Friday, January 02, 2009
Humans nearly wiped out 70,000 years ago, study says -
Humans nearly wiped out 70,000 years ago, study says -
The human population at that time was reduced to small isolated groups in Africa, apparently because of drought, according to an analysis released Thursday.
The report notes that a separate study by researchers at Stanford University estimated that the number of early humans may have shrunk as low as 2,000 before numbers began to expand again in the early Stone Age.
"This study illustrates the extraordinary power of genetics to reveal insights into some of the key events in our species' history," said Spencer Wells, National Geographic Society explorer in residence.
"Tiny bands of early humans, forced apart by harsh environmental conditions, coming back from the brink to reunite and populate the world. Truly an epic drama, written in our DNA."
Wells is director of the Genographic Project, launched in 2005 to study anthropology using genetics. The report was published in the American Journal of Human Genetics.
Studies using mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down through mothers, have traced modern humans to a single "mitochondrial Eve," who lived in Africa about 200,000 years ago.
Don't Miss
* Genographic Project
The migrations of humans out of Africa to populate the rest of the world appear to have begun about 60,000 years ago, but little has been known about humans between Eve and that dispersal.
The new study looks at the mitochondrial DNA of the Khoi and San people in South Africa, who appear to have diverged from other people between 90,000 and 150,000 years ago.
The researchers led by Doron Behar of Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, and Saharon Rosset of IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, and Tel Aviv University concluded that humans separated into small populations before the Stone Age, when they came back together and began to increase in numbers and spread to other areas.
Eastern Africa experienced a series of severe droughts between 135,000 and 90,000 years ago, and researchers said this climatological shift may have contributed to the population changes, dividing into small, isolated groups that developed independently.
Paleontologist Meave Leakey, a Genographic adviser, asked, "Who would have thought that as recently as 70,000 years ago, extremes of climate had reduced our population to such small numbers that we were on the very edge of extinction?"
Today, more than 6.6 billion people inhabit the globe, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
The research was funded by the National Geographic Society, IBM, the Waitt Family Foundation, the Seaver Family Foundation, Family Tree DNA and Arizona Research Labs.
"Humans nearly wiped out 70,000 years ago" - Google Search
Family Tree Builder 3 application updated
Family Tree Builder - Free genealogy program - MyHeritage: "Family Tree Builder is our genealogy software for Windows. It offers excellent quality,
supports 29 languages and is one of the best genealogy software programs you'll ever find."
![]() | Build your Family Tree | |
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![]() | 34 languages | |
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Daniel Horowitz
Genealogy and Translation Manager
MyHeritage Ltd.
Bnei Atarot 60991, Israel Essential Maintenance
"We are carrying out essential website maintenance on
Our team of engineers are busy making a number of changes to the website to ensure it continues to offer a high level of service to our customers in the future.
We will keep the maintenance time to a minimum and make the service available to you as soon as possible.
We apologise for the inconvenience.
Paul Yates
Operations Director"
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Scotland and Denmark
Should Auld Acquintance Be Forgot: Scottish Danish Relations c. 1450-1707
(Odense University Press 1988)
reviews patterns of settlement by Scots in Denmark during the 257 years up to Scottish-English union.
Computer genealogie − GenWiki
Dank an Birgit Wendt
Seit der Neuherausgabe der Zeitschrift COMPUTERGENEALOGIE im Januar 2001 hat Birgit Wendt mit großem Enthusiasmus nicht nur in der Redaktion der Zeitschrift und beim Sonderheft mitgemacht, sondern auch als Chefredakteurin diesen Newsletter acht Jahre lang betreut. Jeder kennt sie von 'Biggi's Liste', in der sie ihre gesammelten Links und das damit verbundene genealogische Wissen allen zur Verfügung gestellt hat.
Birgit Wendt war auch einige Zeit im Vorstand des Vereins für Computergenealogie e.V. aktiv und hat lange Zeit für eine perfekte Mitgliederbetreuung gesorgt. Nun hat sie im Dezember-Newsletter ihren Abschied aus der Redaktion bekannt gegeben. Die Redaktion des Magazins Computergenealogie und der Vorstand des Vereins danken ihr für ihr vielfältiges ehrenamtliches Engagement in den vergangenen Jahren sehr herzlich und wünschen ihr alles Gute! (gj)"
* Dank an Birgit Wendt
* Schlagwortregister für die Computergenealogie
* Neues in der DigiBib
* Update der Datenbank historischer Adressbücher
* Projekt-Info Online-OFBs
* Private Datenbank sächsischer Genealogen
* Sinnvolle Freizeitbeschäftigung
* Ortsfamilienbuch und Ahnenliste
* Gen_Plus neu programmiert
* Digitalisierung der "Bergmann'schen Exulantensammlung"
* Digitale Suche im Friedhofsregister im Stadtarchiv Amsterdam
* Computergenealogie 4/2008 erschienen
* Das Projekt "Siebenbürger Genealogie"
* Saarländische Publikationen auf CD
* Niederländische Genealogische Computer Vereniging
fusioniert mit HCC Genealogie
* Arbeitsgruppe der Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) für
"Irische Pfälzer" eingerichtet
* Zeitungen von Ihrem Geburtstag
* Termine
public house history
"These are the entry pages to the history of London, Essex, Kent, Hertfordshire & Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Sussex & Dorset Historical Public Houses site, which complement many other excellent FREE genealogy sites.. (or use the navigation bars and the excellent search engines).
London Public Houses information starts with the 1881 census,
Trade Directory entries from the Post Office , Kelly and Pigots Directories, Petty Session Victuallers records etc.
