Saturday, June 12, 2004

"Response to Comments on Family
Many of our readers have expressed concern, outrage, and frustration at the site., including RootsWeb and Ancestry, is currently investigating these concerns, and will respond as appropriate under current Fair Use Copyright and Truth in Advertising laws.

In the meantime, users who have their own concerns or conflicts with this site can file their own complaint directly with the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) Bureau of Consumer Protection by visiting

The FTC has the power to investigate your concerns regarding, and to take appropriate action."

from HelpDesk: Announcements

and RootsWeb's HelpDesk Index

Ancestry Message Boards [ Allingham ]:
"Henry Edward Allingham, born Liverpool 19 November 1803 : Hugh Watkins -- 24 Oct 2003
Re: Henry Edward Allingham, from 1828 lived in DENMARK until he died : Hugh Watkins -- 11 Dec 2003 "

still looking for this guys parents in or aroiund Liverpool,
and his grandchildren in Denamrk to make the links to the living ALLINGHAM in Denmark

Google Search: site:dk allingham

28 telephone numbers search ALLINGHAM
Danish Emigration late 1800's

This page is supposed to be a help for anyone who is starting to look for their danish roots.
- Here you find links that are useful for danish genealogy.

The southern part of Denmark belonged to Germany 1864-1920, that's why here's also links to German emigration.

from my mail box Re: Aurelia Clemons

She seems to have done an excellent job, but:

Sons receive twice the amount of the daughters

that looks new to me, but then I havent seen many probates.
Google Search: "Aurelia Clemons"

This page is created in loving memory of my dear son EMMETT who always said,

"Let's just do it!"


Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages WATKINS and LAPHAM of Monmouthshire and Bristol UK
loving memory of my mother, Alison Mary WATKINS neé LAPHAM,

just import a GEDCOM into Family Tree Maker 11 and fill in the form

Alison Mary Lapham (b. May 16, 1908, d. December 22, 1999)

Children of Alison Mary Lapham and Olive (alias Rougenez) Meade are:
+John Gaverne Hooper.
+Sally Hooper.

looks a bit odd but this was a life long friendship
a known bug in the FTM upload process

Children of John Gaverne Hooper and Liz - are:
Guy Hooper.
William Hooper.

to whom my mother was a very loving surrogate grandmother

from my mail box
corrections by my eagle eyed correspondent in Denmark

Godparents are usually relatives)

I dont agree on 'usually', just as often friends or some influential person in the parish
[I have found several foster parents turning up as "grand parents" at confirmations
- in a time with no contraception the Danes coped well with illegitimate children
- BASTARDS as the hard nosed english genealogists love to say
- especially in the working classes where 14 year old girls were sent away from home to start work with the usual consequences

OK OK skuffebarn and other rude words were used but they were not as institutionised as in England in the same period which led to the sorry story of the British Home Children. Children were workers and an asset.

These ex-house maids with children often married eventually after living at home again with their mothers, and their children took their step fathers surname.

In the church books the mothers may be called
En kvinde, som har fået barn uden for ægteskab.

not to be confused with offentligt fruentimer or prostitutes

Skuffebarn. Barn, som en ugift moder anonymt havde lagt i en kasse opstillet ved Frederikshospitalet (Fødselsstiftelsen) i København s glossary in Danish]

1. pre 1660 - divided into FIEF/LEN, headed by nobleman (Fief Accounts) [I would say land owners]

2. 1660-on - by Amter, headed by Amtmand (perfect appointed by king)

not perfect but prefect

5. STRADSRETTEN (City Court) - 1771-on, Copenhagen


Offentlige fruentimmer: "Bestemmelser ang. offentlige Fruentimmer i Odense"
rules for prostitutes in Oense from 1866 revision of 1884 in Rigsarkivet

still one of my favourite Danish pages
along with the green cabbage one Sønderjydsk grønlangkål
Google Search: Grønkål

It seems to have gone missing along with the picture of the children by the dannebrog decked long stalked green cabbage in use as a poor man's christmas tree

The cabbage conserved by boiling - in a bath !
until mushy and moulded into tennis ball sized lumps which were dried.

then served as party food when reheated

google said:-
Did you mean: offentligt frauenzimmer
helt enkelt en benämning på kvinnornas rum
the women's room
Google Search: frauenzimmer

Google Search: ""Preußens FrauenZimmer"

links to the nunnery museum
kloheilgrabe1: "Zisterzienserinnenklosters vom Mittelalter bis zum 20.Jahrhundert nacherzählen."

