Saturday, March 22, 2008

many old newspapers

Gale - Instant Trial - GDC - Home: "You've been invited to enjoy a FREE preview of Gale Digital Collections."

"None" in the institution field and "International" in the location
field and you will get an email with your personal log in details from
Gale that not only lets you have access to the 19th Century British
Library newspapers but The Times and many other databases too.

thanks to Charani in SGB

Friday, March 21, 2008

AOL genealogy webinar tonight

aol://2719:3-5135-Genealogy%20Chat%20UK "Chancery Court Records" from 1366

4:00 pm EST
for AOL users with AOL softwqare installed

Fridae, 21-Mar-08, GENTREK presents:-

Some Thoughts on English Chancery Court Records.

There is more personal history accumulated in Chancery documents than in any other single English archive relating to Britain's family and business links with the colonial empire. Because the greater part of genealogical inquiries originating in America about English ancestry are necessarily devoid of precise chronological or geographical points of reference, it is often necessary, in order to track down and isolate one emigrant ancestor, to compile a family history extending over several English counties and generations.

Join us at 4 pm EDT, or 9 pm British, 2200 European time in the AOL Genealogy Chatroom—UK.

Parish Registers in Norway

Church Books in Norway: "The Norwegian Law of 1687 confirmed the order to keep church registers. The decision of the Church Ritual and the Norwegian Law came into force autumn 1688. Henceforth, every vicar in Norway was obliged to keep a church register. Naturally therefore, a lot of the registers start in 1688. Nevertheless in some parishes the earliest volumes begin in the 18th century. Although, some of the volumes may have been lost, there were also a lot of priests who deliberately overlooked the order. Furthermore, there are parishes that have records starting in 1688, but that have later periods without any registration.

Although the clergy were obliged to keep a register, no one decided how it should be done. Thus, some vicars have kept their records neatly chronological, while others have separated the different clerical events into baptisms, marriages, burials etc. Since the church register was, for quite some time, the sole official protocol for the clergy, the vicars could sometimes include notes on estate and economic affairs, or other official business.

While it was common to register the clerical events such as baptisms and burials, neither birth dates nor dates of death were noted. The older church registers will, therefore, more often than not, have the dates of baptism and burial instead of the day of birth and death. Normally, the child would be baptised within its first eight"

Norwegian article written by Yngve Nedrebø: "Kyrkjebøker" for the Digital Archives.

Digitalarkivet of Noway

FOUR CENSUS Databaseveljar | 1801 | 1865 | 1875 | 1900 | Skanna kyrkjebøker | Søk

WebMeta search: "Det meste av materialet i Digitalarkivet er basert på protokollar og dokument frå statsarkiva og Riksarkivet. I tillegg vil ein også finna noko kommunalt og fylkeskommunalt materiale, noko som er privat og noko frå utlandet. Felles for materialet eller 'kjeldene' i Digitalarkivet, er at det skal byggja på originalt kjeldemateriale. Informasjonen er lagra på to måter; som søkbare databasar, eller på internettsider som bokstavrette avskrift eller digitale bilete. Ved å bruka databaseveljaren finn ein begge desse typane av materiale.

Alt materiale i Digitalarkivet kan finnast ved hjelp av menysystemet, også databasane i Digitalpensjonatet. Materialet er sortert geografisk, etter årstal og etter kjeldetype. Med kjeldetype tenkjer me aller først på kva for eit arkiv det originale dokumentet tilhøyrer, men og på kvar databasane høyrer heime meir 'tematisk'. Målet med organiseringa av materialet, har vore at enkelt skal kunna finna fram i Digitalarkivet jamvel om ein er kjend i arkiva eller ikkje. Etter at ein har vald kategori, kjem ein tekst fram til høgre i vindauget. Denne vil innehalda informasjon som er nyttig å lesa før ein byrjar å søkja i databasane."

