Saturday, December 22, 2007

great news

The Ancestry Insider: News for 19 December 2007

Ancestry and FamilySearch Do a Deal

Speaking of cooperation between the two, The Generations Network (TGN) and FamilySearch announced today an agreement restoring full access to starting today in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and the 13 largest regional family history centers (FHCs). While the announcement stated that they "hope to expand access to other family history centers in the future," how would you like to be a patron of the largest FHC that didn't get access?

The agreement comes 8 months after TGN withdrew access of from FHCs. The move was widely believed to signal a falling out between the two. Officials from both organizations maintained that the two enjoyed good relations.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but TGN CEO, Tim Sullivan, said “We’ve enjoyed a ten-year working relationship with FamilySearch, and we look forward to continued collaboration on a number of family history projects.” What would you say if I told you that Tim, my close, personal friend, had taken me into his confidence and told me some of the collaborations being considered?

Genetic Genealogy

The Genetic Genealogy Timeline » The Genetic Genealogist
What immediately stands out is that genetic genealogy has been around much longer than people realize, especially given the recent media attention. I began my exploration of genetic genealogy in 2003, but by 2000 there were already as many as 4 surname projects begun by hobbyists! As of September 2007, one company (Family Tree DNA) had over 4,200 surname projects that contained more than 66,000 surnames. There are even more surname projects hosted by other companies, including Heritage DNA.

The timeline also shows that genetic genealogy was first developed by geneticists and anthropologists to analyze a wide variety of problems facing researchers.

The technology was later embraced by genealogists who saw that it could be used to answer some of the problems faced by other genealogists.

DNA Timeline: "This Timeline began when I could not find an informal context - a simple history - to use when called upon to explain the new field of DNA and genealogy to those who knew less about it than I (a beginner in October 2002 - and not a scientist). This contains items I've found as well as contributions by others, primarily Ann P. Turner and participants of the RootsWeb GENEALOGY-DNA discussion list and members of the ISOGG community. The emphasis here is on “traditional” genealogy - rather than “anthrogenealogy”. The Timeline also attempts to record the contributions of pioneer genetic genealogy hobbyists who helped make this field respectable before it was accepted by the mainstream genealogy community. A few key DNA milestones not directly related to traditional genealogy are included in the Timeline." G.K. Bopp

the challenge of Family History.

BBC - Humber - Features - It's a Family Affair... taking up the challenge of Family History.: "Inspired by the BBC series, Who Do You Think You Are - Radio Humberside invited local people to take up the Family History Challenge and discover for themselves just how addictive genealogy can be.

On Friday Feb 10th, teams in Hull, Scunthorpe and Grimsby set about tracing their family trees, with our challenge to see how much they could find out in one day. Maureen took up the quest in Grimsby... this is what she discovered.

'I am a Tutor for the Community Learning Service, NE Lincolnshire Council and was asked to deliver a beginners Internet and Family History course that I have been doing since September. I have been helping my learners to get started on family history research but had not looked at my own family, until I was given the chance to take part in Radio Humberside’s Family History Challenge.

Radio Humberside set the challenge on Feb 10 as part of their Genealogy weekend – the task – to find out as much as possible about my own family tree in just one day. A tall order, but I was not entirely alone – I had help from Grimsby Library and one of their family history experts, Jennie Mooney."

thanks to Family Research - English, Scottish and Irish Genealogy for the link

Funen Denmark

Kildemateriale |
a brilliant site with a great future

Friday, December 21, 2007

Crime Broadsides

Crime Broadsides Project, Harvard Law School Library

Just as programs are sold at sporting events today, broadsides -- styled at the time as "Last Dying Speeches" or "Bloody Murders" -- were sold to the audiences that gathered to witness public executions in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain. These ephemeral publications were intended for the middle or lower classes, and most sold for a penny or less. Published in British towns and cities by printers who specialized in this type of street literature, a typical example features an illustration (usually of the criminal, the crime scene, or the execution); an account of the crime and (sometimes) the trial; and the purported confession of the criminal, often cautioning the reader in doggerel verse to avoid the fate awaiting the perpetrator.