Dotbot - Dit børnebibliotek på nettet

the Danish childrens libraries home page
BBC NEWS | Technology | 19th Century news going online: "More than a million pages from 19th Century British newspapers are to be put online by the British Library.
The £2m project will cover 100 years of news and images from newspapers which are out of copyright. "

ActivePaper by Olive Software


" Denmark has been the main focus of my extraction and research efforts. I started research in 1967 and became accredited in Denmark research about 12 years ago. Hoping to share what I have collected, I have created this HOME PAGE. "Aurelia Clemons

Friday, June 11, 2004

Genealogical Society of Ireland
from usenet

Greetings from the Genealogical Society of Ireland

The June 2004 issue of the monthly newsletter of the Genealogical Society of
Ireland - "The Genie Gazette" - is published on the above website.

Featured in this issue are:-

+ Irish Heraldry in Legislative Mess
+ Call to Repeal Section 13 of the National Cultural Institutions Act,
+ "Irish Genealogy & Heraldry Bill"
+ An Daoncharlann (Family History Tower) update on the Society's new
+ James Scannell Reports on various issues.
+ Irish Military Heritage
+ The Great Lewis
+ Goldsmith Remembered
+ Parnell Summer School
+ Vikings in Ireland
+ GSI Spring Journal
+ Diary Dates
+ Annual Membership Fee
+ Queries Received
+ Graphic Family Tree Service
+ Currency Rates

Checkout the range of the Society's publications on the website

Kindest regards

Michael Merrigan
Hon. Secretary
Genealogical Society of Ireland
Dare's Genealogy

I like the style of this FAMILY HISTORY page

Wednesday, June 09, 2004 - CDs, DVDs not so immortal - May 6, 2004: "FACT BOX
'CD rot' Dos:
1. Handle discs by the outer edge or the center hole.
2.Use a felt-tip permanent marker to mark the label side of a CD.
3. Keep discs clean. Wipe with cotton fabric in a straight line from the center of the disc toward the outer edge.
4. Return discs to their plastic cases immediately after use.
5. Store discs upright (book style) in their cases.
6. Store discs in a cool, dry, dark place with clean air.
7. Open a recordable disc package only when you are ready to record.
8. Check the disc surface before recording."
e-arkiv: VELKOMMEN

CDs die in as little as 10 years

"CD rot," a gradual deterioration of the data-carrying layer. It's not known for sure how common the blight is, but it's just one of a number of reasons that optical discs, including DVDs, may be a lot less long-lived than first thought.

He went through his collection and found that 15 percent to 20 percent of the discs, most of which were produced in the '80s, were "rotted" to some extent.

The aluminum layer that reflects the light of the player's laser is separated from the CD label by a thin layer of lacquer. If the manufacturer applied the lacquer improperly, air can penetrate to oxidize the aluminum, eating it up much like iron rusts in air.

Part of the problem is that most people believe that it's the clear underside of the CD that is fragile, when in fact it's the side with the label. Scratches on the underside have to be fairly deep to cause skipping, while scratches on the top can easily penetrate to the aluminum layer. Even the pressure of a pen on the label side can dent the aluminum, rendering the CD unreadable. - CDs, DVDs not so immortal - May 6, 2004:
NyhedsBrev til medlemmer af DIS-Danmark
Nr. 4-2004 Juni

In Danish but some very important news

Når siden nu alligevel nævnes, så er det fordi, hjemmesiden rummer mange spændende oplysninger, og mon ikke vi alle kunne trænge til en nærmere gennemgang af siden. En sådan gennemgang har A.M. Krogh-Thomsen lavet og lagt på nettet. Den kan findes på adressen:

Mormonkirkens batch-numre

"" rummer ikke kun slægtstræer, men den indeholder også registre til større eller mindre dele af f.eks. danske kirkebøgers fødsler og vielser. Disse "sogne-registre" har hvert sit såkaldte batch-nummer. Med dette nummer i hånden kan man trække alle ud fra det pågældende sogn. Indgangen til disse batchnumre har flere gange være diskuteret i DIS-Forum, bl.a. i "Metode & teknik" i slutningen af februar 2004. En samlet oversigt kunne lette søgearbejdet i "".

Efter et større registrerings- og kontrolarbejde af bl.a. Michael S.A. Thomsen og Arne Feldborg har de fået lavet en genvej til disse batchnumre.

Michael S.A. Thomsen har lagt dem på nettet i en pdf-udgave, hvor de er sorteret efter amt, herred og sogn. Den kan findes på adressen:

Arne Feldborg har lagt det hele i en database, hvor man trække det ønskede sogn frem. Desuden kan man med et valgt batchnummer søge direkte på et personnavn i Adressen hertil er:

Et flot stykke arbejde som fortjener megen ros.

In brief
Danish batch numbers for IGI

about 50% of parishes are said to be transcribred
Bloomsday i Cinemateket

In Copenhagen there is an intellectual circle wild about James Joyce

so the one hundredth BLOOMSDAY (16. June 1904).