Saturday, March 08, 2008

English contractors building a railway in Jutland Denmark


inquests in Gloucester England

"1723 Jan 14. Gloucester, Jan 12.

One SARAH GAY of Burton, a Mile from Cainson and 5 from Bristol, living in a Farmer’s House, her Belly being got up, she endeavour’d to conceal it for fear of Shame, and when her Pains came on her she said she was violently afflicted with the Colick; but her Mistress thinking her to be with Child, went up Stairs with her, and coming down soon, the maid was delivered in the meanwhile, murder’d the Infant, and wrapt it in a Blanket; her Mistress coming up again soon discover’d it, tho’ the Maid had the Impudence to deny it, till her Mistress open’d the Blanket.

The Coroner sate on the Body, and brought her in guilty of Wilful Murder."

and she would either have been hanged or transported to the colonies



"Hi, my name is Patsy McMillan and I live in Waikari, North Canterbury downunder in New Zealand. We have three grown children, ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren. I am an avid genealogist I like reading and drawing and spending time with the family.

I have been interested in Family History research for 20 years and love to help others who are just getting into this hobby. Perhaps we could assist you with your New Zealand research in Christchurch or Canterbury see my Workshop page and checkout my Help page also. "

Friday, March 07, 2008

How good are the FamilySearch Indexing indexes?

Legacy News: How good are the FamilySearch Indexing indexes?: "FamilySearch Indexing continues to grow. Today Headquarters announced that over 115,000 volunteers have signed up to help index records. . . . and read the rest dated 15 January 2008"

FamilySearch indexing - Google Search

FamilySearch indexing:help

FamilySearch indexing: Sometimes it's difficult to tell what is a sign of repetition (ditto mark): "Problem

What constitutes a sign of repetition?

When ditto marks or other similar signs of repetition appear on census records or ledger documents, type the actual information that is being dittoed, rather than the mark itself. Signs of repetition may include:

A “· ·” (ditto mark).

The word 'ditto'

The letters 'do'

A straight line (in a ledger document like a census). Realize that a straight line is not always a ditto:
Surnames. A straight line is often a ditto in the surname field of census records.
Place-names. A straight line might be a ditto, but you will need to see how the enumerator wrote place-names throughout the document to determine this.

A blank field between record entries for a family group (in a ledger document like a census).
Sometimes the census enumerator did not repeat the surname or the birthplace for each family member. Interpret a blank field as a ditto mark only when the original document clearly groups families together.

In the Mexico census, the enumerator sometimes wrote out the father's surname and then for the mother and children's surname wrote only the first letter of the surname with a period:
Juan Carlos Romero
Maria R.
Jose R.
In this example, you would treat the repetition as a ditto mark and extract the father's surname for the wife and children:
Juan Carlos Romero
Maria Romero
Jose Romero

a good idea to volunteer and learn more about genealogy too
FamilySearch Indexing: Preserving Our Heritage

FamilySearch and partnering societies provide a variety of projects to index, each with unique guidelines and rules. Read about what is being indexed now, and see what is coming in the future.

When the information indexed by volunteers is ready for publication, it will be made available FREE OF CHARGE through Some of these indexes will be posted by our partnering societies. Come and enjoy helping us build these valuable genealogical resources by becoming a volunteer now

these will transform irish genealogy for example:-

and coming soon
  • Irish Birth Indexes 1922-1942
  • Irish Death Indexes 1922-1944
  • Irish Death Indexes 1945-1958
and I am waiting for parish registers from Wales

Thursday, March 06, 2008

First World War and Army of Occupation War Diaries

The National Archives | DocumentsOnline | Selected First World War and Army of Occupation War Diaries: "The UK National Archives has been digitising selected War Diaries from the First World War. These files are some of our most frequently ordered documents.

The original diaries are held in the seriesLink to glossary - opens in a new window WO 95. They are for British and colonial units serving in theatres of operations between 1914 and 1922.

They contain daily reports on operations, intelligence summaries and other pertinent material.

Many maps and plans were included in the original diaries and particularly confidential material was removed before the files were made available. This accounts for the absence of some appendices referred to on the covers of many diaries.

For more on these diaries please see the free research guide, British Army War Diaries: First World War, 1914-1918."

