Saturday, January 12, 2008

tickets now on sale

Who Do You Think You Are? Live - Show/Event - Home: "DISCOVER THE STORY OF YOUR FAMILY

Who Do You Think You Are? LIVE, sponsored by and supported by The Times, will be held from 2-4 May 2008 in the Grand Hall, Olympia, London.

Peter and Dan SnowYou’ll have the chance to discover who your ancestors are and how they used to live with the help of the largest collection of TV historians, family history experts and celebrity enthusiasts than anywhere else.

Special guests at the show this year include Alistair McGowan, father and son duo, Peter and Dan Snow as well as Time Team presenter Tony Robinson"

Friday, January 11, 2008

Utah Valley PAF Users Group

Utah Valley PAF Users Group - Press Releases: "All meetings of the Users Group are open to the public whether members of the Group or not. The Users Group has the goal of helping individuals use technology to further their family history and there are usually 100-125 attending the monthly meetings on the second Saturdays."
Utah Valley PAF Users Group Home Page: "Your Source for Technology Help in Family History
The group is a grass-roots, non-profit, tax-exempt educational organization. It is devoted to fostering the use of technology for family history."

Utah Valley PAF Users Grouporking in the Genealogy and F

"Whitney Ransom
This is a good group. When we designed this site this is the kind of audience that we pictured. You have a good spirit about you and we are happy that you have come today. Hopefully what we have to say will be of use to you. That you will be able to go home and get on and find some information that you really need. . . . ."

"Which Country Should Prioritize Next? (After U.S., Canada, England, and Germany)
-Ireland (19%)
-Poland (19%)
-Scotland (10%)
-Slovakia (10%)
-Belarus (5%)
-France (4%)
-Czech Republic (4%)
-Sweden (3%)
-Denmark (2%)
-Italy (2%)

We had a couple thousand people respond to this poll. We are focusing more heavily on the results that came in first – Ireland and Poland. These results were not just from the polls it was from other comments to our sites also."

Whitney Ransom is the director of communications at She is currently getting her master’s degree at BYU in Instructional Psychology and Technology. She loves her family and doing genealogy. She is thrilled about the advances in technology that enable individuals to build connections and find the resources they need.

from Utah Valley PAF Users Group - Press Releases: and Social Networking in the Genealogy and Family History Space:

Utah Valley PAF Users Group

Utah Valley PAF Users Group - Press Releases: and Social Networking in the Genealogy and Family History Space:

" . . . .Brian mentioned that my great-grandmother got me interested in genealogy and family history. What she did for each of her grandchildren (I call her my grandmother) was make a book of remembrance. This was not only the pedigree charts and the family group sheets, this was family histories and photos.

This was before scrap booking was big; it was clear back in the 60’s & 70’s. We people just cut out their own things and did not buy dye cut things.
It was little pieces of material or little buttons, something that really meant a lot to her, that were hooked to these pages. I came to realize through all of this, the generations of time, it’s the little mementos that meant something to her and her family that we live in and through each other.
As was mentioned in the prayer, help us find our kindred dead, I love that word kindred, people that we love, we are out to find them. Hopefully we are in the mean time keeping our own histories and keeping track of all the records associated with ourselves and our immediate family.

When we talk about today the technical aspects of these two websites, keep in mind the idea of the social networking. Social networking is talking to each other; some teenagers . . . " and follow the link to read the rest of thespeech by Yvette Arts

(who is currently the Vice President of She has tremendous credentials. She has worked in corporation communications and research. Interests include development of human potential and the creation and the retention of working knowledge. Her interest in genealogy began when her great-grandmother encouraged her to keep a book of remembrance.)

Lectures in Copenhagene in danish

Tilmelding til foredrag på Landsarkivet for Sjælland, Lolland-Falster og Bornholm


Stavnsbåndets ophævelse i 1788 gav de værnepligtige bønderkarle mulighed for igen at flytte væk fra hjemsognet. Dermed fik udskrivnings-myndighederne behov for at kunne følge den enkelte soldats flytninger, hvis det blev nødvendigt at indkalde ham til krigstjeneste. Til det formål indførtes lægdsrullerne.