Det er funne 3968 databasar. . . also church book images

Genealogy Society of Norway

Genealogy Society of Norway - DIS: "The Genealogy Society of Norway - DIS (Norwegian name: 'DIS-Norge') was founded January 12, 1990. There are about 8000 members (2006) and the membership increases daily. The main goal of the association is to create a common forum for persons interested in using computers as a tool in genealogical research in Norway. DIS-Norge wants to spread knowledge about and at the same time stimulate genealogical research. We have good relations with similar associations in the Nordic countries and are continually exchanging experiences. We facilitate contact between genealogists in Norway, both electronically and face to face. In the case of local interest, we try actively to begin new local organisations.

We want to offer interesting services for English speaking users and members too!"
a newbies guide in Norwegian on DIS-Norge - Databehandling i Slektsforskning

Databruk i slektsforskning

Nyttig å vite for deg som er nybegynner: "sider med nyttige tips om slektsforsking i Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Finland, New Zealand og USA. Mest for deg som er nybegynner, men noe kan være nyttig også for deg som har holdt på en stund."

Typingfool Revisited BLOG

Typingfool Revisited: I love my 3-day weekends!: "Sunday I didn't do much of anything. I went to enter my new genealogy information into my Family Tree Maker program and found that my entire database of names was gone! That was more than a little annoying! I had over 1700 names on it. I got the 2008 copy of the program this winter and just installed it several weeks ago, but hadn't made any changes or actually used it since then. I'm thinking that for some reason the update erased all my information. I don't know how it happened and I've never had that happen with an update before, but I don't know what else would have done it. I have backup disks - somewhere. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at keeping track of the disks when I back stuff up. I also have my Personal Ancestry File that I should be able to import. I just need the time to do it now. Once I get started working on that stuff I hate to stop, I can do it all day!"

Genealogy Insider - News From the BYU Computerized Genealogy Conference

"Family Tree Magazine’s contributing editor and technology guru Rick Crume crashed the Brigham Young University Computerized Genealogy Conference last weekend in Provo, Utah.

He reports more than 700 attendees absorbed nearly 100 presentations and explored a large exhibit area. Here's what Rick had to say about developments he uncovered there and read on Genealogy Insider - News From the BYU Computerized Genealogy Conference::"

How many searches was that?
Tim Sullivan, president and CEO of The Generations Network, rattled off a string of statistics on his company, whose divisions include, RootsWeb, and

Amazingly, still ranks as the third most popular genealogy Web site, even though TGN virtually abandoned the site after acquiring it several years ago.

Sullivan noted processes 20 million search requests a day. TGN has invested almost $69 million to digitize records over the past 10 years; $10 million a year now goes toward digitization. In the works: scanning some of the National Archives’ 9 billion undigitized documents.

Sullivan emphasized RootsWeb will remain free despite the change in its domain name to

my thanks to Genealogy Insider - News From the BYU Computerized Genealogy Conference:

Thursday, March 20, 2008


WorldVitalRecords Blog » Ranked #10 Most Popular Genealogy Site For 2008: "Kory Meyerink recently gave a presentation on the 50 Most Popular Genealogy Web Sites at the Conference on Computerized Family History and Genealogy. was ranked number 10 on this list!

Ranking Criteria

Meyerink felt this list was needed to minimize opinion ranking and to provide a useful list based on an extensive study of genealogical Web traffic. He first merged the rankings from,, and Google PageRank. Then he used Alexa’s top 100 under Genealogy, Kip Sperry’s Link List, Genealogy Sleuth List, cross-linked sites noted on as similar, and Yahoo and Google Directories to compile the list.

Meyerink used sites that were specifically designed for genealogical purposes (free sites, as well as paid), multiple sites from the same owner (if they had a different URL), sites of primary interest to genealogists, and sites that had a ranking of 2-3 ranking services. He did not include the following type of sites in the list: government, repository, general sites (,, and general reference sites (dictionaries, gazetteers, calendars, etc.)."

Vessels UK 1881

SHIPS IN PORT UK 1881 - INTRO.: "The 1881 Census contains details of many ships in UK ports. These records are useful for tracing seamen and passengers coming into or going out of the country.

For those who do not have easy access to the 1881 census the following pages give the details of the people concerned.

