Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pearl Duncan / Home UK / UK - Pearl Duncan - 'My Scottish ancestors were heroes': "

When I started to look into my family tree, I couldn't have imagined the conflict it would cause. I spent 10 years researching my ancestors, and a lot of people didn't like what I had to say at the end of it. I'd tracked the cultural history that shaped my DNA in America, Europe and Africa, and discovered that not all white men in the British colonies who fathered children with black women in the 18th century were evil slavers. I found at least one ancestor who was an abolitionist and who did not abandon his children.

My family emigrated from Jamaica to New York when I was young, and I was always fascinated by where I had come from. My parents told me we were descended from the Maroons, or runaway slaves. Years later, when I went to our old family graves just outside Kingston, Jamaica, I couldn't believe it when I found our birth and baptismal records dating back to the 1700s.

I now know that my roots are incredibly diverse: I am descended from slaves; from free people who worked and bought their freedom; from Maroon warriors who waged military rebellions in Jamaica against slavery; also from British merchants, and European and African nobility" . . .

I've written a book about my research but publishers seem to think it's too contentious to publish. Talking about black ancestors who rebelled apparently goes against how Americans see these people - slaves were victims, not rebels. Editors are happy to accept stories about slaves who escaped one at a time, but they don't like the idea that they grouped together and stood up for themselves. That's too threatening.

I've also learned that many black Americans are afraid, as I was initially, of finding a slave trader in their family tree, so they don't really want to talk about their European ancestors. I got into trouble with my black friends for saying that John Smellie was a more caring man than many other colonials because he left a record of his child.

When you start looking into your genealogy, you have to come to terms with admirable and despicable behaviour, and that's what I've done."

popular ratings

Alexa - Browse: Genealogy

but it includes KP Kabalarian Philosphy: "what is unique about KP is its advocates believe that you can change your destiny by changing your name. You can call them and they will help you do this, should you find another name with a better destiny than the one your ignorant parents unwittingly strapped on you at birth. "

Kabalarian - Google Search
Alexa, what has a sect about numeralogy to do with genealogy?

Making a Name Change or Choosing a Baby Name - What you need to know about name meanings: "The Society of Kabalarians (a registered non-profit society) draws on over 70 years of research and experience in providing name analyses, which offer invaluable benefit to people in understanding their strengths and weaknesses both mentally and physically."

Friday, August 17, 2007

Australian Theatricals

HAT- the History of Australian Theatre on line: "HAT is a non profit website that aims to encourage the study of Australian Theatre History. It has a large database of people associated with Australian theatre history, articles about theatre history, short biographies from the newspapers, autographs , historic pictures of theatres and performers and links to other websites. It also has information about Houdini's Tour of Australia."

Catholic Religion history

Collections, Illustrating the History of the ... - Google Book Search: "Collections, Illustrating the History of the Catholic Religion in the Counties of Cornwall ... By George Oliver
Published 1857 C. Dolman 576 pages
Original from Harvard University Digitized 17 May 2006"


Grata Deo pittas, hominum meminisse bonorum."
THE state of the Catholic religion in these two counties of
Devon and Cornwall, alias the diocese of Exeter, conveys a
melancholy proof of the instability of the human mind. . . .

New Advent

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Home: "No one who is interested in human history, past and present, can ignore the Catholic Church, either as an institution which has been the central figure in the civilized world for nearly two thousand years, decisively affecting its destinies, religious, literary, scientific, social and political, or as an existing power whose influence and activity extend to every part of the globe."

from 1917

Websites available from libraries

Websites available in Birmingham Libraries: "We subscribe to these websites, to give you access to large databases of up-to-date information. The sites can be used on computers in Birmingham Libraries
Some are now available on home and office computers if you are a registered user.

Newspapers and Journals Newspapers | Times Digital Archive 1785 - 1985 | Electronic Journals
Reference Credo Reference | Oxford Reference Online | Oxford English Dictionary
Business COBRA | Which?Online
Arts Literature Resource Centre | British Humanities Index | Art Index Online | Grove Art Online | Columbia Granger's World of Poetry
Music searchMuze | Grove Music Online | Naxos Music Library
Learning Course Discover Online "

and in Denmark:-

"Din adgang til kvalitetsinformation på nettet Med fjernadgang giver bibliotekerne dig gratis adgang til søgning i elektroniske opslagsværker hjemmefra. Du skal være indmeldt som låner og have en Pin-kode. Vælg alle elektroniske opslagsværker, eller vælg dem, dit bibliotek giver adgang til -- København, Roskilde, Tårnby, Varde, eller Frederiksberg."

