Saturday, August 08, 2009

Salt Lake City, Utah Family History Expo 2009

Are you Going to Expo? | WorldVitalRecords Blog: "It’s 3 weeks until the SLC Family History Expo (August 28 and 29). There’s some great reasons to attend Expo including that registered attendees can have free genealogy consulting with a professional genealogist.

When you are at Expo, please come listen to FamilyLink employees Jim Ericson and Yvette Arts present about WorldVitalRecords, GenealogyWise, and GenSeek.

Some other great reasons to attend Expo, straight from Kimberly at Family History Expos, are:

1. Experts teach best practices for successful research and
how to avoid common mistakes (Value $25 per class)"

iUtah - Salt Lake City, Utah Family History Expo 2009 - Sandy: "August 28th-29th, 2009 – Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah Family History Expo 2009

South Towne Exposition Center
9575 South State Street. Sandy, Utah 84070

Sponsored by the and Family History

SLC Family History Expo (August 28 and 29). - Google Search

Registration at the door begins on Friday, August 28th at 7:00 am"

University of Glasgow alumni

University of Glasgow :: Story :: Home: "Including the names of all the graduates of the University from its foundation in 1451 until 1896. You can browse or search the records to find out more about these 13161 men and women through our new University Alumni section."

Friday, August 07, 2009 - Free Genealogy Every Name Index Databases:

"I love genealogy! I have been researching my family history for over 25 years.
I have spent many hours reading those big old county history books only to
discover that my ancestor was not mentioned. I discovered the value of an
Every Name Index and the lack of indexes available so I began creating and
publishing my own.

This website was created to share my Every Name Indexes to help others
save precious research time in documenting their family tree. My goal is for
this website to become one of the top free genealogical resources on the

About My Publications

Putting together an Every Name Index is no small task involving many hours of
preparation. My Every Name Indexes are uniquely cross-referenced to record
even the most minor reference to an individual or surname. Please see the
About Each Index page for a detailed explanation.

My Every Name Indexes can be found in a many libraries including the
renowned Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana, which contains
the largest publicly-owned genealogy collection in the world."

Københavns Stadsarkiv -Copenhagen city hall archive

Velkommen til Københavns Stadsarkiv — Stadsarkivet

Ny hjemmeside

Igennem det sidste år har personalet på Københavns Stadsarkiv arbejdet på at sætte arkivets mange forskellige brugere i centrum. Vi er derfor stolte af at kunne præsentere en ny hjemmeside, der giver dig en endnu bedre mulighed for at udnytte Københavns Stadsarkivs enestående samling

Find din slægt — Stadsarkivet:
"Her kan du se, hvordan du kommer i gang med din slægtsforskning og i hvilke arkivalier du kan søge efter slægtninge i København

Du skal være opmærksom på, at du ikke kan finde alle oplysninger om en person ved at søge på navn eller personnummer, da der ikke findes et samlet register at slå op i.

For at få oplysninger om en bestemt person, skal du tænke over, hvilke kommunale myndigheder/institutioner personen kan have haft kontakt med og på hvilket tidspunkt. Det kan f.eks. dreje sig om skolegang, hvor du kan finde oplysninger i skoleprotokoller eller en borgerlig vielse, som du kan se i ægteskabsbøgerne"

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Free 1930 US Federal Census

Free 1930 Census - for the month of August 2009


See lives of people not just names — only on Footnote. Read why the census is better on Footnote."

Top 10 reasons why 1930 US Census is better on "Searching the 1930 Census indexes will always be fre"

Danish navy library

Velkommen til MARINENS BIBLIOTEK: "Marinens Bibliotek
Henrik Gerners Plads 3
1439 København K

Bibliotekar: 3266 4020
Udlån: 3266 4021 / 3266 4022
Fax: 3266 4029

(Der kan ikke bestilles bøger m.m. via e-post)

Tirsdage 12.00 til 18.00
Torsdage: 12.00 til 15.00
Øvrige dage (man-ons-fre) 09.00 til 15.00

Biblioteket er lukket på helligdage samt Grundlovsdag, de 'tre dage' før påske og mellem jul og nytår."


