Thursday, February 07, 2008

slaves in Denmark up to 1859

Uærlige slaver - dk.videnskab.historie.genealogi | Google Groups:

"Spørgsmålet om ærlige / uærlige fanger (=slaver) gik jo ikke på, om de
var troværdige eller ej - men derimod på om de havde deres ære i behold,
eller om de havde miste den.

De uærlige slaver blev holdt under meget stramme vilkår, gik med
fodlænker, gik i bestemte let genkendelige dragter, sad i de værste
fangeceller osv. Og de sad altid på livstid, og det i ordets
bogstaveligste forstand.

De ærlige slaver blev behandlet (efter datidens forhold) en del bedre,
havde bla. mulighed for at arbejde ude i byen under afsoningen, og som
det væsentlige - de havde deres ære i behold, og kunne altså efter en
evt. løsladelse vende tilbage til det civile liv.

Når en uærlig slave får æresoprejsning betyder det altså, at han får sin
ære igen - bliver rykket op i gruppen af ærlige slaver."
. . . .

Uærlig slave betød, at den pågældende havde været i bødelhænder.
Typisk piskning, knibning med glødende tænger etc.
De var i et og alt æresløse.

I 1859 var begrebet slave indenfor strafferetten afskaffet til fordel
for de ny straffeformer tugthus og forbedringshus.

Hvis man havde været i bødelhænder var man uærlig.

Tænk på kagstrygning af "liderlige fruentimmere".
Disse kvinde kunne ikke få arbejde, da ingen ville arbejde sammen
med dem. Dette var jo temmelig upraktisk, da man så skulle forsørge
dem i fattigvæsenet og straffen blev ændret til tugthus.

an explantion of the occupation SLAVE when it appears in danish census

SOG London

Frontis - The Archive Publishing System: "The Society of Genealogists Sign with Frontis

Frontis is excited to announce that The Society of Genealogists in London have signed an agreement to publish their archives on the internet using the Frontis system. More details to Follow soon

Frontis™ allows you to classify and publish transcribed and digitised sources, images and multimedia which are then available for users to browse or search on the internet or on intranets. Frontis is unique in being able to perform intelligent searches on the structured data sets allowing internal and external users to retrieve the information which is relevant to them in a fast, efficient manner"

Frontis Archive Publishing System - Google Search

The Society of Genealogists have recently entered into an agreement
with Frontis Ltd, the supplier of the Frontis Archive Publishing
System that will allow the Society to publish for the first time, on
its own website, transcribed records, digitised documents, facsimiles
of books and other material held in our library. This data will
appear in an exclusive "members only" section of the website, thus
giving Society members even greater access to the library and its records.

Our Chairman says that this is a big step forward for the Society, a
significant number of our members are from overseas, and within the
UK, live some distance from our library and are thus unable to visit
the library as often as they would like. We can now begin to make
records available to them via the internet and the first of these
should appear shortly. Our members have been asking us to publish
more of our material exclusively for them and we are now in a
position to do this.

The Society will still be making records available on both the
Origins and FindMyPast websites as we have to generate income to
enable the Society to expand the services that we wish to provide to
members, and to allow the Library to acquire even more records.
Record offices and other libraries often wish to dispose of material
that is not directly related to their activities, but these can be of
great value to the family historian and when these are offered to the
Society we feel in a number of instances that we should save
them. This takes up a lot of time and requires funding.

Society of Genealogists - Home Page

Their library is the largest genealogical collection in the UK with collections of family histories, civil registration and census material, parish register ...

World Genealogy

$WorldVitalRecords Blog » Launches World Genealogy Collection: A Billion Names From 33 Countries Coming Online: "PROVO, UT, February 4, 2008 — (a service of, Inc.) released today its flagship product, the World Collection, an online genealogy database containing more than 1.5 billion names from 35 countries.’s World Collection launch includes significant collections from countries such as: England, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland, Scotland, Hungary, and Portugal.

“All over the world there are wonderful people who are digitizing and preserving historic records,” said Paul Allen, CEO,, Inc. “During the past year we have traveled and met with these content providers from more than a dozen countries. We are pleased today to announce that many of them have chosen to let us distribute their genealogical databases on the Internet.”

More than 20 companies have partnered with to make this new collection possible. They include Find My Past, Genealogical Publishing Company, Archive CD Books Australia, British Origins, Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild, Archive CD Books Canada, Eneclann, Quintin Publications, Gould Genealogy, Familias Argentinas, Godfrey Memorial Library, and Moravian Heritage Society."


The Free For All - The Roots of All Racism: "Racism in its most virulent and violent form relies in part on an obsession with bloodlines. Think of the 1935 Nuremberg laws that codified the de-naturalization and de-humanization of Jews, in the interests of maintaining “the purity of the German blood,” which was “the basis for survival of the German people.” These laws “for the protection of German blood and German honor,” included prohibitions on marriage or extra-marital sex between Jews and “citizens of German or related blood.” Jews were defined according to their bloodlines and included anyone with 3 or 4 Jewish grandparents.

You’d be hard-pressed to find any sane person today willing to defend the Nazi’s belief in racial purity and the importance of bloodlines, but it’s easy to find people who seek pride in their own distant ancestry. The American genealogy industry is thriving, measuring racial purity with an exactitude of which Nazi’s could only dream. In a country originally defined partly by its opposition to inherited nobility, people are so invested in tracing their family trees that they surrender their DNA to private for-profit testing companies as thoughtlessly as they give up their social security numbers for department store charge cards."

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ireland Census

Ireland Census Records - Free links to Irish census records online:
"Ireland Census Finder is a tool designed to help you find sites which offer free Irish census records online."