Fjernadgang list

"Elektroniske ressourcer fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek
Oplev webudstillinger - se digitale tryk, håndskrifter, billeder, kort og noder - få præsenteret en række emner online - hent hjælp til informationssøgning og slå op i udvalgte fagbibliografier"

Fjernadgang: "Fjernadgang betyder, at du kan få adgang til en lang række af bibliotekets elektroniske tidsskrifter, e-bøger, e-håndbøger og databaser hjemmefra eller under ophold i udlandet. Studerende og ansatte ved Københavns Universitet, samt ansatte ved de tidligere H:S og KAS hospitaler, er berettiget til at få fjernadgang.

Regler om fjernadgang
Fjernadgang er strengt personlig og må kun benyttes i personligt studie- og forsknings øjemed. Kommerciel udnyttelse af data, systematisk download af store datamængder (herunder hele bøger eller hele tidsskrifter), samt systematisk lagring af data er strengt forbudt.

Det er endvidere forbudt at videregive bruger-id og password (pinkode) til andre og at benytte fjernadgangen i forbindelse med anden arbejdsplads. Hvis biblioteket eller dataleverandøren opdager misbrug, vil fjernadgangen blive lukket for den pågældende. Al trafik vedrørende Fjernadgang bliver logget både hos dataudbyderen og på biblioteket."

Thursday, August 16, 2007 "family tree maker" older versions are in the sales now

101 Best Family History Web Sites - Google Search

101 Best Family History Web Sites - Google Search

101 Best Web Sites--Family Tree Magazine

a badly designed page also in 2002
all I wanted to see was a list

not click backwards and forwards at least 16 times
at least with the real OSCARS you get a press release

The Ancestry Insider

The Ancestry Insider: Ancestry releases FTM 2008 (updated post) announced today the release of Family Tree Maker (FTM) 2008. The large number of new features comes with a price. During the beta, users of previous versions of FTM complained about the huge disparity in user interaction from previous versions. New users, however, are likely to experience greater satisfaction than new users of previous versions. - I don't know data entry is too difficult KISS !!!
- truthfully I believe the developers were underpaid or understaffed or out of time !!!

Users who previously purchased FTM as an inexpensive method of obtaining an subscription may also be disappointed. FTM 2008/ bundles will be available in October through retail outlets with subscriptions for 1, 3 and 6 months with list prices of $29.95, $69.95 and $99.95, respectively. Since an annual Ancestry subscription is currently available online for $12.95 a month, it only makes sense to purchase FTM 2008 at list price if you want FTM.

Find A Grave » Millions of Burial Records Added to :: Online Genealogy Research News

While has been building online databases for just over a year, the Find A Grave project dates back to 1995.

“Find A Grave started out as a hobby for Jim Tipton, which has become one of the most popular places on the Web to upload tombstone inscriptions. I’m thrilled with this partnership and with the success he has had in helping millions of people find the burial places of their loved ones,” said Paul Allen, CEO,

Find A Grave has grown over the past 12 years with more than 200,000 individuals contributing valuable information such as lists of cemeteries, names, photographs, and additional burial information.

Find A Grave - Google Search

Ireland place names 1837

A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis









Tuesday, August 14, 2007

danish probates

Erik Reinert Nielsen: hjemmeside

skifteuddrag Københavns Len, Amt og Birk: "Database med skifteuddrag fra Københavns len, amt og birk Det drejer sig om de tidligste skifteprotokoller og allene om uddrag af personalhistoriske oplysninger, kun i sjældne tilfælde har jeg medtaget kuriosa eller nogle få økonomiske data. Kilder og områdets administrationshistorie ses her."

