over three hours repairing things -- broken links since tuesday
[purists note - I often use danish style capitalisation - or the absence thereof]
many thanks to my correspondents for pointing out the problems
the problem is
BLOGGER has updated their interface
enabling wyswyg editing and drag and drop copying
[see below - but the image src have all to be fixed]
but this has become incompatable with the very usefu
l google toolbar
and its blog this button
| - BlogThis! |
New! BlogThis!: With the press of a button you can create a weblog (blog) post pointing to the web page you're visiting.
If you select text on the page, that text also appears in your blog post.
[BUT scandinavian characters Åå Ææ Øø Öö etc get mashed . needs unicode]
To enable the BlogThis! button, access the Options page from the toolbar's Google pull-down menu. You must have a blog already set up to take advantage of this feature. To create a free blog using Google's Blogger service, visit blogger.com.