Saturday, July 09, 2005

Brønshøj Kirke

Den danske film database
the church was a location in the danish family film
Min søsters børn på bryllupsrejse (1967)

founded by biskop Absalon (1128-1201),

Af et pavebrev fra 1186 fremgår, at Valdemar den Store havde skænket Absalon Landsbyen Havn med borgen samt en mængde jordegods fra Nærum i nord over Brønshøj til Tårnby på Amager.

ærkebiskop i Lund
1192 pavens tilladelse til fortsat at kalde præster til Brønshøj Kirke

Svenskekrigene 1658-60
omdannet til våbenarsenal og ammunitionslage
svenske konge, Karl Gustav X

Besat af englænderne 1807
udkikspost for artilleriet

1984 fejredes kirkens 800

skib og kor, opført i kridtkvadre fra Stevns Klint
Kort efter gik man dog i Danmark over til de brændte sten

Google Search: images of brønshøj kirke

Velkommen til Brønshøj Museum.
Rytterskolen. Brønshøj Torv. 2700 Brønshøj

Brønshøj Kirke er en af Københavns ældste, bevarede bygninger.

Dette skyldes, at svenskerne under svenskekrigen havde slået lejr i Brønshøj (Vejnavnet Svenskerlejren i bydelen bærer vidnesbyrd herom) og brugte kirken som våben- og krudtdepot. Så mens næsten alt andet i København blev sønderskudt og resten af Brønshøj blev jævnet med jorden for at lave militærlejr, blev kirken stående. Koret og skibet er opført i 1100-tallet, tårnet er fra 1400-tallet

Kirken ligger lige ved Brønshøj Torv, hvor bus 2, 5, 8 og 350S stopper.

Kirker i Danmark - en billeddatabase

Broenshoej Church
Gods name in Hebrew

In Broenshoej Church (1180) on one of the walls in the nave this memorial tablet occurs. It is called a bishop tablet.
Among the bishops you will find Hans Poulsen Resen, who is most commonly known for making a translation of the bible in 1607, based on the Hebrew and Greek handwritings ordered by Christian IV.
On the top of this tablet from 1624 stands 'IEHO VA'.

Brønshøj Kristne Forsamling
Hver søndag kl. 10
Krabbesholmvej 9, Brønshøj

Sogneportalen - Brønshøj Sogn
Brønshøj Kirke

Søn 5.6 kl 8.30 KAW

Kl 10 Ulla Sandbæk

Søn 12.6 kl 8.30 KAW

Kl 10 HM Jensen

Rigsarkivet - Landsarkiverne Danmark

Rigsarkivet - Søruller

Rigsarkivets lægdsruller er i sommeren 2005 flyttet til selvekspedition på Landsarkivet for Sjælland, Lolland-Falster og Bornholm. Det drejer sig om lægdsrullerne fra de centrale udskrivningsmyndigheder. Landsarkiverne har desuden lægdsruller fra de regionale og lokale udskrivningsmyndigheder.

Rigsarkivet - Lægdsruller
Rigsarkivets Samlinger - arkivalier før 1848

Rigsarkivets samlinger
Rigsarkivets Samlinger er internet-udgaven af de trykte bøger Rigsarkivet og hjælpemidlerne til dets benyttelse I og II.

Dansk Arkivalieinformationssystem
bliver løbende opdateret med oplysninger om flere arkivserier.
Seneste opdatering: den 3. juli 2005 .
Hvad betyder ord og begreber? AKA DAISY

Friday, July 08, 2005

Stephen P. Morse, PhD

1930 Census -- Occupation Codes

Deciphering Occupation Codes Appended to the 1930 Census in One Step
Stephen P. Morse, PhD Joel D. Weintraub, PhD David R. Kehs, PhD

The following codes have been summarized from the 200+ page 1930 Census Bureau publication "Classified Index of Occupations". These codes were put on the census pages well after the enumeration was done, and therefore provide no additional information. However, sometimes knowing the code can help you determine the occupation in cases where the quality of the microfilm is poor or the handwriting of the enumerator is difficult to read.

These codes were transcribed by C. Marie Taylor of the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.

and new URL:-
One-Step Webpages by Stephen P. Morse
now at

Deep Linking
Deep linking refers to one website going directly (linking) to an internal page at another site rather than going to that site’s home page. For example, the site being linked to might be a catalog store with separate pages describing each item it is selling. The linking site might be a competitor selling the same products. Rather than having it’s own descriptions of the merchandise, it deep-links to the descriptions that the other site already put on the web.

which sums up the conflict between Danish parish registers and census online help and Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline

Google groups Search

Google Search: "Stephen P. Morse"


Dennis Smith's great grandmother,
Kristina Beck, from the village of Saltum in Nordvestjylland.
in front of the building

About 20,000 left Denmark to go to Utah as founding members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints

this is where the steamers left for USA

A passing tourist boat serenaded us with live New Orleans Jazz

One of many stones engraved with names of pioneers

Christian Gertrude Ane Kjær
from Aalborg in 1896

quiet waters were once so busy
and imagination echoes the cries of stevedores and passengers

Google image Search: amerikakaj

a fine brig on a summer holiday cruise

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Received from the SOG

Due to the events in London this morning the Society has decided to close
until 10am Tuesday 12th July.