The Library's collection of more than 500 broadsides is one of the largest recorded and the first to be digitized in its entirety. The examples digitized here span the years 1707 to 1891 and include accounts of such crimes as arson, assault, counterfeiting, horse stealing, murder, rape, robbery, and treason. Many of the broadsides vividly describe the results of sentences handed down at London's central criminal court, the Old Bailey, the proceedings of which are now available online at

Thursday, December 20, 2007

UK Parish Register Index

FreeREG - Search UK Parish Register Indices: "FreeREG currently has a problem with the display of the day in date of an event. Only an * is shown. Please do not report this problem. The database was updated on 19 Dec 2007.

There are 2,760,305 records in the database. (1,478,269 baptisms, 479,954 marriages and 802,087 burials) This is a decrease of 265,406 in the past months and has been caused by a change in the editing requirements for data input. It is expected that there will be an offsetting increase in next months count."

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

SOG London

Society of Genealogists - Calendar of Events: "Non-members now have the opportunity to make use of the Society's library before or after attending a lecture, tutorial or half-day course at a special discount rate"

this is the one for anyone with brickwalls - Thu 14 Feb, 2008 18:00

I'm Stuck A Half Day with Geoff Swinfield (£15/£12)

I heard this talk at FH Fair at NEC in Birmighma
basically about alternate thinking and highly recommended

All are held at the Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road London EC1M 7BA, unless otherwise stated.

Karl Dane: wanted by the police in Denmark

Karl Dane: wanted by the police in Denmark
some more black sheep in Denmark

DSC05994 a thief dressed as a scout


DSC05999Robert Villiam Larsen wss drowned when he fell overboard
and they are publishing a description to help identify his body if it is found

click to see details of the thief DSC06000

drowned and a description of his clothes DSC06001

Find A Grave

Find A Grave Contributor: Erik Skytte: "I live in Denmark in the town of Hilleröd, some 40 km north of Copenhagen. Having retired as a linguist several years ago, I find it very interesting to visit the cemeteries and study the headstones and monuments from different epochs. Some are elaborate works of art, although quite often their size are not directly proportional to the importance and fame of the deceased."

a good domain name and website company

recommended to me many years ago by fellow genealogists

::Easily:: The UK's top domain name & website company

Reproduction Art on Canvas, Printing Photos & Sporting Hero Posters on Canvas, UK: "Art on Canvas is one of the quickest ways to transform a room, and can provide a beautiful and unique focal point. 2canvas provide reproduction art on canvas, sporting hero posters, and sporting images on canvas, which are as unique as you are. We can also print your own photos on canvas, to create a beautiful and lasting artwork of any special moment."

Jysk-Fynske Jernbaner archives

"Mens de sjællandske jernbaner blev anlagt og drevet som privatbaner, anlagdes de
første jernbaner i Jylland-Fyn for statens regning af det engelske selskab,
Peto, Brassey and Betts, iht. lov af 10.3.1861 og koncession af 18.3.1861.
Driften overtoges af et privat selskab, Det Danske Jernbanedriftsselskab (se
ovf.), som 11.5.1866 måtte standse betalingerne. Regeringen søgte herefter
forgæves at overdrage selskabet til Det Sjællandske Jernbaneselskab (s.996). Ved
lov af 14.3.1867, jf. lovene af 26.11.1868, 9.12.1871 og 50 af 20.3.1876,
overtog staten driften af De Jysk- Fynske Jernbaner (JFJ), som herefter lededes
af en driftsbestyrer, fra 1869 af en direktør, der var underlagt
Indenrigsministeriet (Off. Arbejder).
Ved statens overtagelse af driften 1.9.1867 omfattede den banerne Nyborg-
Odense-Middelfart-Strib, Fredericia-Vamdrup-Far ris, Århus-Randers og Langå-

