Genline :: Research Swedish Genealogy Online and Discover your Swedish Ancestry and Heritage: "Search your Swedish ancestry in millions of pages of original Swedish Church Records with Genline FamilyFinder. Get started and log in to the Swedish Church Records archive as a test user and demo Genline FamilyFinder at no cost."
Genline :: Swedish Church Records were the organ of civil registration too and many priests conducted a local census of their congregation I am toldWhat is the Swedish Church Records archive?Genline's Swedish Church Records archive consists of photographic quality images scanned from microfilm of the original church records. These microfilms are direct copies of the masters kept at the Swedish National Archives in Stockholm.
What Swedish Church Records are included in our archive?Our church records archive includes records from the 16th-20th century. These records consist of birth/baptismal, confirmation, marriage, death/burial, church ledgers and household examination rolls. These are the main sources of genealogical information in Sweden. In some cases we will be complementing these church records with those kept by a government agency known as Statistics Sweden (abbreviated as SCB).
Why are some volumes in the Swedish Church Records archives missing?We are aware that there are still some missing volumes in the Swedish Church Records archives. In some cases the film lists that we have purchased from the Swedish National Archives have not been accurate and
genline is trying to locate the missing material.
Parallel to this, our production staff has started to check the volumes in the Swedish Church Records archive to verify that they have been published correctly.
Parishes currently available -
Genline :: Products and Pricesalso available at Helsingborg Library which I visited on Saturday to search in the local collection.
Helsingborgs stad - Stadsbiblioteket: "Mitt i centrum och mitt i Stadsparken höjer sig biblioteket i mörkbrunt Helsingborgstegel. Biblioteket ritades av arkitekten Jörgen Michelsen och invigdes 1965. Under 2004 renoverades och förnyades Helsingborgs Stadsbibliotek."
Helsingborg Central Library - a photoset on Flickr -
View as slideshow (
)from my email:-You dont have to go to Sweden for that - Gentofte hovedbibliotek
in Denmark has
Genline too. you have to know which parish to go for and that is not possible one the
computers downstairs where genline is on. You have to search for the parish
on your own computer at home.
On the whole Gentofte hovedbibliotek is rather good. I have sent them down
into the store lots of times for Kraks vejviser!
They also have Berlingeren, but their film apparater are difficult, I always
get someone to do it for me.
also I see:-Adgang på alle pc'ere på Gentofte Bibliotekerne
Genealogisk database målrettet biblioteksbrugere med ca. 4 milliarder navne i mere end 4000 samlinger/databaser. Omfatter oplysninger fra amerikanske folketællinger, militære kilder, retslige dokumenter, kirkebøger, immigrationslister, passagerlister m.m. samt lignende kilder fra England og enkelte andre europæiske lande.