BBC NEWS | Business | ITV in £25m Friends Reunited sale:
"ITV has sold Friends Reunited for £25m four years after buying it for £120m.

The buyer is Brightsolid Limited, which is owned by DC Thomson, Dundee-based publisher of comics such as the Beano.

The announcement came with the release of half-year results, which were hit by the worst decline in UK television advertising on record.

ITV made a pre-tax loss of £105m in the period. There was no more information given on the recruitment of a new chief executive to replace Michael Grade.

Michael Grade is due to stand down by the end of 2009, following a regulatory review.

The £105m loss compares with a £1.5bn loss in the same period of 2008, although last year's figure was hit by a £1.6bn charge reducing the value of investments made in 2000 and 2004.

ITV's advertising revenues fell by 15%, which was slightly better than the 17% fall in the overall market.

The broadcaster's pension fund deficit had ballooned to £538m by 30 June, compared with £178m at the end of 2008.

ITV paid an initial £120m for the Friends Reunited website in 2005, but was due to pay an additional sum of up to £55m this year depending on the performance of the site.

The company buying it, Brightsolid, already owns, which operates the official 1901 and 1911 census websites.

ITV is in the middle of a cost-cutting programme, which aims to deliver savings of £155m this year and £285m a year by 2011." is a daughter of friendsreunited

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Bigland, Gloucestershire genealogy

0190 - Bigland, Gloucestershire:

"Historical, Monumental and Genealogical Collections Relative to the County of Gloucester

Ralph Bigland - published 1786

This is probably the most important work for genealogists with Gloucestershire interests.

If you only buy one CD book for Gloucestershire, then this is the one!

Ralph Bigland started his work about 1750, and worked for some 30 years transcribing the gravestones of many Gloucestershire church yards, and then produced papers describing each place in detail. On his death, the work was published in 1786 in two huge volumes by his son, Richard Bigland, and included many beautiful engravings.

The copy on our 4 CD set was digitised from the original volumes of the first edition of 1786.

The work of Bigland was published again later in the 1890s in four volumes, and included some other papers written by the author.

The Archive CD Books Project was very fortunate indeed to to be able to obtain a copy of this extremely rare and sought after original work.

Although the book cost £500.00 we shall give it away as a gift to one of Gloucestershire's Local Studies Libraries or a museum in Gloucestershire, where it can be preserved for future generations. That's what the Archive CD Books Project is all about."

Archive CD Books Project: "As Rod Neep is retiring, Archive CD Books Ltd will cease taking new orders and the company will be closed down. The company is not being sold.

Ordering is no longer possible from this site.

All orders already received in the GB store have been processed and posted during the few weeks before Christmas 2007.

The Archive CD Books Project exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to co-operate with libraries, museums and record offices in providing money to renovate old books in their collection, and to donate books to their collections, where they will be preserved for future generations."

Twitter / Search - genealogia

Twitter / Search - genealogia - Twitter / Search - genealogi

Twitter / Search - genealogie: "travail sur la généalogie ce soir"

Twitter / Search - stamboom: "Stamboom op de computer"

searching keywords in different languages gets broader results

Twitter / Search - #genealogy

Twitter / Search - #genealogy: "Real-time results for #genealogy"

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Ancestral Quest

Ancestral Quest - Press Release 3-11-2009: "Ancestral Quest Releases New Ordinance Reservation and Tracking System and Helper Access

Salt Lake City, Utah (July 24, 2009) – Today Incline Software announced the release of two major new feature sets in its product, Ancestral Quest (AQ). AQ was the first desktop family tree product to interface with New FamilySearch (NFS), and these new features continue to expand the ways in which Ancestral Quest works with New FamilySearch. The first of these is the Ordinance Reservation and Tracking System (ORTS), which allows a user who is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) to determine whether the records in his/her personal family tree database have had all the LDS temple work completed, and if not, to reserve those ordinances, create Family Ordinances Requests (FORs), and track the progress of the ordinance work while updating their personal records along the way. The other feature is a Helper Access capability, which allows one person who has access to the New website to sign in to help another person, usually someone who does not yet have access. . . . "