Onsdag den 26. marts kl. 15.30

OBS! Dette foredrag afholdes sammen med Landsarkivets brugermøde. Brugermødet begynder kl. 15.00

Efter foredraget afsluttes brugermødet. Se dagsorden for mødet ved opslag på Landsarkivet eller find den her

Fattigvæsen i danske provinsbyer ca. 1700-1850 – en historie om frivillighed og tvang, velgørenhed og umyndiggørelse

Foredraget belyser, hvordan de lokale købstadsmyndigheder forvaltede enevældens sociallovgivning i praksis. Konkret drejer det sig om, hvordan man skaffede det økonomiske grundlag for fattigvæsenet, hvem der modtog fattighjælp, hvordan hjælpen kom til udbetaling, og hvilke krav der blev stillet i denne forbindelse. Desuden redegøres der for de holdninger, som myndigheder og samfundsdebattører anlagde til fattighjælp. Særligt interessant er det holdningsskred, som man kan spore i de første årtier af 1800-tallet i retning af at koncentrere de fattige i særlige anstalter med en stærk disciplin. Endelig vil foredraget berøre omfanget og karakteren af den private forsorg i 17-1800-årene.

Onsdag den 30. april kl. 15.00

Sådan fandt jeg min svenske slægt

Om slægtsforskning i Sverige og mulighederne for at finde svenske forfædre på nettet i de svenske databaser. Om hvordan de svenske kirkebøger og ”husförhörslängder” er opbygget, og hvad de kan fortælle. Desuden fortælles der om, hvordan du i Danmark kan sidde og finde din svenske slægt bl.a. ved hjælp af hjemmesiden SVAR (Svensk arkiv information) samt andre meget spændende internetsider, deres indhold af oplysninger, og hvor du ellers kan finde svenskere

Documents from Kew

The National Archives | DocumentsOnline | Welcome: "DocumentsOnline allows you access to The National Archives' collection of digitised public records, including both academic and family history sources.
Searching the index is free, and costs £3.50 to download an image."

one of the few pay per view sites I can unreservedly recommend for quality - but becasue these records are the property of the british nation and already paid for by us the tax payers - shouldn't they be free too?


Search Royal Navy wills

You can now search and download around 35,000 Royal Navy wills. The wills cover men who joined the Royal Navy between 1786 and 1882.

Search by name, rating, ship, date of will or keyword. Discover your Royal Naval ancestor here

Searches are free and you only pay for downloads.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

ShoeString Genealogy

ShoeString Genealogy: " provides Family Historians with information about how to research their ancestors both on the Internet and in libraries and other repositories. Besides how, it indicates where—locations for information and the relative value of each.

ShoeString Genealogy focuses on lowering the costs of research and raising the quality of information obtained. Although not all online resources are free, many are. Same for other repositories. We'll show you an abundance of excellent resources that are quite inexpensive, too."

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

remembering the fallen 1914 to 1918

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

research in Copenhagen

Swedes In Texas

Swedes In Texas: Home Page: "people who emigrated from Sweden to Texas between 1850 and 1930. If you find a match with one of your ancestors, please assist us by becoming a registered user and update the appropriate branch that includes your family."

Black sheep

Ancestory site pushes ‘skeletons in the cupboard’ | Precision Marketing: "Family history website is launching a controversial new direct response campaign to encourage people to delve into their family history in search of bigamists and drunkards.

The campaign is aimed to show people that the possibilities of discovery are only a click away. Press ads will be supported by inserts, email marketing and online advertising."

Swedish Church books Värmland, Sverige, 1661-1895 (Beta) -

Kyrkböcker från Värmland, Sverige, 1661-1895 (Beta) - "Källinformation: Kyrkböcker från Värmland, Sverige, 1661-1895 (Beta) [webbaserad databas]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Originaldata: Kyrkböcker från Värmland, Sverige, 1661-1895. Mikrofilm. Emigrantregistret/Kinship Center, Karlstad, Sverige.
Om Kyrkböcker från Värmland, Sverige, 1661-1895 (Beta)
Den här databasen innehåller lutherska församlingsregister från ungefär 81 församlingar i Värmland i Sverige. Samlingen täcker åren 1661-1895 och innehåller register över födslar/dop, vigslar, döda/begravningar, kommunioner, husförhör och flyttningar."

a new ancestry freebie in beta

Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy Birthday Hugh


just 72 years old
5:00 am in Copenhagen
so going to get warm bread from the back door of that baker on the corner of Århusgade
København Ø
DK 2100

and much later at Rigsarkivet
a pile of military and railway packages to explore



Sunday, January 06, 2008

Cyndi Howells

Cyndi's List: "The Cyndi's List Blog is a place for Cyndi's random thoughts, advice, tips, wishes, and periodic rants. Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet ( is a free, categorized & cross-referenced index to genealogical resources on the Internet."