Jysk-Fynske Jernbaner 2376
/ Direktoratet for de Danske Statsbaner i
Jylland-Fyn 1867-85

Direktoratets opgaver Forvaltningen 1916 - Henvisninger

Forvaltningen 1867 - 1915 Pension og sygdom Indhold

Styrelsesloven af 1915 Om arkivet

Peto, Brassey and Betts

part of my work in progress these days

Peto, Brassey and Betts - Google Search

  • Edward Betts (1815–1872), civil engineering contractor
  • Thomas Brassey (1805–1870), civil engineering contractor
  • Sir Samuel Morton Peto, 1st Baronet (August 4, 1809 – November 13, 1889)
  • in 1843 Betts married the sister of railway contractor, Samuel Morton Peto
In the 1860s Betts and Peto overstretched themselves with the result that they ran into financial difficulties in the banking crisis of 1866. They became insolvent in the following year.
Edward Betts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Samuel Morton Peto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "became involved in the financial crisis of 1866, was declared bankrupt and in 1868 he had to give up his seat in Parliament, despite having the support of both Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone. He exiled himself to Budapest and tried to promote railways in Russia and Hungary. When he returned to England he tried to launch a small mineral railway in Cornwall, which failed, and he died in obscurity in 1889"

Dansk jernbanehistorie timeline:

"1867 De jysk-fynske Statsbaner overtager det private Det Danske Jernbanedriftselskab, der havde haft alvorlige økonomiske problemer.

1865 Første jernbane på Fyn åbnes fra Nyborg til Strib

1865 Elektromagnetisk telegraf indføres på strækningerne København-Hillerød-Helsingør og København-Klampenborg

1864 Københavns 2.hovedbanegård åbnes

1862 Første jernbane i Jylland åbnes fra Århus til Randers, som drives af Det danske Jernbanedriftselskab. Der anvendes for første gang armsignaler efter engelsk forbillede. Der anvendes en skinnevægt på 68 pund pr. yard, svarende til 33,7 kg/m."

Home Page | Musée McCord Museum

The Victoria Bridge | Musée McCord Museum: "There was a time, in bygone days, when the Victoria Bridge was considered the eighth wonder of the world. While its connection with the city is different today, it still continues to fascinate. Why was it such a wonder for people at the time?

Discover the Victoria Bridge by visiting this virtual exhibition, covering topics from its construction to the significance of its role in urban development."

The firm of Peto, Brassey and Betts appointed James Hodges as main agent and chief
engineer, in addition to making him responsible for manpower. Much admired for his
leadership abilities, he was considered the only one capable of bringing a project of this size
to term. He would have to oversee more than 3000 individuals on the site for the entire
length of the project. In the winter of 1853-1854, after the concept had been worked out, he
marked out the distances between abutments and piers directly on the ice, then sunk metal
rods (attached by chains to buoys) into the river bottom. After the thaw, it was very easy to
locate the positions of the future piers. The first stone, which came from the Kahnawake
quarry, was laid to the north of the abutment on July 20, 1854, and the ceremony celebrated
on July 22.
During the period of his mandate, Hodges devised an ingenious derrick system that made it
possible to lift and transport the stones for the piers. This system would be left in place once
the bridge was finished, to facilitate maintenance and painting. An innovative engineer by
the name of Chaffey developed steam-driven cranes that would change construction
methods and speed up the work.

from 18 March 1861 to 1 September 1867 Peto, Brassey and Betts were the contractors responsible for building JFJ - Jysk-Fyenske Jernbaner which became part of DSB

18901890Hundrup, Carl VilhelmBrev fra Jysk-fynske jernbaner angående Caution
19461953Dansk JernbanelægeforeningForhandlingsprotokol for Jysk-Fynske Jernbanelægeforening