1916 Aarhus street Directory

Aarhus Vejviser 1916-1917 - a photoset on Flickr

if you View as slideshow (open in a new window) this is the quickest way to navigate this DIRECTORY from 1916


Udtaget småtryk 33,-321 8°
Aarhus Vare- og Forretnings-Vejviser (1916-17)
. 57 S.. . - Aarhus, 1916.
Stregkode:: 202000671131

Karl Dane: Karl Dane's brother in 1916 Aarhus street Directory

Cyndi's List

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Cyndi's List site is down

403 Forbidden: "You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.37 Server at Port 80"

from my email:-

"Hi all -

The site is down temporarily. There were some file folder permission problems with the daily scripts. My friendly Texas programmer is working on it. Hang tight and the site will be back soon.


Statens Arkivers nye hjemmeside

Statens Arkivers forside

Er du ny på arkivet?

Et arkiv er en guldgrube af informationer om små og store historiske begivenheder og forhold. Men for at finde noget på et arkiv, skal man vide lidt om, hvor man skal lede. Du kan finde masser af vejledning her på sitet.

Introduktion for nye brugere
Introduktion for slægtsforskere
Introduktion for forskere
Introduktion for studerende
Se åbningstider
"The State Archives in Denmark provides a number of services on the Internet, that makes it possible to search for your ancestors online, including a comprehensive collection of online images of parish register and census pages and partial transcriptions of the census

See their new website in english : The Danish State Archives - Genealogy - Online services:

Auf Deutsch: "Zum Landsarkivet for Sønderjylland (Landesarchiv für Nordschleswig) gibt es eine kurze Introduktion in der deutschen Sprache."

Die schleswigsche Verwaltung bis 1864/1867

Vom Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts bis 1864 war Schleswig ein selbständiges Herzogtum unter der dänischen Krone. Das älteste im Landesarchiv erhaltene Dokument ist die Schrage der Stadt Apenrade von 1335. Die wichtigsten Archive aus diesem Zeitraum sind folgende:

Amtsarchive der Ämter Hadersleben, Apenrade-Lügumkloster, Sonderburg-Norburg und Tondern (spezielle Akten des Südteils des letzteren finden sich im Landesarchiv zu Schleswig) sowie des Stiftsamtes Ripen, soweit es dessen im Herzogtum Schleswig belegenen Enklaven betraf, und einige wenige Akten des Amtes Flensburg enthalten wichtige Informationen zu nahezu allen Bereichen des öffentlichen Lebens.

Die preußische Verwaltung von 1864 bis 1920

Ab 1864/67 wurde Nordschleswig ein Teil der neu geschaffenen preußischen Provinz Schleswig-Holstein. Die Administration wurde weitgehend nach preußischem Muster umgestaltet und gestrafft. Als wichtigste Archive dieses Zeitraums seien genannt:

Landratsarchive mit den dazugehörigen Kreisausschussarchiven aus den neu gebildeten Landkreisen Hadersleben, Apenrade, Sonderburg und Tondern

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


The Laundromat Cafe
in Copemhagem - but alas too expensive for me to becoame a regular

save money by NOT using UK Non-Geographical Telephone Numbers

SAYNOTO0870.COM - Non-Geographical Alternative Telephone Numbers: "Many people don't realise that there are many phone providers offering cheaper calls to standard telephone numbers (those beginning with 01 or 02), which don't apply to 0844, 0845, 0870 or 0871 telephone numbers. - Please see the links page and click on Cheapest Call Provider for price details. This shows that by using multiple providers, you can reduce your call cost on standard telephone numbers to as little as 3p fixed cost (regardless of duration), whereas the cheapest provider to 0870 numbers during the day that I am aware of charges 4p/min (+ 3p connection fee) to call.

Worst still some companies that use these numbers are actually receiving a cut of the phone call costs.

If you have an 'inclusive landline calls' phone package, then it is very rare that 0844, 0845, 0870, or 0871 numbers are are included in your 'free minutes' allocation, unlike normal numbers. Many mobile phone packages also exclude freephone 0800 and 0808 numbers for your bundled minutes."

just wait for it

HEMA - online winkelen
insane home page

Monday, March 03, 2008

Laundromat Cafe in Copenhagen

fake genealogy

Gustav Anjou - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "1863-1942), born Gustave Ludwig Ljungberg, was a self-professed genealogist who has been accused of fakery.

Few if any names in genealogical circles draw the outrage that Anjou enjoys. A resident of Staten Island, New York, Anjou presented himself as a professional genealogist, and his services were employed by many East Coast families in the late 19th and early 20 centuries.