The information is mostly historical, being up to two hundred years previous. But, you will also find many modern and classical images of these public houses & Beer Houses; and the occasional Telephone number, or postal code.
There are now over 14,000 London, Essex, Suffolk, Sussex, Hertfordshire & Kent Pubs - i.e. public houses, taverns, Pubs in London and many beer houses & retailers (the early off licences).
These are listed by church parish as they would have existed before 1900, and many of these are no longer in existence due to road improvement schemes and the policy to build on 'brown fill' sites, often including old pubs and garages, which are being annihilated in vast quantities, to improve housing opportunuties."
Bristol's Lost Pubs:
"Bristol’s Lost Pubs is a record of Bristol’s pubs and publicans from the mid-eighteenth century up until the middle of the twentieth century, the information on these pages has been gleaned from trade directories and census returns.
Many thanks are given to all who have contributed names, dates and pictures to this site. The photographs displayed on these pages are believed to be out of copyright; however, if you know this not to be the case please let me know and the picture in question will be removed. I hereby place into the public domain all original content displayed herein. Bristol’s Lost Pubs has no connection with any other web site."
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Bristol english dialect Dictionary
"Have you ever been attacked by a macky buzzer? Or wondered if the snow was pitchen? Not sure? Well help is at hand with our updated second edition of A Dictionary of Bristle"
Richard van Schaik
Google Groups: "soc.genealogy.britain - denizen Richard van Schaik"
Monday, December 29, 2008
last day BETA 1911 Census England and Wales
from my email:-
Dear family historian,
We are now reaching the end of the beta period for the site. Tomorrow, 30 December 2008, will be the last day that the site will be available for use. Unfortunately no more counties will be added at this point so we hope that you have enjoyed using what has been available over Christmas.
The full site launch in 2009 will include many more additional counties. Thankyou for the huge volume of feedback you have given us and for your many comments - we will be analysing all of these in depth.
Our best wishes for a happy 2009 and continued success in researching your family history.
The team
This email has been sent by, a brightsolid venture. brightsolid is registered in Scotland: Company Registration No: SC161678 Registered Office: Gateway House, Luna Place, Dundee Technology Park, Dundee, DD2 1TP
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Jönsson fra Sverige
Familien Jönsson fra Sverige
Da Karla Jönsson blev gift med Axel Jørgensen den 25. august 1899, kom et helt nyt element ind i den Jørgensenske familie. Hun var af en slægt, der var indvandret til Danmark fra Sverige. Om hendes oldefader Jøns Jønsson ved vi kun, at han var skomager, antagelig i Åkarp i Malmöhus len, hvor sønnen med samme navn var født i 1849. Sønnen blev udlært som smed og giftede sig i 1877 med Elna Nielsdatter fra landsbyen Benestad ved Tomelilla. Det var sløjt med arbejde på den tid, og Jøns og Elna besluttede sig til at udvandre til Helsingør i Danmark. Der var godt arbejde at få for en smedesvend på det temmelig nystartede skibsværft fra 1882 – at tage helt til Amerika og den store usikkerhed derovre lokkede dem ikke.
De ankom til Helsingør i august 1883 med 10-årige Niels Christian og Carl Johan, der var 6, mens barn nr. 3, Johan Vilhelm var stærkt på vej, eftersom han er født i Helsingør i oktober 1883. I 1886 kom det sidste barn, Viggo Valdemar, til verden. Jøns fik straks arbejde som kedelsmed på skibsværftet. . . . . ." blog
Incidentally, the original documents are also stored in this order at the National Archives, so we have been working our way through the two kilometres (or one and a quarter miles in old money) of shelving that these records take up. The records take an enormous amount of time to prepare using hundreds of staff – the 1911 census is eight times larger than previous censuses as it is the only census to date where the household schedules have been preserved. We still have a long way to go until scanning is complete – we will continue to work at The National Archives well into 2009 to finish the image scanning and we then still have the job of transcribing the remainder of the census.
Unfortunately the early timing of the beta test means that the counties available are inevitably concentrated in the south, but we wanted to be able to test the site as early as possible with a reasonable number of records available."
Early Lonoke's photos
I have been doing genealogy on my family for 16 years. This webshots page covers news items from the Lonoke Democrat newspapper starting August 1884."
and William R Boone - InterneTree
Lonoke, Arkansas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Lonoke is the second most populous city in Lonoke County, Arkansas, United States, and serves as its county seat.[1] According to 2006 Census Bureau estimates, the population of the city is 4,552.[2] It is part of the Little Rock–North Little Rock–Conway Metropolitan Statistical Area." Lonoke - Google Search
ARGenWeb Lonoke County, Arkansas: "My name is Janey Kaiser and I am the coordinator for the Lonoke County Arkansas page. The PURPOSE OF THIS PAGE is to aid you in your search for Lonoke County Arkansas residents. It is hoped that the information contained here will help you better understand how and when the county boundaries changed, who some of the residents were, where Lonoke county information may be found and how to contact others that may be working on families of your same interest.
In 1803, the Louisiana Purchase was acquired by the United States, and, in 1819, Arkansas was organized as a territory. Its northern, eastern and southern borders were the same as they are now, but to the west, some of what is now Oklahoma was included. Two years later, in 1821, the territorial capital was moved from Arkansas Post to Little Rock.
By 1836, the Arkansas Territory had the 60,000 residents required to become a state, and after writing an acceptable constitution, was declared the 25th state in the United States"
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