A new section of the site is now in progress. This will cover mariners at various shore establishments eg Royal Navy Barracks, Training Schools & Colleges, Seamen's Homes, Prisons etc."

Census records for 1871 person search - are now complete for England and Wales on

Migration records including passenger lists, passports, British India: "Migration 1793 - 1960

Search the exclusive Passenger List records on, in association with The National Archives. These records, covering 1890-1960, detail over 24 million passengers leaving the UK on long-haul journeys.

The Passenger Lists are an essential tool in breaking down brick walls in your research. Find the members of your family that emigrated to start a new life, who travelled for work or who were at the forefront of the beginnings of tourism.

The Register of Passport Applications is an ideal companion to the Passenger Lists, and has records stretching back to 1851."

Family history records subscriptions at "It’s free to search on findmypast but to view the original images you must be a paying customer. With our subscriptions you no longer need to worry about how many units your research will involve; you have unlimited access to the relevant records for the duration of the subscription.

* ORIGINAL high quality records
* Most complete set of official GRO Birth, Marriage and Death indexes for England and Wales online
* The most comprehensive and accurate transcriptions available online
* Dedicated helpdesk team available between 09.00 to 17:00 GMT Monday to Friday
* Over forty years' experience in genealogical research - you benefit from our expertise"

Mugs & Hugs Home

Mugs & Hugs Home Companion: "'MISSION STATEMENT: To serve all genealogists by providing an enjoyable online environment with as many helpful and reliable resources as possible.'"

Join us for our weekday morning MUGS & HUGS genealogy chats if you subscribe to AOL! We meet from 9-10am Eastern US Monday through Friday. AOL Keyword: ROOTS (click on chat, then enter the Ancestral Digs Chat Room) (AOL only)

Monday 9 to10am - Host GFS Loni, Host GFS Jayne and Host GFS Maine

Tuesday 9 to 10 am - HOSTGFSNance &

Wednesday 9 to 10 am HOSTGFSNance &

Thursday 9 to 10 am HOSTGFSNance &

Friday 9am to 10am - Host GFS Loni, Host GFS Jayne and Host GFS Maine

Welcome To GenealogyForum.Com

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

hysteria or politics?

USGenWeb - Where Are They Moving?: "Upcoming changes for Web sites hosted at have prompted many sites associated with the USGenWeb project to move off of the RootsWeb servers to a variety of other servers and ISPs. Many say that the change has been a long time in coming, although perhaps hurried a bit by last week's announcement of URL changes, along with a previous announcement of new co-branded RootsWeb/Ancestry mastheads to appear on all RootsWeb sites. There are many other factors involved, however - enough for me to discuss them in another blog post. The end result, however is that many of the state and county coordinators at USGenWeb have elected to move their sites, which will likely mean a bit of a disarray at USGenWeb for a while until all of the links get sorted out."

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Utah Genealogical Association

Utah Genealogical Association - Home: "Utah Genealogical Association website. UGA provides genealogical information, sources, and education. UGA sponsors the yearly Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy and a yearly genealogical conference. The quarterly Crossroads publication provides instruction and information on family history topics to our members

The Utah Genealogical Association (UGA) was formally organized September 25, 1971, and chartered December 1, 1971, by the State of Utah as a nonprofit educational organization. The Association's interests are worldwide.

It is not affiliated with any religious or political organization.

The filming and record acquisitions done by the LDS (Mormon) Church is through the Genealogical Society of Utah, which started in 1894 and is not connected with the Utah Genealogical Association.

About Us - World Vital Records, Inc.: "Paul Allen received the Utah Genealogical Association (UGA) Fellow award at the 2007 UGA Annual Genealogical Conference held in Salt Lake City."

Monday, March 17, 2008

rootsweb is busier than ancestry

SnapShot of (rank #326), (#395) - Compete: "Date: 02/2008
- - - - - - -- - -- -People -- Month Δ Year Δ 3,668,975 -- 2.9% 6.2% 3,185,635 -- 0.2% -8.4%"


GenWeb Archives

NMDI, NMGenWeb Archives

New Mexico Death Certificates

New Mexico Death Index project (1899-1949) (Note: this is a USGenWeb project currently hosted on Rootsweb. It could move due to recent consolidation of the Ancestry and Rootsweb domains.)