Genealogy's Star: Ancestral Quest Releases New Ordinance Reservation and Tracking System and Helper Access: "This addition to Ancestral Quest brings the program up to parity with RootsMagic 4. The newest version is 12.1.18 and has new menu items to support the new features. I had the opportunity, finally, to download an upgrade to my program and go through the new features. Although I did not have any names to process for Temple Ordinances, I found the implementation of the features to be straight forward. I will do a feature comparison between Ancestral Quest 12.1 and RootsMagic 4 as soon as I get an opportunity to do so."

Free Genealogy Tools

Free Genealogy Tools: "If you've been searching for your family history, you've no doubt already hit the main sites and services on the internet. But there are a ton of free resources that are incredibly valuable and not very well-known.

That's what Free Genealogy Tools is all about. Each new post will explore a new site you can use to research your family's origins in great depth."


Kom i gang med slægtsforskningen: "Lav interviews med familiens gamle

Via kirkebøger, folketællinger, mm. kan man få styr på de 'hårde facts' om sine forfædre og - mødre. Men ved at snakke med slægtens ældre og gamle, kan man få værdifulde oplysninger og vigtig kulturhistorie om slægten. Det er oplysninger, som ikke bliver gemt nogen steder, og som derfor hurtigt forsvinder, hvis man ikke selv sørger for at få det ned i kladdehæfter - eller på lyd- og videobånd."

Hent og print huskeliste til interviews og erindringer: "Huskelisten er ment som inspiration og støtte - det er ikke meningen, at den skal følges slavisk. Nogle spørgsmål og emner vil måske være irrelevante i forhold til netop den person du skal tale med.

Andre spørgsmål vil du måske udelade af andre grunde. Et interview af denne type skal helst være en rar oplevelse for begge parter, og der kan være emner eller begivenheder, som fx en ældre person helst ikke vil tale med en yngre slægtning om. Det skal man naturligvis respektere."

Nygaards Sedler

Nygaards Sedler: "Bidrage som fotograf

Hvad skal jeg bruge, for at bidrage som fotograf?
Du skal bruge et fotostativ og et digitalkamera (min. 4 megapixels), batterikapacitet til 1.000 billeder, mulighed for lagring på USB eller DVD. (Billeder af en hel kasse af Nygårds sedler fylder ca. 4 GB.)

Projektgruppen stiller skabeloner og andre hjælpemidler til rådighed for dig. Du skal medbringe en udskrift af Log-seddel. Du finder log-sedlen her: http://

Hvor meget tid skal jeg afsætte?
Hver kasse indeholder ca. 1.800-2.200 sedler, og en meget rutineret fotograf kan tage op 500 billeder i timen. Når du tilmelder dig, tegner du dig for at tage billeder af en hel kasse. I praksis skal du skal regne med, at det tager mindst en dag at fotografere en kasse."

Nygaards Sedler: "Nogle praktiske tips - og nogle regler - omkring kameraopstilling mv."

Stegemüllers weblog

Stegemüllers weblog: "Nygårds sedler holder altså simpelthen som absolut sommerferie, og det har vil alle samme gjort os fortjent til!

Der er lige nu indtastet 233.772 sedler og altså kun fotograferet 96 mere. Merete har lovet mig, at hun lige få de sidste sparket af sted inden så længe."

Nygaards Sedler:
"Databasen er senest opdateret:
Antal forskellige efternavne: 17.407
Antal forskellige fornavne: 38.145
Antal forskellige stednavne: 5.993
Antal fotografer: 5
Antal indtastere: 35"

Nygaards Sedler: "fotograferet: 256.289 Indtastede: 251.610 (281) August 04 2009"

Nygårds sedler - Google Search

Monday, August 03, 2009

How the do I search for my family tree - Google Search

How the do I search for my family tree - Google Search
suggested by:-

Pass me my tartan slippers « Katyboo1’s Weblog: "It took me to the Who Do You Think You Are? BBC website. As it is their fault I have been bitten by the bug in the first place I decided to investigate.