FraTilArkivskabereArkiv- serier
18671885Jysk-Fynske Jernbanervis
18671881Jysk-Fynske Jernbaner, Anlægget
18671885Jysk-Fynske Jernbaner, Baneafdelingenvis
18751885Jysk-Fynske Jernbaner, Baneforvaltningenvis

1867 1885 Direktoratet for de Danske Statsbaner i Jylland-Fyn is later

Oplysninger om arkivserie
Tegninger især vedr. havne og jernbaner på Fyn 1842 - 1885

Tegninger især vedr. havne og jernbaner på Fyn (officielt)

Arkivserien er dannet i perioden:1842 - 1885

Note:Har tidligere udgjort en selvstændig proveniens: Det kgl. Biblioteks afl. 1918-1919 Fyn nr. 1-32 (KTS) Indeholder især havne- og jernbanetegninger.

Kuriosa i dansk jernbanehistorie


Baronen: Baron(en titel han havde købt i San Marino) Gottlieb Hartvig Abrahamsen Gedalia er en af de farverigeste entreprenører i pionertiden. Han havde slået sig op som vekselerer efter at have startet som saddelmager, men i 1872 skiftede han erhverv, da han blev hovedmanden i det konsortium, som underbød selveste C. F. Tietgen - dansk industris førstemand - og endvidere tjente godt på anlægget af Vendsysselbanen. Efter at Peto, Brassey & Betts havde udspillet deres rolle omkring 1866 koncentreredes interessen om fire personer: foruden Gedalia og Tietgen, sidstnævntes stråmand Fredric James Rowan - oprindeligt Peto, Brassey & Betts' driftsingeniør, hvorefter han grundlagde vognfrabrikken "Hvide Mølle" i Randers - og Lauritz Pedersen. Sidstnævnte startede sin jernbanekarriere med anlægget af Skanderborg-Silkeborg og arbejdede siden sammen med Tietgen (uden Rowan) på anlægget af LFJS, hvorved han mødte sin senere partner J. C. F. Watzöld(de anlagde sammen Herning-Skjern, HNHJ og VLJ). Pedersen var også entreprenør på VVJ og (sammen med J. David) på Sölvesborg-Kristianstad. Væsentligere var det meget spegede forløb omkring anlægget af Roskilde-Kalundborg: Først blev de oprindelige tilbudsgivere købt ud(af Gedalia), dernæst blev DSJS overtalt(af Tietgen) til at bytte deres koncessionsret på LFJS med Roskilde-Kalundborg og endeligt gik Pedersen og Gedalia i gang med at bygge den. Budgettet holdt imidlertid ikke, og de to gik fallit - Gedalia kom aldrig på fode igen, mens Pedersen som nævnt gik i kompagniskab med Watzöld. ØJJ blev anlagt samtidigt af Gedalia, men blev på trods af konkursen leveret til tiden. Rowan/Tietgen anlagde til sammenligning Lunderskov-Esbjerg-Holstebro, Bramming-Ribe-Vedsted(det sidste stykke efter et delikat stykke politisk arbejde), MBJ, GJ og(kun Rowan) RHJ og Hillerød-Græsted.

Peto: Den engelske jernbaneentreprenør (Samuel) Morton Peto, medstifter af Peto, Brassey & Betts(sammen med svogeren Thomas Brassey og Edward Ladd Betts), byggede en del baner i Danmark(jysk-fynske stambaner), men det var oprindeligt ikke meningen, han også skulle stå for driften deraf, men ved bygningen af den Østjyske Længdebanes sydlige del kom han i klemme i politik.