Anjou initially earned a reputation for providing copious amounts of research to back up his findings, much to the delight of his clients. For his 'findings', Anjou's services were expensive for the day and he became quite well off.

However scholastic research of Anjou’s findings have found flawed research with the intent to defraud."

Family Chronicle - Fraudulent Genealogies: " . . . . The second, and far more ominous, reason for caution is that many Internet databases contain fraudulent genealogies created by such master forgers as Gustave Anjou who created hundreds of genealogies in the late 1800s and early 1900s in exchange for huge fees. It is estimated that Anjou alone has tainted the lineages of over 2,000 common surnames and some of these are listed later in this article. Anjou was not the only forger active in creating questionable distinguished lineages for unwary clients; the names of Charles H. Browning, Orra E. Monnette, Frederick A. Virkus, C.A Hoppin, Horatio Gates Somersby and John S. Wurts have also been recorded as “experts” who used dubious sources."

by Myra Vanderpool Gormley, CG

Not even your family histories are safe from those who want to make a quick buck at your expense. Moreover, you might have been hoodwinked with a fabricated genealogy and your relatives might have been victims of estate frauds -- an old con game, and you might not even realize it."

Cyndi's List - Myths, Hoaxes & Scams

New FamilySearch

Deseret Morning News | FamilySearch meet set for software developers: "FamilySearch announced its first conference for software and Web application developers. The 2008 FamilySearch Developers Conference will be March 12, in conjunction with the Brigham Young University Computerized Family History and Genealogy Conference in Provo.

FamilySearch engineers and community developers will discuss new FamilySearch Web Services (API) and share best practices from its application to a variety of popular software environments.

Attendees can register online at

FamilySearch has a full platform for software developers genealogy content, interfaces, tools, code, support and training. This platform enables developers to launch a new business or boost their target markets by adding features that are programmatically linked to FamilySearch's expanding online resources."

statistics about pay and salaries in Denmark

from my old email from BiblioteksVagten:-

Statsbibliotekets (Aarhus Danark) fagreferent Ole Hafström har følgende svar:
Der findes ikke pålidelige lønstatistikker fra begyndelsen af 1800-tallet; der var ikke systematisk indsamling af oplysninger til lønforhandlinger eller indkomstskat. De fremmeste forsøg på at lave en samfundsstastik er
V. Falbe-Hansen og William 'Scharling:
Danmarks Statistik' (1885-91)
Hans Chr. Johansen:
Dansk historisk statistik 1814-1980 (1985).

Jeg har også fundet et par artikler,der kan være interessante:
' Om udviklingen i løn og realløn for byarbejdere i Danmark op til 1870'
af Jørgen Peter Christensen
i Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 1992 s. 381-390

& 'The distribution of income in Copenhagen at the beginning of the nineteenth century' af
Henrik J. Meyer
i Scandinavian economic history review 1997 vol. XLV:1 s. 30-57.

Bemandet åbningstid:
Mandag - torsdag: kl. 8 - 22 | Fredag: kl. 8 - 20
Lørdag: kl. 8 - 16 | Søndag: kl. 14 - 22
Telefon: 70 27 07 17

Biblioteksvagten er støttet af Biblioteksstyrelsen "A union catalogue for Denmark, where you can see what has been published in Denmark and the holdings of Danish libraries.
You can request items from a Danish library, but you have to be a local member of the library you choose."

Ask a librarian:-
You may contact a librarian, if you need personal service. Just click on the Ask a librarian button

Sunday, March 02, 2008

could you be from Wales?

Church Books and census in Denmark news

Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline:

"Referater fra brugerrådsmøder"

Kirkebøger for sønderjyske og fynske sogne frem til ca. 1925-1930 blev også lagt ud i efteråret. Kun kirkebøger udskrevet senest 1930 er med, dvs. at bøger påbegyndt 1892, evt. tidligere for Sønderjyllands vedkommende, men først afsluttet efter 1930, ikke er med.

Kirkebøgerne for Bornholm og Lolland-Falster ventes ud i starten af 2008 og følges i første omgang op af flere fra det sjællandske område. Scanningen af andre områder er afsluttet, men de bagvedliggende databaser skal også være klar.

I 2009 kan en udlægning af kirkebøgerne 1925-1950 formentlig påbegyndes.