All staff are safe and accounted for.

Our website has also been updated.


John Hanson
Operations Committee
Society of Genealogists, London

"the bomber will always get through"

Google Search

In 1932 British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin had famously stated,
"The bomber will always get through"

I was born in 1936 and I remember hearing the air raids, and living with the 4 minute warning of a-bombs from the east, and with the IRA atacks.

I express my sympathy to the unlucky people caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, and their friends and family.

This time London - and next?

Hugh W


just updated the links

from the list [FreeHelp] HTML Help :-

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 6:05 PM

Hi all, new here! Heres my problem, I know how to do HTML manually but I'm a little rusty, so I figure I would download a program. So I found Skywriter, but cant seem to get it to work,

There is supposed to be a read me file with it
but didn't see one.

So any ideas on how to run it?
or a simple one which of
course has to free-cheap!!!! (20$ish)

my answer
assuming you have made a Request for Web Space


book mark and return to read

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable
technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead
the Web to its full potential. W3C is a forum for information,

commerce, communication, and collective understanding.

all legal definitons of tags are found here
use it for reference

start using
RootsWeb HelpDesk: Online Web Editor
The Online Editor can step you through the process of creating your first Web page. Even if you have no experience in creating a Web page, the Online Editor can create a page for you in minutes. The following procedure explains how to use the Online Editor to create a Web page.


- oops - darn shift lock key
and put all your jpg and gif in there

just for fun I made this page in that way:-

Homepage of Hugh Watkins
obviously I have fixed it up since then

I see one of the links is out of date
was made by using the freebie on

since then I have learned how to us this freebie
by uploading a gedcom exported from
my favourite genealogy program (FTM 2005)


time to fix things (again LOL)

I am going to link
Homepage of Hugh Watkins


Also, go here to update or correct
your existing Family Tree
using "advanced" button
User Setup/Edit
(HINT always copy paste URL saves many errors)
14) Homepage Title
photographs and related documents
and I skipped the rest including
Upload Options
not this time
Jubii the link works :-)) oh JUBII is danish for YAHOO LOL
RootsWeb HelpDesk: Online Web Editor
I keep that URL in my favourites
(B) I am into
b1) index.html (.) radio button
is what I am going to fix
b2) HTML Editing Controls
click html edit
b3) update the footer from
updated April 23 2005
to updated July 7 2005
[ good idea to do this for all your web pages
a footer with links to your site map]
b4) change the link of


save and view


looks unchanged :-(


click reload button

to change from the old version cached on my 'puter
to the new

YOU start using
RootsWeb HelpDesk: Online Web Editor

you can always change your mistakes

use view source
in any browser to see what html looks like

yours - or other peoples

You need first to get allocated freepsace for genealogy here
Requests for Web Space

Hugh W

one-name study with over 2000 LAPHAM amongst 3800 individuals and 1000 marriages


My new photo blog

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Canada -1911 CENSUS NEWS

Open Canada's Post 1901 Census Records, Home Page - The Global Gazette

ARTICLE - POST -1901 CENSUS NEWS: "On Tuesday 28 June 2005, at 11:00 am Eastern Time, Member of Parliament Dominic LeBlanc, Deputy Government Whip, rose and stated words to the effect that 'If the Speaker would seek it, I believe he would have the unanimous consent of the House to deem Bill S-18 -- An Act to amend the Statistics Act, to have passed Third Reading' (not necessarily an exact quote). That consent was given.

Bill S-18 has now passed all necessary stages in both the Senate and the House of Commons. All that remains to be done to make it law is for it to receive Royal Assent. It is expected this will be received shortly."


Bits of Blue and Gray

Bits of Blue and Gray: "I'm still a bit behind with the website, but we're finally catching up. I hope you've had a chance to read the June monthly column. The American Civil War History chatroom in the Genealogy Community on AOL enjoyed a visit from Admiral David Farragut. He spent almost 2 hours answering questions."

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Frome and Bruton Somerset

Maintaining the quality of the registers used in the Danish census

1. Since 1981 the census in Denmark have been based solely on administrative registers. Information
is gathered from several different registers and linked together by the use of a number of identifiers.
This ensures a total count of every variable that is needed to establish the Danish census.

2. The experiences over the years in using administrative registers for statistical purposes have shown
that the continuous and heavily administrative use of registers is the most important process in keeping
the quality of the registers. In the administrative use of registers it is possible to detect and correct
errors. The more intense the use of the register is the more errors can be found and corrected.