In a nutshell it said: ‘Katy love, you are absolutely bonkers if you think you’re going to get anywhere with that ridiculous scattergun approach. You need cash and contacts. Stat!’

It recommended several genealogy sites that were reputable and said ‘take your pick.’ I chose one called because it had pretty green leaves on, and I liked the look of it. I stumped up for a year’s basic membership and stuck my grandad’s name in. Instant hit! How exciting. . . . . "

French Canadian surnames

The Military Roots of the 'dit' Names: "In 1716, French military rules require a nom de guerre for all regular soldiers. The assignment of these nicknames is done in a flexible manner. It can be the soldier’s choice or that of the Company’s captain (6). During the American revolution, France sends the régiment de Tourraine to help the American rebels. A list of these soldiers has been published (7). In each company, all the nicknames start with the same letter. Thus in the Dugre company, the soldiers’ nicknames all start with the letter D, in another company, they start with B. It is thus easy to identify to which company a soldier belongs. From 1764 to 1768, the Company of Casaux of the Régiment de Boulonnois-infantrie uses names of vegetables. We thus find Lartichaud, Lalétue, Lachicorée, Lecresson et Lecerfeuil. (Translator’s note: the artichoke, lettuce, chicory, cress, and chervil.)

The nom de guerre is a personal property. A soldier does not change it readily. It can happen when the soldier is transferred to another company and the nickname is already in use. In France, the soldier’s wife will take his nom de guerre. On the other hand, a soldier’s son will always carry a name that is different from his father’s if he serves in the army. The absence of a genuine nickname is a sign of esteem. Officers, cadets, volunteers, and gentlemen do not have one."

use NameX not soundex

About Genealogy - Learn How to Research Your Family Tree

There are many creative ways to find alternate surname variations, but I also wanted to share an online tool that I find handy for this purpose. British Origins, one of the sites I use in my English research, employs a name search technology known as NameX. Created by Image Partners, NameX is based on a Last name thesaurus containg 75 million entries for 1.5 million distinct last names and a First name thesaurus containing over 3 million entries for 260,000 distinct first names. This generally results in fewer, more accurate name variants than Soundex. For example, while NameX identifies 21 highly plausible variants for the surname Owens, Soundex identifies 659 "variants," of which nearly 90% are extremely unlikely (eg. Oyoumick, Ounnoughi, Onehawk). NameX does miss a few likely ones, of course, such as Owins, but it also provides a much more reasonable number of surnames to wade through than Soundex.

I find the First Name Thesaurus to be of particular help, since Soundex doesn't address this, and many genealogy databases don't offer anything other than wildcard searching for first names. A search for Kimberly brings up some great variations, including Kim, Kimberley, Kymberly and Kimberlee.

The NameX name matching technology is sold to companies, but the Surname Thesaurus (which includes a Forename Thesaurus) is available on the Web, and can be freely accessed for personal use. A great resource the next time you need some help getting your creative juices flowing!

Enterpol social network in Denmark

Enterpol: "Hvad er Enterpol?
Vi er en lille selvstændig forening, der bliver huset på NetDiaologs FirstClass-server.
Vores konferencesystem hedder FirstClass, og består at en server og et klientprogram Enterpol er et diskussionsforum, en venskabsforening, et interessefællesskab, en snakkeklub, - et sted at være.

Vi er mellem 100 og 150 mennesker i alle aldre, og vi har 54 konferencer/emnefora."