So then I went to the New Mexico government site to look up how to retrieve death certificates.

New Mexico Vital Records are restricted access records and are only issued to immediate family members or individuals who demonstrate tangible legal interest.
They define immediate family as: "mother, father, maternal grandparent, paternal grandparent (if father listed on record), sibling, child or current spouse." None of these are still alive. If they had included grandchild, I would have had my mother submit the request, which she would have gladly done. I wasn't very happy with the New Mexico government.

Some death certificates from 1889-1945 are available on microfilm from the Family History Library.

Transylvanian Dutch: New Mexico Death Certificates

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How Do I Make A Family Tree?

Arts & Humanities • View topic - How Do I Make A Family Tree?: "I want to start to make a family tree but I dont really know a great deal about them and how you go about finding relatives etc. I was adopted at a very early age and have limited info on my birth parents and siblings."

Bad Baby Names

DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog: Ancestry's "Bad Baby Names" book:

"Michael Sherrod and Matthew Rayback authors of 'BAD BABY NAMES' organically created the book after researchers began discovering and sharing census images that had odd and interesting names. 'What started as occasional e-mails passed around on quiet afternoons turned into us scouring records for names that stood out for, well, their unique stopping power,' according to author Michael Sherrod. 'Trust me, when you come across Wild Looney or Cash Favors, you pause and tell your nearest co-worker.'"


Anyone descended from Culloden winners? - News: "AT THE Battle of Culloden the 5,000-strong Jacobite army was heavily outnumbered by the government side, which had 9,000 troops.
Yet efforts to find descendants of those who fought in the clash have found plenty of volunteers lining up behind Bonnie Prince Charlie and few with Hanoverian connections.

In January, the National Trust for Scotland, the guardian of the battlefield, launched a global search for young people whose forefathers fought at Culloden."

Personal Ancestry File

The Ancestry Insider: PAF is only mostly-dead: "The announcement is essentially an end-of-life announcement for PAF and puts to rest rumors that PAF was dead already as well as rumors that FamilySearch would make one more release of PAF with New FamilySearch support."

Renee's Genealogy Blog: PAF is only mostly dead!: "see how Ancestral Quest, Family Insight, Legacy and RootsMagic sync with New FamilySearch."

Utah State University

Deseret Morning News | USU Family History Expo: "Looking for lost ancestors? The Family History Expo may have some answers. The one-day event will be held March 22 at the Eccles Conference Center at Utah State University in Logan, beginning at 8 a.m.

With the theme, 'Families by the Dozen,' the expo will feature a keynote address by Timothy G. Cross, product manager for New FamilySearch, as well as some 36 classes to choose from, including such topics as Welsh research, DNA, immigrant and U.S. ancestry, digital documents, generation maps and more."

"Utah State University" genealogy - Google Search

"Timothy G. Cross" - Google Search: "Timothy G. Cross has worked as a Product Manager for the new FamilySearch for 4 years. Prior to working for the Church, Tim worked in the computer industry"


The Star Online eCentral - Malaysia Entertainment: "Former Friends star Lisa Kudrow will host a new documentary-style show for NBC that traces the ancestry of a celebrity in each episode.

Who Do You Think You Are? is based on a BBC series of the same name, and is developed by Kudrow’s production company Is or Isn’t Entertainment.

'I think at the heart of every American is the burning desire to understand who you are and where you came from,' Craig Plestis, head of alternative programming at NBC said. 'We hope this series will inspire our viewers to investigate their own intriguing past.”"

Lisa Kudrow Back On NBC… Sort Of - Entertainment News Story - KXAS | Dallas: "BURBANK, California -- Lisa Kudrow wants to know 'Who Do You Think You Are?' That's the name of a reality series she's producing for NBC.

The show is patterned after one that's on TV in Britain.

NBC says for the U.S. version, each week the family tree of a different famous American celebrity will be traced 'to reveal surprising, extraordinary and moving stories of their ancestors.'"