3. In addition to what the administrative users do for the register quality the statistical users have to
act to keep track of the quality of the registers. In this connection exchange of information is a key

4. In the paper some experiences of quality assessment and maintenance of registers, in connection
with the Danish census will be described, on basis of a presentation of concrete examples.

This PDF was prepared by Marius Ejby Poulsen, Statistics Denmark

Alexa Web Search - Results for dnkcen

Alexa Web Search - Results for dnkcen
typical I was looking at and google took me here

web search powered by google

Monday, July 04, 2005

genealogical web crawler

Y-Haplogroup Predictor

Y-Haplogroup Predictor: " Beta Version 2.0 is available for trial use. There are two major differences from Version 1.1X:

1. Up to 64 markers may be input. These include all of the markers tested by FTDNA, Biotix, DNA Heritage, Relative Genetics, Sorenson, and Trace Genetics. In addition, 14 markers not yet tested by any of these companies, but reported by studies at NIST, are included. For a few markers, there is not yet sufficient data for these to be activated in the program. Where a marker is not yet active, its name will be shaded in grey instead of blue. A number may be entered for such markers, but it will be ignored by the program."

: "1. To obtain test results from American male Atheys who descend from each of the probable sons of the immigrant, Capt. George Athy, who came to America in about 1661. These results can show that such descendants are closely related, thereby confirming the family history research.

2. To test the hypothesis that everyone of the Athey/Athy/Atha/Athon/Athan surname, whether of the U.S. branch or the English branch, has a single common ancestor, probably the historical figure, Gerard de Athee, who was a prot�g� of King John of the late 12th and early 13th Centuries. Gerard was apparently the first of the family to adopt the Athee surname, which he took from the village of his birth, Athee sur Cher on the Cher River in the Touraine region of France. It seems unlikely that anyone else in Britian or Ireland would have adopted the same surname, though this remains to be proven. Since we know that he had descendants who used the Athey name, if we find that we have a single common paternal-line ancestor, then it was probably Gerard. Of course, if not all Atheys derive from the same ancestor, then we won�t know which group is from Gerard without further historical research."

off topic for Denmark


sucker bait

Adolf Hitler would have loved this stuff

sorting people by pedigree like domestic animals

Family History is interesting
cultural and social developments the microcosms reflecting the macrocosm

and this?

When you reach maturity you have to accept that some questions have no answers

It only takes one promiscious mother and the whole is rubbish

Your money could be better spent helping living widows and orphans

read The Emperor's New Clothes

Google Search: "pedigree collapse"

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Was your ancestor a prostitute?

The first time I saw the expressionn "ugifte fruentimmer"
I got a shock,because with only a modest undestanding of danish,
I misunderstood it and thought that one of my daughter's maternal ancestors had been a prostitute.

I was wrong see
google - "ugifte+fruentimmer"

I was wrong because a hooker was called an "offentligt fruentimmer"
google "offentligt+fruentimmer"

see also
Prostitutionens historie

and one of my favourite web pages in danish
"Bestemmelser ang. offentlige Fruentimmer i Odense"
these regulations ae from
Odense Politikammer den 31te December 1884.
You can just laugh at the victorian double moral.

back to our "ugifte fruentimmer"
unmarried Frauenzimmer
yes it is a loan word from german. - frauenzimmer
and literally means FRAU + ZIMMER

Dictionary English <> German:
Translation 1 - 4 of 4 English ----German
dame ---- Frauenzimmer {n}
wench --- Frauenzimmer {n}
wenches --- Frauenzimmer {pl}
brazen hussy ---- unverschämtes Frauenzimmer {n} (ugs., veraltend)

http://odge.inf - frau = WOMAN - zimmer = ROOM
and - frauen = WOMEN

which is one of the mysteries of language,
how this word came about with its comples of meanings.

Now in the context of a danish lutherian minister and his churchbook where brides or mothers are classiffied as
jomfru = girl, maid or virgin or enke = widow,
fruentimmer means a strong minded woman who is not in her first relationship,
and who either raises her own children or gives them up for foster care (usually to a childless couple or the grandparents) ,
and who was not afraid to follow her desires against the conventions of the time.

If not in the church book the most successful way of tracing the father is to see who pays for the child's care (and confirmation)


Look at county court records, and if they have been destroyed,
look for the town or county hall bailiff's list of writs served which includes delinquent fathers,
and may even contain a confession of paternity sent back to the court.

At age 14 and confirmation and apprenticeship (lærling) were expensive so a plea may exist for additional funds.

The monies may be administered from a one time payment by a rich father deposited at a bank, in which case the priest or parish council may have correspondance confirming that the child is still alive before each payment.

The record off the mother's residence on the "10 months day" is crucial to deciding which parish shall pay for the child's upbringing if it came to that.

so "unmarried woman" is the fairest translation

BTW in modern Denmark there is no such thing as bastardy because all children have equal inheritance rights over 50% of the father's estate.