Saturday, August 15, 2009

Apple Store (U.S.)

Reunion 9 - Apple Store (U.S.): "Old product, hard to use

Written by WP

Jul 9, 2009

Don't buy this software, it 'features' a very dated interface and is missing many functions present in current genealogy applicati…Read moreons. For example, there are no mapping functions at all and the few basic charts it offers are looking like they came from the 80s. Furthermore, the web pages generated are useless compared to what I've seen from PC genealogy software.

The price is very high and I've read on the internet that Leister (the vendor) has been charging a whopping 60 US$ for the update from reunion 8 to 9. That's 60% of the price for new customers. Really a rip-off.

I've checked the other options (Heredis, MacFamilyTree and iFamily) and finally bought MacFamilyTree for 49 US$ after my 99 US$ for Reunion went down the drain."

Synium MacFamilyTree 5 - Apple Store (U.S.): "Synium MacFamilyTree 5

Modern genealogy for your Mac"
Don't buy this software!

Written by KC from Haverhill

Feb 1, 2009

I've only just "switched to Mac" and I bought this software very excited that I would be able to transfer my existing tree (in FTMRead more2009) to it and sync it with my iPhone.

The transfer part wasn't too bad once you get the hang of using the software. My issue has been with the syncing part. It worked the first time I tried it and then stopped working. I looked at the forums and wrote to Synium and they've not responded. Eventually I thought I had it sorted but dscovered it only worked once and won't update again.

Oh and the software crashes on me every once in a while. Again I've had no feedback from Synium yet.

I'm not alone with this and other issues though there may be folks out there who have no issues at all. Make an informed choice: visit the support section of the Synium website and read some of the entries there before making your purchase.

Reunion Needs Reworking

Written by TB from Shakopee

Mar 11, 2009

Using Reunion 9 has been a nightmare. I used Family Tree Legends and Family Tree Maker for years but when I switched to an Apple Read morecomputer, I was forced to buy Reunion since Apple does not support the other programs.

Everything is so much more complicated and cumbersome. Reports and lists are more difficult to get and to read. Even getting a simple count of the number of people in my file is ridiculous. There was no obvious place to ask for that basic info and the help menu was worthless.

Merging individuals is a hassle compared to the other programs.

I think there are numerous improvements that could and should be made.

which is why I use FTM on WinXp sp3 on Parallels 4 on my MacBook Pro

Shoebox Genealogy finished blogging?

Shoebox Genealogy: 1000 years of temple work...: "Well fellow genealogists, I regret to say that I will no longer be posting to the Shoebox Genealogy blog. Don't take this as me giving up the fight to turn NFS into a piece of rational and usable software, but I've been offered a position outside of the genealogy field that's impossible to refuse.

As my blog's dying wish, I only ask that someday we'll get real sources, discussion pages, biography pages, research notes pages, image uploads, multimedia, and data ranking incorporated into NFS sometime before I die. Is that too much to ask? (Believe me, I restrained myself from making a REALLY long list...)

Good luck, fellow genealogists."

Friday, August 14, 2009

Forsvarets Bibliotek får til huse på Kastellet - Copenhagen library amalgamation

Forsvarets Bibliotek er nu en realitet. De fire hidtidige biblioteker i
forsvaret lægges sammen til et stort moderne forskningsbibliotek
med øget service til brugerne

13-08-2009 kl. 14:11

Forsvarskommandoen har efter et stort analysearbejde og grundige
overvejelser besluttet at sammenlægge forsvarets nuværende fire biblioteker og etablere Forsvarets Sammenlægningen vil forbedre serviceniveauet og øge formidlingen af viden om
forsvarsrelaterede emner, bl.a. gennem brugervenlige systemer på nettet.

Øget service og vidensindsamling

Onlinekataloger og elektroniske portaler er hverdag på dagens biblioteker, og forsvaret skal følge
udviklingen for at yde den bedste service til brugerne af biblioteket. Et øget samarbejde med
forsvarets officersskoler og Forsvarsakademiet er også en del af det nye bibliotek. Formålet er at
øge videns- og dokumentationsindsamling inden for de områder, som forskningen og officersuddannelserne fokuserer på.

Kastellet som base

Forsvarets Bibliotek vil være placeret på og offentligt tilgængeligt på Kastellet. Herudover vil der
blive oprettet betjeningssteder ved officersskolerne og på Forsvarsakademiet.

Samlingerne vil indeholde litteratur fra alle tre værn og fysisk bestå af ca. 38.000 bøger og
De resterende bøger bliver opbevaret i magasiner, hvor fra de vil være til rådighed 1-2 dage efter forespørgslen. Søgning foretages gennem online kataloger.

Hele sammenlægningsprocessen forventes at være gennemført i juni 2010. De åbne samlinger fra
Marinen og Flyvevåbnet vil dog være tilgængelige på Kastellet inden da.