Det var nemlig den danske stat, der havde koncessioneret banens bygning, men før den stod færdig var området blevet besat af tyske(fortrinsvis preussiske) tropper, og banen kunne derfor ikke afleveres til kontraktgiveren. Peto måtte derfor ty til selv at stå for driften for dog at få nogle af sine penge ind. Han kunne dog afhænde strækningen få år efter til Altona-Neumünster-Kiel Eisenbahngesellschaft. Peto havde i øvrigt prøvet det før(i Hessen med strækningen Frankfurt/Main-Bad Homburg/Höhe), så han vidste lidt om forholdene. Det forhindrede ham dog ikke i at gå konkurs senere.

form Kuriosa


Danske Statsbaner (DSB) er dannet i 1880 ved et tvangsægteskab mellem Jydsk-Fynske Jernbaner (JFJ) fra 1862 og Sjællandske Jernbaneselskab (DSJS) fra 1849. Senere opsluger de følgende, oprindeligt private selskaber:

* 1881 Østjydske Jernbaner (ØJJ) fra 1876
* 1893 Gjedser Jernbane (GJ) fra 1886
* 1912 Vejle-Give Jernbane (VGJ) fra 1894
* 1948 Slangerupbanen (KSB) fra 1906
* 1949 Sydfyenske Jernbaner (SFJ) fra 1876 (se nedenfor)
* 1975 Amagerbanen (AB) fra 1907

tusand tak til Mukke: "Morten K. Pedersen."

Statens Arkiver Copenhagen Denmark

Statens Arkiver: "Julelukket i Statens Arkiver
Statens Arkiver - herunder arkivernes læsesale - holder julelukket
i dagene den 22. december 2007 til den 2. januar 2008, begge
dage incl."

Odense Historiens Hus

Odense Centralbibliotek - Lokalhistorisk Bibliotek: "Der arbejdes i øjeblikket på den fælles hjemmesideadresse, Denne vil være tilgængelig for alle historie-interesserede senere på året.

Lokalhistorisk Bibliotek og Odense Stadsarkiv er to selvstændige institutioner, men markedsføres under fælles navn.

Historiens Hus kan besøges på Klosterbakken 2 i åbningstiden: mandag-tirsdag 12-16, onsdag 10-16 samt torsdag 14-19." Odense Kommune - Stadsarkivet

Stadsarkivet er den del af Odense Kommunes Borgmesterforvaltning, der kan tage sine gæster med tilbage i tiden. Her kan man dykke ned i Odenses historie, hvad enten man vil bruge fotografier, protokoller, dokumenter, lydbånd, film eller andet som guide.
Bemærk: Adressen henviser i øjeblikket til denne side. Historiens Hus er den nye fællesbetegnelse for Stadsarkivet og Lokalhistorisk Bibliotek, og vi er i gang med at udarbejde en ny og spændende fælles hjemmeside, der vil blive lagt på den adresse.

Local history center for Odense Funen

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cemeteries in Denmark

DK-Gravsten - Links til Danske gravstenssider. med links direkte på kort: "The link page to all photographed cemeteries in Denmark.
* On this page we will try to collect links to all photographed cemeteries in Denmark.
* To digitize the cemeteries of Denmark, our common heritage, should be a common nationwide project, where everybody can participate at their own level."

from usenet alt.genealogy

Jasper Ross' social secuirty number was 575-01-8863. How dis I know? It's
public knowledge! For recent deaths, always use the SSDI
( Plug in Jasper and you will see that you get a
hit. Do not stop there. With the information off the SSDI, you can send a
request to the SSA for a copy of the original appilcation form (they raised
the cost from $17 to to $35 now I think). His application will provide such
info as date of birth, occupation, and name of parents.

If you are just starting out, get as many birth, death, and marriage records
as possible. This is a good site: Most states keeps
records back to maybe 1885, then county anf town records might take you back
another 30 years (except in new England where they go back to the 1640s).
Before that, you need to go to church records.