National Archives: Census of Ireland 1911

The household returns and ancillary records for the censuses of Ireland of 1901 and 1911, which are in the custody of the National Archives of Ireland, represent an extremely valuable part of the Irish national heritage. Read more about their digitisation.

Coimeádann An Chartlann Náisiúnta: "go leor taifead éagsúil, a bhfuil baint ag cuid mhór acu le ginealas na hÉireann agus leis an stair áitiúil."

National Archives of Ireland home page : "The National Archives holds a wide variety of records, many of which are relevant to Irish genealogy and local history."

from Ireland to Cananda

Introduction - The Shamrock and the Maple Leaf - Library and Archives Canada: "Welcome to The Shamrock and the Maple Leaf, an exhibition of Irish-Canadian documentary heritage held by Library and Archives Canada. Here you will discover photographs, letters, books, music and other evidence of Ireland's vital influence on Canadian history and culture."

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

ScotlandsPeople new modern vital records online

ScotlandsPeople: - "Statutory Registers

» Births 1855-2006
» Marriages 1855-1932
» Deaths 1855-2006"

the modern day indexes - NOT IMAGES -
of births (1908 to 2006) and deaths (1958 to 2006) are now available,
and corresponding extracts can be ordered.

Monday, February 04, 2008

new remote storage for Danish National Archives

Nye magasiner til Rigsarkivet og Landsarkivet for Sjælland

370 hyldekilometer / 370 shelf -kilometers with stae of the art computer controlled truck reaching up to 12 meter high shelf systems
Press Release with map - Rigsarkivet sikrer statens første OPP-kontrakt

OPP Pihl Arkivet A/S - Google-søgning
OPP = Offentlig-Privat Partnerskab - Public / State with a Private Company Partnership which is a new way of financing public projects in Denmark
OPP site:dk - Google-søgning

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Canada census 1851 1852 1901 1906 1911

Automated Genealogy: " hosts several projects to index Canadian censuses.

Over the last several years Library and Archives Canada has digitized their microfilms of the original census forms for several of the Canadian censuses and Automated Genealogy has organized volunteers to produce indices to the people enumerated in these censuses.
Each project uses simple web forms to allow volunteers to transcribe census data from the images into a database, with the entered data being immediately available on the site. Following transcription further volunteers proofread and make corrections.
Anyone with an internet connection can participate as a transcriber, proofreader, or just by submitting corrections as they use the site. The status of each census project varies depending on how long it has been active. There is a link to the LAC image of the original census page at the top of each transcribed census page."

Linking Projects

An interesting feature of the site is the ability to link various records associated with a person together. This is done through the Link Centre. Projects are underway to link records from several sources as well as between the censuses. If this project were to be fully realized a researcher would be able to look up any person in Canada (from the era that census data is publicly accessible for) and find all the person's census records, birth, marriage, and death records, as well as photographs, newspaper stories, and other online data. It is a very ambitious project but many hands make light work and we have already linked over one million records! Help us put together the pieces of our shared genealogical puzzle by linking records for people you have researched!

The linking projects include:

Saturday, February 02, 2008

New FamilySearch and the development of Web Services

Utah Valley PAF Users Group - Press Releases: UVPAFUG Monthly Meeting - 9 Feb 2008:

"The main presentation will be by Gordon J. Clarke on

This will be a discussion of how FamilySearch has made it possible for many existing and new software products to work in conjunction with New FamilySearch through the development of Web Services. Web services is the way that web and desktop applications can communicate with an online service such as new FamilySearch. Desktop applications can work online or offline and synchronize, as desired. Learn what type of products and tools are becoming available. Discover when and why to use various compatible web or desktop products according to individual needs, purposes, and abilities.

Gordon Clarke joined the Family and Church History Member Needs team over 2 years ago. He is coordinating Developer Services and Affiliate Marketing in addition to his product management responsibility for the FamilySearch Web Services. Previously Gordon was the founder and president of ici MEDIA. Over the last 25 years Gordon has organized and lead numerous companies and projects, creating and delivering Internet, desktop computer, audio/video, and enterprise solutions for many different industries."

"new familysearch" - Google Search

Friday, February 01, 2008

Voters lists USA

Family history: Ancestry Uncovers California’s Political Persuasions With More Than 30 Million Names in Voter Registration Lists, 1900-1944: "PROVO, UTAH January 31, 2008, the largest online resource for family history, today announced the launch of California Voter Registration Lists documenting more than 30 million names of Californians who registered to vote between 1900 and 1944. The collection, now searchable for the first time online, comes just prior to Super Tuesday, one of the most significant milestones in the 2008 race to the White House.

The unique collection reveals the political persuasions of California residents including famous celebrities who registered to vote during the first half of the 1900s. The collection also documents the voters name, occupation, gender, age, street address, voting district, and city and county of residence. Many of the earliest voter registrations include detailed physical descriptions of the register and even naturalization information. Because the lists were updated every two years, the collection enables users to track their ancestors through time and serves as a valuable replacement for census records since California did not take state censuses."

Census records for England and Wales

Census records for 1841, 1861, 1871, 1891 censuses – "The census, taken every ten years since 1841, provides a perfect snapshot of a day in the life of your ancestors. View the original images and benefit from the most full and accurate transcriptions online.

We are currently working to complete our collection of censuses and will keep updating customers as soon as new records are added.

It’s free to search but to view the original images requires you to be a paying member."

Ten more counties have now been added to the 1871 census of England and Wales on - these are Cambridgeshire,Cheshire, Derbyshire, Durham, Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire and Oxfordshire. There are now 34 complete counties online at, equating to 90% of the population surveyed in this census. It is expected that the remaining 25 counties will be added later this month as part of's mission to offer a full set of England and Wales censuses online by the end of 2008.