Sunday, August 02, 2009

BEGRAVELSES-BREV burial-letter from Denmark

BEGRAVELSES-BREV - a set on Flickr
Garnisons Assistents-Kirkegaard from 1812 to 1912 and for me a new class of records



Fra TilArkivskaber vis infotekstArkivserier vis infotekst
18631949København Vor Frelsers SognBegravelsesbreve
18811901Kirkefondets Legat- og Tontineforening, GravstedsafdelingenBegravelsesbreve m.m.
18751906Kragh, Christence Augusta, født SelmerForedrag af lægen Ludvig Israel Brandes om fru Kraghs virksomhed som velgører for forældreløse holdt på en konference ca. 1875-76 i Haag. Begravelsesbrev, skifteudskrifter m.m., 1889, 1906. (Fotoalbum med billeder af børn anbragt af hende)
19111927Nazareth Sogns MenighedsrådTestamente og begravelsesbrev

1906 San Francisco

CGS and the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire: "This was not the simple courthouse fire with which many of us with southern ancestry are familiar. Over one-fifth of the population of California lived at this time in San Francisco. Within three days 4.7 square miles of the city had burned, and about half the city's population was left homeless. Although the 'official' death toll was set at 478, it has since been shown that at least 3400 lives and likely more were lost in a city that then was home to over 400,000.

Losses in lives and property far exceeded those lost in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Not only were the documents genealogists are accustomed to accessing destroyed, but also the personal effects of a large part of its citizenry were lost.

Marriage records, birth and baptismal certificates, deed and naturization documents were aboandoned and later destroyed as residents fled in terror to the outer reaches of the city or to its suburbs."

North Alsace

Families of North Alsace welcomes you: "Of roots and zeal

Genealogy, a modern leisure, becomes increasingly a collection of people who are our ancestors. At times, it’s as if one were a police officer who can identify all of the actors and witnesses in an investigation but is unable to question them directly.

While it is true that we can not examine our ancestors of centuries past, they had daily lives and they left their mark in history: acts of justice, military service, deeds for the sale and purchase of land and many others. The list is long, and each item can help us understand our ancestors.

On this site we are working to share information that each of us holds, either from a systematic compilation of events or by targeted research. For us, genealogy is a perpetual investigation." Blog Blog: "The goal of Member Connect in family trees is to help you discover who else is researching your relatives so that you can collaborate in your family history research. You may make new discoveries, may help someone else make new discoveries or correct incorrect information in their tree, and may even connect with a cousin you didn’t know you had."

Genealogy and Family History Birmingham UK

Genealogy and Family History

Archives and Heritage Service on the 6th Floor of Birmingham Central Library has an extensive range of material for tracing families in the Birmingham area but a more limited amount for families originating from elsewhere.

There is also a fee-paying service (£25 per hour or part of an hour from 1 April 2009) for specialist research and queries:

Doreen Hopwood
The Genealogist
Central Library
Chamberlain Square
B3 3HQ

UK Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry

Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry: "This includes the areas of the old counties as they existed before the major boundary changes of the 19th and 20th Centuries, as well as the areas brought into them by those changes. In particular the modern metropolitan boroughs of Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton (collectively known as the West Midlands) are within our area. The metropolitan boroughs of Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton are also sometimes collectively referred to as 'The Black Country'"

german refugees in Denmark 1945 to 1949 - På Hitlers befaling: "Bodo von Rundstedt - på flugt med bedstemor. Ella Schwertfeger"

På Hitlers befaling. Tyske flygtninge i Danmark 1945-1949. Af Arne Gammelgaard. 237 sider, 17,5 x 25,5 cm. Ill: 84 fotos, 6 tegninger, 3 kort.

Museet for Varde By og Omegn
Lundvej 4, 6800 Varde
Tlf: 75 22 08 77, fax: 75 22 07 16

Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: Outline Descendant Tree: Descendants of Berengarus de Ronstede: "16 Bodo VON RUNDSTEDT Born: Private"

Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: The GOEBEL Family in Newfoundland, Canada: "Currently, the telephone book of Newfoundland and Labrador shows only one entry under Goebel; that's my family. We came here in 1983 from Ontario, Canada. The Goebel name in my case originates from Dortmund, Germany, but before that I am told that it came from the area of Netphen."

"bodo von rundstedt" - Google Search

RUHNSTET background