Are you familiar with the library in Salt Lake (world's largets genealogical
library)? From your local FHC, you can borrow anything from Salt Lake for
<$3.50 and you do not need to be Mormon. See what is there using this See where your nearest FHC is uysing this: Also, very imporatant, interview the oldest members of your family before they die. Peter wrote in message

>>I just subscribed to and have reached a brick wall.
>> I discovered by paternal grandfather (Jasper Bennett Ross) was born 28
>> Apr 1884, in Puerto Rico. He died 13 Jan 1972, in Hawaii. One of the
>> documents he completed showed that his father (Fredrick Bennett Ross)
>> was born in "Europe," and his mother (Josephine Rivera Villahermoza)
>> was born in Puerto Rico.
>> Despite searching everywhere, I cannot find any additional
>> information. on my grandfather nor his parents.
>> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
>> Many, many thanks in advance.
>> iuki
ªNew at this - HELP! - alt.genealogy | Google Groups

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Greetings 2007

Christmas Greetings 2007: "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Zena and Phyllis, the Dare sisters c.1905

Ian and Josephine"


FreeBMD Home Page:

"The recording of births, marriages and deaths was started 1 July 1837 and is one of the most significant resources for genealogical research in England and Wales.

The transcribing of the records is carried out by teams of dedicated volunteers and contains index information for the period 1837-1983."

FreeBMD are currently transcribing 1927 marriages and although over 2 million new records were uploaded in the last month it is anticipated that FreeBMD will not start transcribing the Index for 1940 onwards until sometime in 2009.

A breakdown of work done by event and year can be viewed here

FreeBMD Signup:
"In order to transcribe for the FreeBMD project you need to join a Syndicate. A Syndicate is a group of people, led by one or more coordinators, who are transcribing a range of records for the FreeBMD project.

The coordinator will help you in getting started transcribing for the project."

The FreeBMD Database was last updated on Sat 15 Dec 2007
and currently contains 142,986,702 distinct records (183,678,204 total records).

On Sun 16 Dec 2007 FreeBMD users did 159,233 searches. (More information)

FreeBMD is kindly sponsored by RootsWeb, and The Bunker.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Black Sheep

Bad Girls, Bad Boys - We're Gonna Come For You: "In 1870, the census shows that 37-year-old Julia Eckert's occupation was 'keeping house.' Routinely, these are the words entered by the wife and mother in an average household. Typically, the husband was head of the household, perhaps as a farmer, merchant, carpenter or other standard profession for the time. Sometimes when a woman was head of the household with the occupation 'keeping house,' we assume or the census shows she was a widow.

But analysis of the other residents of the household that Julia headed showed she was not a commonplace housekeeper. In the household were Lizzie Bradshaw, 19; Mary Shackleford, 23; Mattie Vaughn 24; and William Shackleford, 5. Lizzie, Mary and Mattie's occupation was 'sporting woman.' No, they were not athletes. They were prostitutes, and Julia was the madam and therefore a housekeeper in a nontraditional sense in a home on Rose Hill Street in Lexington, Ky.
. . .

Since there obviously are so many colorful ancestors out there, it should be no surprise that someone formed a Black Sheep Society.

Calling himself the flockmaster, Jeff Scism describes the society's purpose as that of learning and sharing. The group's goal is to find alternate routes of research around the "wall of silence" that families put around unsavory members.

You can read about the group at BlackSheep

A Rootsweb mailing list for the International Black Sheep Society

or read its archived mail list and Browse the BlackSheep archives

Topic: A mailing list for the International Black Sheep Society of Genealogists (IBSSG) which includes all those who have a dastardly, infamous individual of public knowledge and ill-repute somewhere in their family ... preferably in their direct lines. This individual must have been publically pilloried in disgrace for acts of a significantly anti-social nature. The purpose of the list is to discuss these individuals in order to learn more about them and share information about your "Black Sheep" with others. Additional information can be found at

Black Sheep Ancestors

Black Sheep Ancestors Logo - Directory of Links for Prison & Convict .... Also included is a Captain William Kidd detailed genealogy and family tree. ...