Hørsholm skifteuddrag 1649 - 1749: "Skifte 3/2 1667 efter en fattig kone, hvis eneste arvinger var nogle gode og ærlige brodersønner: . . . "

Hørsholm skifteuddrag 1649 - 1749: "de 3 første protokoller 1640 - 1678 En dag opdagede jeg, at skifteprotokollerne fra Kronborg Len, der begynder 1640, indeholdt skifter fra de sogne, der et årti senere blev udskildt som Hørsholm Len. Det kunne jeg ikke lade gå upåagtet hen og her er da det forløbige resultat, ca. 1200 skifteuddrag fra de 5 første protokoller. Tillad mig at henvise til forordene til Hørsholm- og Københavns Amt skifterne, der står mange vigtige ting som også gælder for Kronborg-skifterne; læs dem venligst så misforståelser undgås."



af Christen Jensen Diurhuus (1759)


et håndskrift jeg fandt på Rigsarkivet og affotograferede. Om nogen vil "transskribere" teksten, sender jeg gerne billederne på en CD.

Her er noget genealogi.

Det er dels efterslægt til den første "Reinert" jeg kender,

nemlig Johan Jürgen Rennert (ca. 1700-1750);

altså hans børn, deres børn og så videre.

Start her

Dels mine aner, op til 14 generationer tilbage.

Start her

Portbury Hundred

Portbury Hundred Somerset England and Mary Mason has added added a selection of Bristol and Chew Magna Wills

Monday, August 13, 2007

Gazette Website public beta

Gazette BETA Website: "# London # Edinburgh # Belfast" from the GENBRIT list For a while the London Gazette website has been quite awkward to navigate, and not much aimed at those wanting to search the historic archives. They are welcoming feedback on this site - to

Windows XP & Dragon

Microphone Compatibility: "Product Compatibility Review

Given the variety of computers, operating systems and speech recognition products, we are attempting to compile information on compatibility. If you have personal experience shedding light onto compatibility - either good or bad - please feel free to share this with us."

recommended Sennheiser ME3 (with USB Adapter) -- Andrea USB Sound Adapter

news from ancestry - Strange Brew: Ancestry Exposes Quirky Details About Two Canadian Families: "ou may wonder sometimes what Ancestry has to offer you. Can you really find anything about your ancestors in that sea of records? To prove that you can, we did some sleuthing on two famous Canadian brewers to see what we could dig up. You might be surprised at what we discovered."

I used to subscribe to this Ancestry Daily News
Archive by: Date or Category
8/12/2007 Strange Brew: Ancestry Exposes Quirky Details About Two Canadian Families
8/10/2007 Ancestry Weekly Journal, 13 August 2007
8/10/2007 Weekly Planner: Create a Visual Impression
8/10/2007 The Next Generation
8/10/2007 Tip from the Pros: Note the Location of Sources
8/10/2007 Your Quick Tips, 13 August 2007
8/10/2007 The Year Was 1938
8/5/2007 Leonis or Lewis? Some Quick Tips for Finding Your Ancestors in the Census
8/4/2007 Ancestry Weekly Journal, 06 August 2007
8/4/2007 Weekly Planner: Clean Out Your Inbox
8/4/2007 More from the Poorhouse
8/4/2007 Making Certain I Have the Right Person
8/4/2007 Tips from the Pros: THE National Archives. Which National Archives?
8/4/2007 Your Quick Tips, 06 August 2007
8/4/2007 The Year Was 1922
7/27/2007 Ancestry Weekly Journal, 30 July 2007
7/27/2007 Weekly Planner: Restock with Back-to-School Sales
7/27/2007 Did Your Ancestors Go on Holidays?
7/27/2007 Tips from the Pros: "Official" Doesn't Always Mean Accurate
7/27/2007 Your Quick Tips, 30 July 2007
7/27/2007 The Year Was 1854
7/24/2007 Do You Have a Criminal Past? Finding Your Ancestors in the Australian Convict Lists
7/20/2007 Ancestry Weekly Journal, 23 July 2007
7/20/2007 Weekly Planner: Create a Master List of Surnames and Variations
7/20/2007 Flip for Footage

seems to be only on the web these days
You are here: Learn > The Library > Daily News Desk > Ancestry Daily News

I particularly enjoyed todays - Ancestry Weekly Journal, 13 August 2007: "On-Network Backups There are numerous companies now offering cheap and secure data backup services for your data on their computer servers. The advantages are pretty obvious. First, this is a very inexpensive way to back up your data. Second, when you sign up for the service, a small piece of scheduling software is installed on your computer that allows you to schedule the backup. Your choices usually include selecting one or more specific times to commence the backup, or you allow the software to back up your data after your system has been idle for some period of time, such as one-half of an hour or an hour. Second, your data is stored off-site--away from your physical facility. That means that the chances of disaster striking both places at once are minimized substantially. Some backup services even have multiple, redundant sites at which data is stored. That protects them and it doubly protects you." . . .
read on for lots more good stuff
which you can still get by email

