HOSTGFSNance &

Friday 9am to 10am - Host GFS Loni, Host GFS Jayne and Host GFS Maine

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gettysburg Daily

Gettysburg Daily: "145 years ago today, President Abraham Lincoln arrived at Gettysburg in preparation of saying “a few appropriate remarks” at the dedication of the Soldiers National Cemetery. On November 18th, the day before he made his Gettysburg Address, he would have dinner at the home of Judge David Wills, make a brief speech to the crowd, and journey to the building next store to confer with Secretary of State William Seward. He would then attempt to sleep in his bedroom on the second floor of the Wills House.

The Gettysburg Railroad Station was completed in May, 1859, although the railroad had formally opened on December 16, 1858. The cost of the passenger station was $2070. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 4:30 PM on Tuesday, November 18, 2008.

Lincoln’s train did not come in on the track shown here. In 1863, this track led farther to the west to an area that consisted of warehouses. Lincoln’s train, and all passenger trains, entered the station from the rear. When President Lincoln arrived, there were coffins stacked around the railroad platform area as part of the reburial operation. This view was taken facing east at approximately 4:30 PM on Tuesday, November 18, 2008.

North Stratton Street is running right to left or north to south on the camera side of the first house in this model in the passenger station. The train cross" see the site for the images and much more Gettysburg Daily: "©"


Portal:Spain - FamilySearch Wiki: "The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy will be held January 12th-16th 2009 at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. The Institute offers a week of in-depth instruction by expert genealogists in ten courses, including a course on Research in Spain and Latin America coordinated by Lynn Turner, AG. Visit Utah Genealogical Association for details and registration."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Furor Over Mormon Baptisms

Furor Reignites Over Mormon Baptisms of Jews: "In the last few months, Radkey has found hundreds of Dutch Holocaust victims’ names in the database, according to the Tribune.

“Some recently discovered records used to do proxy baptisms even had the words ‘Auschwitz’ or ‘Polish death camp’ on them, she said,” the paper reported.

The 1995 agreement that the church signed said that Holocaust victims would not be posthumously baptized unless they had living descendants who are Mormon, the AP reported.

In 2006, this issue made headlines when it was discovered that Simon Wiesenthal, the famed Nazi hunter and namesake of a Los Angeles center devoted to peace, was baptized a year after his death.

According to the AP, church leaders say that this problem will be fixed when the New Family Search database comes online."