De fire biblioteker, der nu bliver ét er:

• Det Kongelige Garnisonsbibliotek (KGB) på Kastellet, København
• Flyvevåbnets Bibliotek (FLB) i Jonstruplejren, Ballerup
• Marinens Bibliotek (MAB) på Nyholm, København
• FAK Bibliotek (FAKBIB) på Svanemøllens Kaserne, København

Thursday, August 13, 2009

OpenBMDrecords - epetition response |

OpenBMDrecords - epetition response | "We received a petition asking:

“We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to allow full and open access to registers of Birth, Marriage and Death from 1837 to 1908.”

Details of Petition:

“Having full and open access to the registers of births, marriages and deaths from 1837 to 1908 will make it easier for genealogists to research the records and ensure they get the copies they require. If copies were put on the internet this would simplify the process. These records are over a hundred years old and should now be accessible to all with a small fee to cover the cost of copying the originals.”

· Read the petition
· Petitions homepage
Read the Government’s response

Thank you for your e-petition which calls on the Government to provide full and open access to the registers of birth, marriage and death between 1837 and 1908.

The Government understands that many family researchers want to have full and open access to the information in historic birth, death and marriage registers and accepts that the current legislation is overly restrictive with these records.

Under current legislation - the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 and the Marriage Act 1949 - access to the information in birth, death and marriage registers is only possible by means of a certified copy (certificate) of a particular entry, when that entry has been identified from the index and the statutory fee paid. There are other pieces of legislation which allow for the release of information in birth, death and marriage registers for specific purposes, e.g. statistical data, but there is no power to provide full and open public access.

The Government proposed in 2003 a wide-ranging set of reforms to the civil registration service in England and Wales. These proposals included an intention to digitise all the records with historic records being accessible to view on a database, possibly with a small charge, but without the need to purchase a certificate.

It did not prove possible to introduce the necessary legislation by a Regulatory Reform Order as we had intended and there has not been a suitable opportunity to legislate since then. Nevertheless, we remain committed to modernising the way in which these records can be accessed and the Registrar General keeps this under active review"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Janes Fighting Ships for sale in Copenhagen

Marinens Bibliotek har fået en række eksemplarer af Janes Fighting Ships i overskud. Disse vil vi gerne sælge for en pris af 100,- pr. styk. Køb kan kun foregå ved fysisk at møde op på MAB og ved kontant afregning. Bøgerne sælges efter først-til-mølle-princippet, og salget starter mandag den 17. AUG kl. 0900.

Følgende årgange er til salg:











































































Velkommen til MARINENS BIBLIOTEK: "Marinens Bibliotek - i daglig tale MAB - er et marinespecifikt forskningsbibliotek under Forsvarsakademiet. MAB er et offentligt bibliotek."

Marinens Bibliotek
Henrik Gerners Plads 3
1439 København K

Bibliotekar: 3266 4020
Udlån: 3266 4021 / 3266 4022
Fax: 3266 4029

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Free Access to WorldVitalRecords | WorldVitalRecords Blog

Free Access to WorldVitalRecords | WorldVitalRecords Blog: "PROVO, UT, August 11, 2009 –, an online family history resource, today announced the addition of the largest number of records to be released in a single day since the site launched in 2006. To commemorate this milestone, for the first time WorldVitalRecords is offering free public access to its entire online collection of historical and genealogical records beginning August 11 and continuing through August 13, 2009. The public will have unlimited access to more than one billion records in over 11,000 databases from around the world including newspapers, census, birth, marriage, death, immigration and military records; family trees; stories and publications; and yearbooks.

“As a genealogy enthusiast, I’m thrilled that people can go to one
place like, try family history research for free and find their parents or grandparents, and see how simple it is to start tracing back and discovering stories that bring family history to life,” said Jim Ericson, Vice-President of Marketing for Family Link. “This is a rare opportunity to delve into the records and discover information about your family and ancestors you may have never known.”"

Burr Oak Cemetery Cook County Illinois USA

.: Burr Oak Cemetery :. Information Courtesy of Cook County Sheriff's Office (c) 2009: "A MESSAGE FROM

Thank you for visiting the search website for Burr Oak Cemetery. This site has been created by the Cook County Sheriff's Office to provide the public with the ability to search a photo database of marked graves at Burr Oak.

This is only a partial list of the headstones. In two weeks we hope to have a completed list of headstones.

It is important to note that only graves that have been marked with headstones can be searched at this website. The majority of individuals interred at Burr Oak were buried without headstone markers and will therefore not be searchable at this website."

Cook County Sheriff’s Office
50 W. Washington
Chicago, Illinois 60602

Monday, August 10, 2009

Damhussø the lake near Copenhagen Denmark

Damhussøen rundt - lidt historie: "Damhussøen er dannet ved opdæmning af Harrestrup Å, den tidligere Ovre Å, og Grøndalsåen.

Hvornår dette skete, vides ikke med bestemthed, men i 1561 mageskiftede Frederik II med Københavns Universitet, således at universitetet fik retten til fiskeriet og rørhøstningen i søen. Det er første gang, man træffer søens navn: Langevadsdam.

Det nuværende navn, Damhussøen, fik den først ca. 1800."

an excellent local history page

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Acts of Parliament for UK Genealogists

Acts of UK Parliament for Genealogists: "Guy Etchells is the maker of the database contained within and the owner of the database rights.
First published in 2001."