doing more genealogy

Hullo, I'm Hugh W born in 1936 and always on line.
see Locating Railroad Employee Records for Genealogy | American Railways (1826-1900's)
According to Randy Houk's "Railroad Timeline", the first American rails are said to have been laid down at Quincy, Mass. in 1826. Since then, numerous railway companies have come and gone, with many mergers occuring along the way.
Grownups and kids alike have had a certain fascination with the railroads, and genealogists have a similar desire to know if any of their ancestors played a role in the development of the American railways. Tracking down employment records from the railroad companies can be a serious challenge.
One of the best resources is the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board. They administer a Federal retirement benefit program covering the nation's railroad workers. However, only those who were employed for over ten years and were employed at the time the Railroad Retirement Board was created (1935) will be found in the Board's records.
In her article, "Railroad Records", Rhonda McClure states, "If you know that your ancestor worked for a railway, but they weren't [included in the Retirement Board's records], then you will need to turn your attention to the actual railroad companies."
try the following list of railroad employee record repositories scrolling down on this link, Locating Railroad Employee Records for Genealogy | American Railways (1826-1900's)
The first burial in Mosaisk Vestre Cemetery was the 19. January 1886, and it is still in use.
From October 1943 until May 1945, when the greater part of the Danish Jewish population lived as refugees in Sweden, 26 Jews died in Denmark and they were buried in this cemetery - sometimes with the assistance of vicars from the Danish Lutheran Church.
According to the Census of 1. July 1787 only two Jewish families lived in Horsens: Joel Ballin and Isac Zacharias Levy.
In the beginning of the 19th Century a few more families had come to Horsens from Fredericia. At the request of David Davidsen, Joseph Carl Wulff and Isac Zacharias Levy the Jews in Horsens got permission in 1803 to establish a synagogue.
I've been following the recent thread on DNA testing with interest. I wonder if I could ask a specific question.
I am unsure who my grandfather was. My late father's birth certificate gives no name for his father and he never really discussed his father apart from saying that he died when he was young. Based on stories from relatives I now have two prime suspects, my paternal grandmother's first husband (candidate
1) and her sister's husband (candidate 2).
All of these individuals are now dead along with their children. I am however in contact with grandchildren of my paternal grandmother and her first husband (candidate 1) and with grandchildren of my grandmother's
sister and her husband (candidate 2).
Is it possible that DNA testing of samples from myself and my cousins could
establish which of the two candidates is most likely to be my paternal grandfather?
If so how would I go about doing this - are there companies
which offer this service?
and an answer from another blogger of the eboracensis family history and genealogy blog:-
Hi list.
I'm new to this list having subscribed because I browsed through the archives and thought that the content looked good.
I thought that I'd just add a little bit to the recently discussed thread on DNA testing - my day job is actually as a geneticist. I specialise in how DNA gets inherited differentially from mothers or fathers. This is probably why I'm into genealogy as well.
Anyway, I read Roy's earlier post, and tend to agree broadly with his points. DNA is one small piece of evidence, it really isn't going to help individual genealogists studying their own family history that much.
The main point here is that you have to know what question you wish DNA testing to answer. It's main uses for individuals (as I can see) are to:
1) establish paternity/maternity or perhaps even grand-paternity/grand-maternity where there are some confusions over this issue.
2) for people who know they are of mixed origins to suggest some distant ancestors, e.g. whether you may have native American ancestors - this really doesn't tell you very much though, other than you are x% likely to have ancestors who were from this or that 'ethnicity'.
The other usage for DNA techniques that is often cited is that people researching the same surname could evaluate whether they are from the same paternal ancestor - or in DNA terms, from the same 'progenitor Y chromosome'. ie if I'm researching the name CURLEY in Birmingham (which I am), I could test to see whether my Y chromosome is identical to some other CURLEY in Boston, Mass, for instance, and that may suggest whether we came from the same male CURLEY in Ireland before the potato famine.
If there is a match here, than that would suggest that i'm very very likely to be related at some point in recent history (though how many generations back is harder to know). However, if the Y chromosome does not match does this suggest to us that we are not related? Well, it probably means that we are not related to that same male ancestor. It does not mean that we were not related to that male ancestor's wife. For instance, it may just mean that at some point in the past that two CURLEY sons who were thought to have the same father and therefore got the same surname, may not have had the same father. Believe me that it is not that uncommon to observe this phenomenon in genetic studies.
Moreover, I also think this is where DNA research and family history differ somewhat. Even if the father stated in the baptismal entry or birth certificate of a particular male ancestor is not exact, should this mean we shouldn't follow his line backwards? Well, for most lines we presume that the father is the father and follow it back anyway, which I think is good - we are who we are as much (actually more) because of who brought us up as who are biological parents (who gave us our DNA) are.