Sunday, August 12, 2007


RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: WATKINS LAPHAM updated 2007: "Wales - England - Denmark STRØMSHOLT KRISTOFFERSEN - Ireland - USA Canada Australia Danmark"
my own stuff so I feel virtuous this evening

Hanslope Buckinghamshire England

Hanslope and District Historical Society Intro Page
has some very useful parish register transcriptions

The church records from 1571 to 1928 have been transcribed (burials to 1963).
Not all have been proof read yet, but they are all available for enquiry.
eg Baptisms 1833

In July 2007, the 1891 census for the centre of the village was added to the property based search where it was possible to link the census to specific properties.

Beyond History

BEYOND HISTORY : A JOURNEY TO YOUR HERITAGE: "You are of German origin and are looking for your ancestors in Germany? You want to find out about your family history or fill the data of your ancestors with life? You want to know the meaning of your German family name? Welcome to the exciting world of genealogy!"

from my email:-

Unfortunately, there is not once common way of how archives and local records work in Germany, as
they have all been different states up until 1871. So the only common census list is actually 1939
which was actually more for the purpose of locating non Arian persons than anything else.

Mecklenburg has three interesting census lists in 1819 and 1867 and 1900, the first two are now
online on

Schleswig-Holstein had quite a few census taken, however, that area is somewhat difficult as the
borders changed so many times and then it was independent, then under French occupation followed
Danish rule then Prussian government. In Hamburg there was never a census taken.

I just came back from a research trip to Munich and was surprised at how difficult and complicated
it was to research there as all of the records are spread out to various places all over the city.
To find three records you spend four hours on public transportation. It is ridiculous and yet makes
me cherish my Hamburg archive much more.

so for expert help in Germany:

Beyond History: "Beyond History, Wendloher Weg 8, 20251 Hamburg, Germany"

my world deluxe membership of ancestry allows me to use these census too - Ahnenforschung/Genealogie/Familienforschung/Familienstammbaum erstellen
you just have to log on as usual

Blog über Ahnenforschung und Genealogie » Blog Archiv » Futtern wie bei (Muttern) Oma

Blog über Ahnenforschung und Genealogie » Blog Archiv » Futtern wie bei (Muttern) Oma: "„Ahnenforschung ist wie auf einer Kreuzfahrt, man ist nur von alten Leute umgeben“, hörte ich doch neulich, als wir bei Schatzi’s Mönchengladbacher Freunden Petra und Jan zum Essen eingeladen waren. Sofort gab es eine wilde Diskussion, da Stefan und seine frisch Angetraute Stefanie (ja ich weiß es klingt erfunden, die heißen aber echt so) gerade auf der Aida Ihre Hochzeitsreise gemacht hatten und eher junge Leute an Bord waren. Ich habe mich erst nicht eingemischt, da ich noch mit meinem „Himmel un Äd“ Gericht beschäftigt war."

Automatically translated text:
„Ancestor research is as on a cruise, one is surrounded only by old people “, heard I nevertheless recently, when we were invited to the meal with Schatzi' s Mönchengladbacher friends Petra and January.
There was a wild discussion immediately, since Stefan and its freshly Angetraute Stefanie (I white it sounds invented, which is called however genuinly so) straight on the Aida your wedding journey had made and rather young people on board were.
I did not interfere only, since I was busy still with mine „skies un Äd “court.

never never use this to write to anyone
Google Translate if you enter the url

you can get the gist of what the pages are about and click on links to slowly surf the site

Translated version of

RootsWeb new header

RootsWeb Newsroom » Blog Archive » Branding Update:

"In keeping you updated with our progress of branding changes on RootsWeb we wanted to let you know that we will be updating all websites that are currently hosted by RootsWeb (e.g., HomePages, FreePages, etc.).
We want to reiterate that these changes in appearance do not change anything about the identity or mission of RootsWeb; we are still the oldest and largest free genealogy site. In addition to the new branding we are also working on other initiatives to improve the RootsWeb experience, including adding new servers to make sure the site performs better for everyone on RootsWeb. We appreciate your patience with these minor updates, and want to thank you for being part of our RootsWeb community!"

more RootsWeb Newsroom