Society of Genealogists - Latest News: "The Society of Genealogists takes its courses online with Pharos
The Society of Genealogists and Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd are pleased to announce a new joint
online course called I’m Stuck! How can the Society of Genealogists Help Me? starts 28th May 2009 and is repeated from 2nd July 2009.
In this short two week course, Else Churchill of the Society of Genealogists will guide you through the steps needed to help you think logically about research problems and how to solve them. She also introduces you to records and indexes, held by the Society of Genealogists, which can be used to break down those brick walls, and demonstrates how these resources help you extend your family tree. Emphasis is also placed on learning how to apply research techniques to solve your problems"
National Genealogical Society | Upfront with NGSHighlight on the NGS WebsiteThe References for Researching section contains new free tutorials, including one for beginners at and one on becoming a professional genealogist at In addition, anyone can find and borrow a genealogy or history book of interest from the NGS Book Loan Collection held by St. Louis County Library.
See the simplified directions under the References for Researching section by clicking the NGS Book Loan Collection link, or go directly to NGS Family History Conference, "The Building of a Nation, From Roanoke to the West" will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina, on 13-16 May 2009 at the new Raleigh Convention Center, 2 East South St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27601. Early conference registration is $175 for NGS members and $210 for non-members. Registration will increase $35 if not postmarked by 31 March 2009.
Computergenealogie – GenWiki
NEWSLETTER NR. 04/2009====================================
* Meyers Lexikon online abgeschaltet
* Sterbeurkunden aus Rotterdam 1811-1893
* GedBas4All-(D)aten-(E)rfassungs-(S)ystem DES
* Neues von der DigiBib
* Projekt-Info Historische Adressbücher
* Projekt-Info Online-OFBs
* Projekt-Info Familienanzeigen
* GF-Ahnen Version 9.0
* Neue Version von RootsMagic
* Standesamtsunterlagen im Stadtarchiv Essen
* Google scannt Bücher ohne Erlaubnis
* Ortsverzeichnis Rheinprovinz und Westfalen
* Münzen, Maße und Gewichte
* Ehedispensen im Bistum Roermond
* Opfer des Stalinterrors dokumentiert
* Grabsteine auf jüdischen Friedhöfen
* Mitteldeutsche Ortsfamilienbücher
* Neumark CD Jahresband 2008
* 9. Norddeutsche Computer-Genealogiebörse
* Bericht vom 3. Westfälischen Genealogentag
* CompGen Mitgliederversammlung
* Neues von der BGG "Roter Adler" e.V.
* Maastricht wird 2012 Internationale Kongressstadt für Genealogie
* Legendensucher im US-Fernsehen
* Ahnenforschung im Freilichtmuseum Mechernich-Kommern
* Tag der Familiengeschichte in Kassel
* Detmolder Sommergespräch 24. Juni 2009
* Genealogischer Kalender