Saturday, July 03, 2004

Gale . AncestryPlus . Home

AncestryPlus - Home

my own Census UK FAQ
Barry.Ruck - FAQ on CENSUS with many LINKS.

The National Archives | the Catalogue PROCAT new URL

The National Archives | The Catalogue | Research Guides: A to Z

Census of England and Wales - read this first
full of bad advice
and many many omissions writen by an ignoramus

Write to them at The Genealogical Society of Utah, British Isles Family History Centre, 185 Penns Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands.
DON'T write pleas JUST telephone

185 Penns Lane
Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B76 1JU, West Midlands County, England
Phone: 0121-384-2028

Note: These are not mailing addresses. Because of limited staff, Family History Centers cannot respond to mail inquiries.

Phone: 121-386-1690
Hours: 'T, F, Sat 10am-1pm; W 10am-4pm; Th 1pm-4pm; T, W, 7pm-9pm.
Merionethshire Look-up Exchange

the Firefly ISP has changed the names of all of its user sites

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

FreeBMD - Images

In order to add to the service that we already provide to the genealogical
community, FreeBMD has today made its scanned images of the GRO index
(previously available only to transcribers) available to the general public.

Prior to this move, viewing the indexes was only possible at libraries or on
pay-per-view internet sites.

Whilst FreeBMD doesn't yet have a complete set of images, the nearly 700,000
images that we do have represent a good proportion of the indexes from 1837
to 1910, and we hope that people will find the facility useful.

The initial interface is sonmewhat crude, but further enhancements to this
new area of the site are planned, and we will announce them as they happen.

from S G B Dave Mayall
Handels- og Søfartsmuseet
Danish merchant navy museum

Monday, June 28, 2004

Roskilde Festival: "Kamp om de bedste campingpladser
27.06.2004 De første festivalgæster mødte op foran indgangene allerede fredag, og flere tusinde mennesker var klar til åbningen søndag morgen klokken otte.

the fight for the best camp sites
my daughter is there NOWM, age 15, with her school party

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Google Search: Melungeons ethnic identity different answers

"Even though historians have concluded that Melungeons, a sub-population of southern Appalachia, are a "tri-racial isolate" made up of whites, local tribes like the Cherokee, and escaped slaves, nobody knows for sure."

busy doing admin on RootsWeb Message Boards [ Melungeon ]
Google Search: hus haus "hugh watkins":
",Ny-Internet writes:
>You might also consider the ongoing influence of seafaring folk like
>fishermen, who long after the Viking invaders had gone continued, and
>continue still, to meet and converse in what must be a strange amalgam
>of Scots, Geordie, Norwegian and Danish, as well as Galician and
>Breton. Fishermen are reputed to be able to put in to Ostend and go
>for a drink and communicate, despite their various national origins,
>in fisher-talk. Over the centuries, I suppose some of that must have
>made its way home.

the North Sea was the motorway - the Interstate of those days

easiest communication for people goods and ideas

hus mus (hoos moos) Scotland Iceland Norway Sweden and the Swedish colony
in Finland - Denmark

the German haus Maus and southern english house mouse
(Dutch Flemish Frisian ???)
we all basically talk dialects of North Germanic Saxon Norran adulterated
greatly in UK by Norman French which caused the collapse of the grammar
(out with gender and case endings)

The aboriginals of the British Isles talk Brythonic = British = Britonic
= Welsh (saxon for foreign)
and Gaelic
the Pictish language is lost and scottish Gaelic came over with the
invading Irish tribes"

one of my themes Google Search: hus haus "hugh watkins"
Ferienland Schleswig-Holstein - Touren/Dampfeisenbahnen - Angelner Dampfeisenbahn: "Angelner Museumsbahn "

trains again

Angelner Dampfeisenbahn. Google Search: Angelner Dampfeisenbahn.

Postfach 16 17 24937 Flensburg
Land: Deutschland, Schleswig-Holstein
Region: Angeln - Ostsee

region Angeln ( Ostsee )

Vacation Rentals, Vacation Homes Schleswig-Flensburg - Holidays and Travelling in Schleswig-Flensburg

24395 Gelting Angeln

Landschaft Angeln
at last a map
Landschaft Angeln

WIREG counties