In summary, think it has some uses, but these are in a few instances only. And, it is much better for individual family historians who are interested in researching their ancestors to use the traditional methods.
Hopefully, I have made some sort of sense here?
Dr James Curley
Post-doctoral fellow in behavioural biology, supported by the Leverhulme Trust.
Charles & Katherine Darwin Research Fellow, Darwin College.
New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 - Updated | 11/08/2006 |
California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1893-1957 - Updated | 11/08/2006 |
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s - Updated | 11/08/200 |
8. | Alfred Henry Watkins was born 13 AUG 1862 in Llanvair Kilgeddin, Monmouthshire AMW BB, was christened 2 NOV 1862 in St Mary's Llanfair Cilgedin, and died 2 JAN 1935 in late afternoon, Woodbank House, Bridge Street, Usk Mon. He was buried 5 JAN 1935 in St Mary's Churchyard, Usk. He was the son of 16. Thomas Watkins and 17. Margaret Bill. |
9. | Blanche Eveline Jones was born 5 JUN 1874 in Raglan, Monmouthshire (AHW BB 1874), and died 5 JUL 1953 in The Haven Monmouth Road Usk Monmouthshire ?July 5 1953. She was buried 5 JUL 1953 in St Mary's churchyard Usk. She was the daughter of 18. Edward Jones and 19. Mary Jones. | ||||||
Children of Blanche Eveline Jones and Alfred Henry Watkins are:
10. | Alfred Thomas Lapham was born 15 OCT 1872 in 15 Campbell Street Bristol BS2 8XE Clifton Dec 1872 6a 78 AMW BB "Daddy", and died 30 JUL 1961 in Sun 1830 Thornbury Hospital (Alison and Norah there) HBW. He was buried AFT 30 JUL 1961 in Grave 64 Dark Blue AB , Canford Cemetery, Westbury-On-Trym, Bristol. He was the son of 20. Alfred Lapham and 21. Fanny Bartley Ball. |
11. | Florence Caroline Evans was born 13 JUN 1877 in St Philips AMW BB RGO Bristol 6d 21 5 Merchant Street, and died 1 FEB 1956. She was buried in Grave 64 Dark Blue AB , Canford Cemetery, Westbury-On-Trym, Bristol. She was the daughter of 22. Philip Evans and 23. Elizabeth Walker. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Children of Florence Caroline Evans and Alfred Thomas Lapham are:
12. | Peter Kristian Kristoffersen was born 1 AUG 1893 in Toksværd, Hammer Herred, Præsto Amt, and died FEB 1959 in Køge Sygehuset. He was the son of 24. Hans Kristian Kristoffersen and 25. Maren Kirstine Kristoffersen. |
13. | Olga Marie Kirstine Strømsholt was born 29 OCT 1896 in Denmark, Lille Heddinge, Stevns, Præstø, Denmark, and died 1983 in Age 73. She was the daughter of 26. Jørgen (født Pedersen i 1911 købt) Strømsholt and 27. Bolette (Marie) Sofie Rasmussen. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Children of Olga Marie Kirstine Strømsholt and Peter Kristian Kristoffersen are:
14. | Hans Christian Thomsen was born 4 JAN 1898 in Øde Førslev Sjælland Denmark CPR-5301, and died 5 JUN 1993 in Møllebo Københavnsvej 3-5 4600 Køge. He was buried in Sognebeskrivelsesnummer 28. He was the son of 28. Thomas Peder Thomsen and 29. Thrine Elisabeth Hansen. |
15. | Edith Elisabeth Petersen was born 30 SEP 1903 in Det Kgl Fødselstiftelse, København CPR-0424 , Denmark, and died 11 NOV 1985 in Gymnasievej 87 st tv 4600 Køge. She was the daughter of 30. Johannes Rudolf Arthur Müller and 31. Elizabeth Elsinore Pedersen. | ||||||||||||||||||
Children of Edith Elisabeth Petersen and Hans Christian Thomsen are:
16. | Thomas Watkins was born 4 MAY 1821 in Abergavenny, and died 28 MAR 1879 in Highmead Farm. He was buried 2 APR 1879 in St Mary's Llanfair Kilgeddin Family Grave. He was the son of 32. Thomas Watkins and 33. Rebecca Watkins. |
17. | Margaret Bill was born BET 28 APR 1818 AND 1822 in AHW BB Llanarth Mon (1891 Census) 13 July Prayer Book, and died 11 MAR 1895 in Ty Mawr farm Pontypool 11a 124. She was buried 15 MAR 1895 in St Mary's Llanfair Kilgeddin Family Grave. She was the daughter of 34. Richard Bill and 35. Margaret James. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Child of Margaret Bill is:
Children of Margaret Bill and Thomas Watkins are:
18. | Edward Jones was born 3 JAN 1842 in Raglan, Monmouthshire, Wales, and died 18 JUL 1900 in Raglan, Monmouthshire, Wales. He was buried 21 JUL 1900 in St. Cadocs Raglan, Monmouthshire. He was the son of 36. John Jones and 37. Mary Holmes. |
19. | Mary Jones was born 1848 in Llanvair Kilgeddin, Monmouthshire, Wales, and died 12 MAY 1887 in Raglan, Monmouthshire, Wales. She was buried 18 MAY 1887 in St. Cadocs Raglan. She was the daughter of 38. John Jones and 39. Ann Holmes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Children of Mary Jones and Edward Jones are:
20. | Alfred Lapham was born 23 FEB 1843 in Bristol [Somerset sic 1871 census] AMW BB child hand Grandpa, was christened 26 MAR 1843 in IGI St Philips, Bristol, Gloucester, England source IGI, and died AFT 1901. He was the son of 40. Thomas Lapham and 41. Elizabeth Seymour. |
21. | Fanny Bartley Ball was born BET 1836 AND 1837 in Pitchcombe Nr Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, and died 30 OCT 1920 in Fanny B Balek IN 1851. She was the daughter of 42. Thomas Buckingham Ball and 43. Elizabeth Keene. | |||||||||
Children of Fanny Bartley Ball and Alfred Lapham are:
22. | Philip Evans was born ABT 1839 in St Philips Bristol, and died AFT 1901. He was the son of 44. Philip Evans and 45. Mary Dolling. |
23. | Elizabeth Walker was born ABT 1842 in St Philips Bristol. She was the daughter of 46. James Walker and 47. Eliza Stallard. | ||||||||||||
Children of Elizabeth Walker and Philip Evans are:
24. | Hans Kristian Kristoffersen. |
25. | Maren Kirstine Kristoffersen was born 19 AUG 1870 in Everdrup, Bårse, Præstø, Denmark. She was the daughter of 50. Peder Christoffersen and 51. Ane Marie Rasmusdatter. | |||
Child of Maren Kirstine Kristoffersen and Hans Kristian Kristoffersen is:
26. | Jørgen (født Pedersen i 1911 købt) Strømsholt was born 20 JUL 1869 in Varpelev, Stevns, Præstø, Denmark, and died 1957 in Store Heddinge Stevns Præstø (købt Strømsholt 23/12/1911 ). He was the son of 52. Niels Pedersen and 53. Karen Marie Hansdatter. |
27. | Bolette (Marie) Sofie Rasmussen was born 23 SEP 1874 in Atterup Overdrev, Øster Egede, Fakse, Præstø, Denmark, and died 8 OCT 1924 in Rigshospitalet København. She was buried 14 OCT 1924 in Assistens Kirkegaard. She was the daughter of 54. Niels Jørgen Rasmussen and 55. Ane Kirstine Pedersen. | ||||||||||||||||||
Children of Bolette (Marie) Sofie Rasmussen and Jørgen (født Pedersen i 1911 købt) Strømsholt are:
28. | Thomas Peder Thomsen was born 10 OCT 1873 in Øde Førslev. He was the son of 56. Hans Thomsen and 57. Ane Marie Johansen or Hansen. |
29. | Thrine Elisabeth Hansen was born 28 APR 1870 in Øde Førslev. She was the daughter of 58. Hans Rasmussen and 59. Ane Lisbeth Madsen. | ||||||||||||
Children of Thrine Elisabeth Hansen and Thomas Peder Thomsen are:
30. | Johannes Rudolf Arthur Müller was born 11 OCT 1887 in Dresden, , Germany step - parent. |
31. | Elizabeth Elsinore Pedersen was born 11 FEB 1883 in St. Matth. , Copenhagen, Denmark, and died 26 JUN 1964. She was the daughter of 62. Peter Christian Petersen and 63. Carolina Andreasdatter. | ||||||
Children of Elizabeth Elsinore Pedersen and Johannes Rudolf Arthur Müller are:
32. | Thomas Watkins was born ABT 1763 in of Abergavenny, and died 20 AUG 1837 in High Mead farm, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Monmouthshire, Wales. He was buried 24 AUG 1837 in St Mary's Llanfair Kilgeddin Family Grave MI age 74. He was the son of 64. Thomas Watkins and 65. Candida Evans or Phillips. |
33. | Rebecca Watkins was born ABT 1796, and died 6 MAY 1859 in Abergavenny. She was buried 8 MAY 1859 in St Mary's Llanfair Kilgeddin Family Grave MI age 73. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Children of Rebecca Watkins and Thomas Watkins are:
34. | Richard Bill was born ABT 1780 in of Long Barn, Llanarth, and died 4 MAR 1865 in Llanarth, Mon.. He was the son of 68. William Bill. |
35. | Margaret James was born ABT 1786, and died 23 JAN 1849 in Llanarth, Mon. She was the daughter of 70. - and 71. -. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Children of Margaret James and Richard Bill are:
36. | John Jones was born 1816 in Raglan, Monmouthshire, Wales, and died BET 1881 AND 1891 in Raglan, Monmouthshire. He was the son of 72. John Jones and 73. Elizabeth Walter. |
37. | Mary Holmes was born 1816 in Tregare, Monmouthshire, Wales. She was buried 27 NOV 1889 in St. Cadocs Raglan. She was the daughter of 74. Thomas Holmes and 75. Mary Prichard. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Children of Mary Holmes and John Jones are:
38. | John Jones was born ABT 1818 in Llanarth, Monmouthshire, Wales, and died 5 MAY 1882 in Raglan, Monmouthshire, Wales. He was the son of 76. William Jones. |
39. | Ann Holmes was born ABT 1817 in Tregare, Monmouthshire, Wales, and died 4 FEB 1886 in Raglan, Monmouthshire, Wales. She was the daughter of 78. Thomas Holmes and 79. Martha -. | ||||||||||||||||||
Children of Ann Holmes and John Jones are:
40. | Thomas Lapham was born ABT 1800 in not born in GLO county, and died JUN 1846 in Bristol 11 115. |
41. | Elizabeth Seymour was born ABT 1810 in not born in GLO county [1841] Cardiff [sic 1871] Carmarthen Wales, and died in Worked as court dressmaker ?? AT Lapham. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Children of Elizabeth Seymour and Thomas Lapham are:
42. | Thomas Buckingham Ball was born BET 1806 AND 1811 in See notes - otp St. Nicholas (with St. Leonard) Bristol, and died BEF 1851. |
43. | Elizabeth Keene was born ABT 1796 in Bet. 1806 - 1811 in 1841 Rodborough or Stroud, (or Stroudwater), marriage. | ||||||||||||
Children of Elizabeth Keene and Thomas Buckingham Ball are:
44. | Philip Evans was born 16 MAR 1798 in Swansea, and died AFT 1871. He was the son of 88. Philip Evan. |
45. | Mary Dolling was born BET 1798 AND 1803 in Swansea, and died BEF 1871. She was the daughter of 90. William Dolling and 91. Alice -. | ||||||||||||||||||
Children of Mary Dolling and Philip Evans are:
46. | James Walker was born in Scotland?. |
47. | Eliza Stallard was born in speculative. | |||
Child of Eliza Stallard and James Walker is:
50. | Peder Christoffersen was born 5 APR 1847 in Everdrup. He was the son of 100. Kristoffer Kristensen and 101. Maren Sørensdatter. |
51. | Ane Marie Rasmusdatter was born 14 FEB 1850 in Everdrup. She was the daughter of 102. Rasmus Olsen and 103. Bodil Rasmusdatter. | |||
Child of Ane Marie Rasmusdatter and Peder Christoffersen is:
52. | Niels Pedersen was born 1826 in Strøby, Stevns, Præstø, Denmark. He was the son of 104. Peder Hansen. |
53. | Karen Marie Hansdatter was born 1832 in Varpelev, Stevns, Præstø, Denmark. She was the daughter of 106. Hans Frederiksen and 107. Karen Jensdatter. | ||||||||||||||||||
Children of Karen Marie Hansdatter and Niels Pedersen are:
54. | Niels Jørgen Rasmussen was born ABT 1834 in Dalby, Sønder Dalby, Fakse, Præstø, Denmark, and died 4 SEP 1899. He was buried 11 SEP 1899 in Øster Egede Kirkegård. He was the son of 108. Rasmus Madsen and 109. Karen Hansdatter. |
55. | Ane Kirstine Pedersen was born 10 NOV 1838 in Øster Egede, Fakse, Præstø, Denmark. She was the daughter of 110. Peder Henriksen and 111. Marie Bendtsdatter. | ||||||||||||||||||
Children of Ane Kirstine Pedersen and Niels Jørgen Rasmussen are:
56. | Hans Thomsen. He was the son of 112. Hans Thomsen. |
57. | Ane Marie Johansen or Hansen was born ABT 1846. | ||||||||||||
Children of Ane Marie Johansen or Hansen and Hans Thomsen are:
58. | Hans Rasmussen. |
59. | Ane Lisbeth Madsen was born ABT 1839. | |||
Child of Ane Lisbeth Madsen and Hans Rasmussen is:
62. | Peter Christian Petersen was born 28 FEB 1857 in Helsingør, , Denmark, and died 18 OCT 1882. He was the son of 124. Hans Chr. Petersen and 125. Birgitte Henriksen. |
63. | Carolina Andreasdatter was born 21 OCT 1851 in Sweden, and died 2 JUL 1923. |